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I still remember how I learned to ride a bike. At first, I was unable to control it direction. Sometimes I fell to right or to the left. I was anxious to ask my father why I could ride straight, but he didn't answer me direct. Instead, he take me to the side of the street. ¡°Can you find any bike track what is always straight? ¡± asked my father. I watched more carefully and shook my head. ¡°Neither of the tracks is always straight. But just by correct the direction every now and then, we have already gone backward.¡± he said.


















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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Your colleague¡¯s sharp comment keeps replaying in your mind.Two of your students are trapped in a¡±he said/she said¡±battle.When you reflect on your emotional reactions,you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings,which can make you feel even worse.If so,the answer may lie in a skill called¡±self-distancing¡±,the ability to take a step back and view yourself more objectively.According to a research,when people adopt self-distancing while discussing a difficult event,they make better sense of their reactions,experience less emotional suffering,and display fewer signs of stress.

But what might self-distancing look like in action? Consider a typical¡±he said/she said¡±student conflict where they are each focusing on their own feelings.One is thinking,¡®¡®I can't believe he did that to me¡±And another insists.¡±She really hurt my feelings¡±However,if you ask them to take the self-distancing,they might step outside of themselves and ask broader questions:¡±Why was he so hurt in this situation?¡±or¡±How did her anger affect him?¡±

Although this approach may sound too simple to be effective,studies indicate that a change in point of view can have a powerful effect on the way people think,feel,and behave. Here are several different techniques you can try.

First,consider how a thoughtful friend might respond after quietly observing their situation.Besides,avoid using the pronoun¡±I¡±.Focus on using third-person pronouns,he,she,they,and they were able to see the stressful event as challenging rather than threatening.Finally,ask yourself,¡±How would I feel about this one week from now or ten years from now?¡±This form of mental time travel may be effective because our attention is directed away from our immediate,concrete circumstances.

¡¾1¡¿What is self-distancing?

A.Getting stuck in negative emotions.

B.A stressful situation.

C.A study on relieving emotional stress.

D.Reflecting on yourself objectively.

¡¾2¡¿Which of the following statement uses the techniques of self-distancing?

A.I¡¯m angry with him.

B.How did these two people get to this point?

C.How I wish I could go back to the past!

D.He grabbed my notes£¬and then£¬and then¡­

¡¾3¡¿What is the best title for the passage?

A.Why Self-distancing Matters

B.The Disadvantages of Self-distancing

C.Breaking the Cycle of Negative Reflection

D.Ways to Reflect on Emotional Reactions

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film released on July 26th, sweeps the Chinese box office.¡¾1¡¿Please read more to find out.


Although Ne Zha¡¯s appearance in this film first makes a strange impression on audience, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining.

The creative adaptation is not limited to Ne Zha¡¯s appearance.¡¾3¡¿ Yang Yu, Ne Zha¡¯s director, characterizes the role as a rebellious youth who tries his best to fight against prejudice and change his fate. Born as a ball of flesh, Ne Zha is hated, but he believes he can choose to be a monster or a god.

So this fresh reproduction of the ancient legendary figure pulls at the hearts of the young for they can see themselves in Ne Zha.

Contemporary values

The fact that the film can touch the audience comes down to the contemporary values presented in the film.

Ne Zha¡¯s fight against prejudice mentioned above is the major value advocated by the film. Meanwhile his parents¡¯ parenting style is another aspect.¡¾4¡¿ The importance of parents¡¯ company during children¡¯s growth is also discussed in the film through Ne Zha¡¯s mother.

Fine production

In addition to the rich content, Ne Zha¡¯s fine production, is another aspect that makes Chinese cartoon lovers proud. ¡¾5¡¿ As the most complex animated production ever made in China, Ne Zha has 1,318 special effects shots. To realize the film¡¯s fairy tale setting, more than 1,600 people worked around the clock for three years.

Rich content, correct values and spectacular production. Cartoon fans cheered as they have every reason to be proud of Ne Zha.

A.Creative adaptation

B.Household legendary figure

C.Why does Ne Zha make such a huge success?

D.It makes people think about this question again.

E.It took the director two years to polish the script.

F.People can also see a major change in his character.

G.Many people consider it inspiring for contemporary parents.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
