
14.Yang Yang was a native of Liaoning Province.When he was in Grade Two,his(31)Agot worse.Later he was found to have(32)Csick changes to his retina (视网膜).At 15,he had to(33)Dschool because of his injured eyes.
"Though I(34)Bmy eyesight,I wanted very much to read and study,even if just for(35)B,"Yang says."My parents(36)Cmy eyes.They have read to me since my childhood."
Yang(37)Athe national college entrance exam and entered the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine,where he(38)Dacupuncture (针灸).In 1999,Yang graduated from college and decided to go on for(39)Deducation.
Later Yang bought a special software (软件) which helped him to(40)Athe Internet and send e-mails.With the software,Yang hoped to(41)Ca postgraduate (研究生) degree.But he found that no Chinese(42)Boffered such degrees specifically for sight-injured people.As the first step toward getting a post-graduate(43)Dfrom a foreign university,Yang decided to take the TOEFL for the blind.
After(44)AEnglish through computers,Yang took the test in Hong Kong,(45)Ba mark of 97 out of 120.After taking part in video interviews and(46)Cthe necessary forms and papers,Yang was(47)Ato the University of Southern California.
"Studying can help me(48)Dmy life.One can change one's life through effort.I(49)Abelieve that with effort,a child can draw a(50)B world if you give him a pen and paper,"Yang says.

36.A.cared forB.looked afterC.acted asD.kept off
46.A.looking throughB.putting upC.handing inD.carrying on

分析 大连男孩阳阳在两岁时视力开始下降,后来查出他的视网膜出现了病变.在15岁时,阳阳不得不辍学在家.阳阳酷爱学习,于是爸爸妈妈就读书给他听.阳阳参加高考并考上了长春大学,毕业以后,阳阳想继续学习,通过自己的努力,阳阳得到了读研究生的机会.

31.A.考查名词辨析.sick changes to his retina…his injured eyes"可知,阳阳的视网膜出现了病变,说明他在二年级时,视力开始下降,故选A.
32.C.考查动词辨析. Later he was found to have    sick changes to his retina后来查出阳阳的视网膜出现了病变,suffer遭受(疾病、痛苦),故选C.
33.D.考察动词辨析.At 15,he had to    school because of his injured eyes.由于眼睛的问题,阳阳十五岁时不得不辍学,leave school辍学,故选D.
34.B.考察动词辨析.Though I    my eyesight,I wanted very much to read and study尽管没有了视力,但是我非常想读书和学习,根据下一句可知,父母读书给他听,说明他看不见了,故选B.
35.B.考查名词辨析.I wanted very much to read and study,even if just for,阳阳非常想看书和学习,即使只是为了获得乐趣,for fun为了乐趣,故选B.
36.C.考察短语辨析.They have read to me since my childhood."可知,阳阳的父母给他读书听,说明他们充当了阳阳的眼睛,故选C.
37.A.考察动词辨析.entered the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine"可知,阳阳通过了高考,故选A.
38.D.考察动词辨析.where he    acupuncture 阳阳在长春大学中医学院学习针灸,故选D.
39.D.考察形容词辨析.Yang graduated from college and decided to go on for    education阳阳毕业后决定继续学习深造,further在此指"在程度上更进一步",故选D.
41.C.考察动词辨析.Yang hoped to    a postgraduate (研究生) degree阳阳希望获得研究生学位,故选C.
42.B.考察名词辨析.But he found that no Chinese    offered such degrees但是阳阳发现在中国没有大学为视力损伤的人提供这样的学位,故选B.
43.D.考察名词辨析.a postgraduate (研究生) degree"可知,阳阳向着研究生学位迈进了一步,故选D.
44.A.考察动词辨析.After    English through computers,通过电脑学习了英语之后,故选A.
45.B.考察动词辨析.根据a mark of 97 out of 120阳阳在香港参加托福考试,获得97的高分,故选B.
46.C.考察短语辨析.the necessary forms and papers这里指提交相关的表格和研究论文,故选C.
47.A.考察动词辨析.Yang was    to the University of Southern California阳阳被南加利福尼亚大学录取,be admitted to…被录取到某大学,故选A.
48.D.考察动词辨析.Studying can help me    my life.学习能够帮助我提高生活(质量),故选D.
49.A.考察副词辨析.I    believe that with effort阳阳坚信通过努力,…,firmly believe坚信,深信,故选A.
50.B.考察形容词辨析.根据with effort,a child can draw a     world通过努力,孩子能够描绘出一个美丽的世界,故选B.

点评 考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断.

2.A man wanted to become wealthy.He was told a story one day that there was a (31)C pebble (鹅卵石)among the pebbles on the beach of the Black Sea.It could turn everything it touched into(32)A.This pebble could be (33)Donly by touching it:unlike the other pebbles it was (34)Awhen touched.The man rushed to the beach of the Black Sea and began to (35)Bthe pebble.
(36)C he picked up a pebble that felt cold,he threw it into the sea.He (37)C this practice day after day.Each pebble that felt cold was (38)D thrown into the sea.
One morning,he(39)B  to take hold of a pebble that felt warm,unlike the other (40)C.The man threw the pebble into the sea.He hadn't(41)C to,but he had formed a habit.Habits can be hard to (42)B.
In fact,if we repeat any behaviour (43)A enough,it becomes a habit.But some habits can work in our favour,such as (44)C  attitudes and healthy ways of life.Our habitual attitudes and behaviour can either (45)B us or hinder(阻碍) us.
Is there behaviour or an attitude you would like to make into a(46)D?Then reinforce (强化) it by (47)A it at every opportunity.
When it comes to habits,(48)Dmay not make perfect.But practice will certainly form (49)C behaviour.Your habits will form who you are.So form the habits that are (50)B to you and let them mold (塑造) you into the person you want to be.

35.A.look intoB.search forC.makeD.study
9.When my son,Justin,was four,he found a caterpillar (毛虫) and put it in a jar(罐子).Each day he fed it with fresh grass and leaves.In a few weeks we discovered it (41)Bitself in a cocoon (茧).
Justin was excited.He knew a moth (蛾) or butterfly was about to be(42)A,but he didn't know what kind.He was (43)Dto know what gift nature was about to give him.
"Dad!"shouted the boy while running to me one day."Something's (44)B.Come see!"
He led me to his room.The cocoon had become half transparent(半透明的) and we could (45)Athe wings of the unborn.Soon,a moth broke free from the cocoon,and laid eggs completing the life(46)Cof the little caterpillar.
The next day,I convinced Justin it was time to set the moth free.He took it(47)D,opened the jar,and the little moth flew out.It(48)Cthe yard twice,came back,and landed on Justin's arm.He picked it up,tossed it in the air,and the moth repeated its(49)Apattern.He tried over and over,but each time it would(50)Dto his arm.
Justin(51)B.He put his little pet back to the jar.The next day he attempted to set it free again,and after a few repetitions of the same behavior,the moth(52)Cflew off into the grass.
Like a (53)A,I believe the moth was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with.It wanted to stay with something (54)D,scared to move on and experience something unknown.
I was once that little moth.My cocoon was my mother's(55)A,in which I was comfortable.Like the moth,I didn't want to fly too far away from it.I was (56)Cwhen my first job required me to move to a new city.What would I find there?I liked (57)BI was.
Humans are creatures of (58)C.We resist change.However,if I hadn't moved,I would not have experienced many(59)Band wonderful things or met many of my friends.So each move gave me the(60)Dto learn and experience,but best of all,I met friends.

51.A.kept upB.gave upC.looked upD.turned up
6.Ice Hotel Quebec,located 30 minutes west of Downtown Quebec City,Canada,is only open during the winter season.The hotel is made entirely of ice.The two galleries at the Ice Hotel Quebec feature events such as ice painting and ice sculpture(冰雕) competitions.
Things to Do
Guests have a choice of different winter vacation activities,including crosscountry skiing,ice skating,dog sledding (狗拉雪橇),ice fishing and sliding(滑行).Ice Hotel Quebec has a sauna( 桑拿浴),so remember to pack your bathing suit.
Rooms & Suites(套房)
The hotel offers 18 rooms and 14 theme suites built from 12,000 tons of snow and 400 tons of ice.The walls at Ice Hotel Quebec are four feet thick and allow the hotel to keep a temperature of-2℃to-5℃.
The furniture at the hotel is made of snow and ice,including the beds.The beds are equipped with a thick faom mattress(泡沫床垫)and an extra thick sleeping bag.That is enough to prevent you from catching a cold.
Vacation Tip
Ice Hotel Quebec offers 30minute guided public tours daily from 10?30am to 4:30pm.It costs 15 CAD for adults,7.5 for children (under eight),13 for students/seniors (above sixty),and 42 for families.
Plan This Vacation
Ice Hotel QuebecCanada will be open for its sixth season from January 5th to April 1st.Costs for overnight stays start at $199 CAD per person.
If you're looking for something really different to do on your next trip,think creatively and plan to visit the truly unusual Ice Hotel Quebec!
13.If you visit the Ice Hotel,you can enjoy the following EXCEPTA.
A.holding an ice party                
B.going fishing 
C.going skating                  
D.appreciating ice sculptures   
14.Sleeping is not a problem in the Ice Hotel becauseD.
A.the walls are four feet thick
B.the rooms are made of ice        
C.the temperature is as high as-2℃
D.the sleeping bags are warm      
15.If Mr.Smith attends a 30minute public tour with his wife and sevenyearold twin sons,he should pay at leastD.
A.199 CAD                        
B.37.5 CAD 
C.45 CAD                          
D.42 CAD.
3.There is a change in the air at the tea factory in Thika,Kenya.It is free of the dark smoke that rises from the boilers(锅炉) of Kenya's other tea factories.
Makomboki Company has begun to use a less costly and more environmentally friendly fuel.Instead of burning wood,the tea maker is burning briquettes(煤球) made of animal material waste and something else,The Kenya Tea Development Authority supervises(治理) Kenya's 66 tea factories.Makomboki is the only one that does not use firewood in tea production.The factory is deep in central Kenya's hilly and fertile tea-growing Muranga County.The employees feed the factory's boilers with briquettes of plants and rice husks-the dry outer covering of the seeds
-mixed with sawdust(锯屑).John Gitau,manager at the factory,expressed excitement about their change in fuels.They haven't used a single cubic meter of firewood in the last six months.
In 2010,the International Trade Center started a training project.It aimed to teach Kenyan tea makers new production methods to help limit the release of climate change gases.Since then,Makomboki Company has increased its use of optional fuels and stopped depending on firewood.Taylors of Harrogate is a Makomboki customer.The British tea and coffee company helped the Kenyan factory change fuels.It connected Makomboki with the Living Earth Foundation.The non-governmental group donated the machines to make the briquettes.The husks for the briquettes come from otherfactories within Muranga and Kiambu counties.The sawdust comes from factories near the tea factory.
John Gitau said it takes the factory six months to produce about 2.5 million kilograms of tea.During that time,their boilers would use up to 10,000 cubic meters of wood-or about 30,000 trees worth.Furthermore,the factory used to spend 542,000ayearonfirewood.Now,theintroductionofbriquetteshascuttheenergybillto295,600.
John Gitau said representatives from other factories have visited Malomboli to learn more about the optional fuel.He hopes more factories will follow his company's lead in 2016.
28.Malomboki use optional fuels mainly forD.
A.economic benefits           
B.quality of the products
C.the foreign assistance          
D.environmental protection
29.Malomboki Company might not have changed its fuel ifD.
A.it hadn't enough money for it         
B.Taylors hadn't helped it   
C.Harrogate hadn't offered it machines               
D.it were not located in Muranga county
30.What do the factories mentioned in Para.3 probably do?A
A.They have fuel processing        
B.They have rice processing
C.They have wood processing   
D.They carry out tea production
31.Which of the following is NOT true?A
A.There are only 66 tea factories in Kenya and they are all environmentally friendly factories
B.Now Makomboki has saved 246,000 dollars on energy a year
C.John thinks highly of the briquettes as an environmentally friendly fuel in tea production  
D.Makomboki is a tea factory that doesn't use firewood to produce tea.
4.What does it mean to cry over a book?"I'm a reader who did not weep,"Ruth Graham,a well-known critic,wrote."Does this make me heartless?Or does it make me a grown-up?"
    Tears have played a surprisingly important part in the history of the novel.Readers have always asked about the role that emotion plays in reading:What does it mean to be deeply moved by a book?Which books are worthy objects of our feelings?
    In different times,people answered those questions in different ways.In the early eighteenth century,when the novel was still a new form,crying was a sign of readers'virtue."Sentimental"novels,full of touching scenes,gave readers an occasion to exercise their"finer feelings."Your tear proved that you were likely to feel the suffering of others.
    At that time,sentimental novels were hugely popular,but also easy to attack.Tears,after all,had no necessary connection to actual virtue,and they could be not true  As the critic John Mullan points out,by the end of the eighteenth century,the word"sentimental"had acquired a new meaning-"addicted to low emotion"-bringing it closer to the meaning that it has for us today.
    In the nineteenth century,the meaning of tears evolved in two different directions.Some writers sought to waken"higher"feelings in their readers:Victorian sentimentalists wrote touching scenes in an effort to inspire social and political reform.However,the"sensation"novel,a different type of Victorian best-seller,showed that tears could be enjoyable in themselves.Sensation novels were the leaders of the modern thriller and mystery.Heavy on secrets,and madness,they were known for creating physical"sensations"in their readers-trembling,a fast beating heart,and tears.But these were tears without moral purpose or effect.
    Today's debate about crying while reading looks back on all of this history.The debate,in fact,is about why books matter to us,and what reading is"for."Talking about what makes us cry is a way of talking about ourselves.
32.What was people's attitude towards crying over novels in the early 18th century?B
33.From the passage we can know that"sensation"novelsC.
A.aimed for social and political reform        
B.helped understand others'suffering
C.consisted of many touching scenes
D.tended to amuse the readers
34.The author presents this text mainlyC.
A.by providing examples                
B.by making comparisons 
C.by following the order of time           
D.by following the order of importance
35.What's the best title for the text?B
A.Sentimental novels & sensation novels
B.Crying while reading through centuries         
C.The history of the novel 
D.Why books matter to us.

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