10£®Long£¬long ago there was a very foolish thief£®Do you know what he did one day£¿When he wanted to steal£¨Íµ£© the bell on his neighbor's door£¬he walked up to the door£¬took hold of£¨×¥×¡£© the bell and pulled hard£®The bell made a very loud noise£®The thief was afraid and went home£®Then he sat down to think£¬"I must do something about the noise£¬"he said£®He thought and thought£®At last he had an idea£®"Ah£¬I'll put some cotton in my ears£®Then I won't be able to hear the noise£®"The next day he went to the door of his neighbor£¬and took hold of the bell£®This time he pulled even harder£®The bell rang loudly£¬but the thief did not hear anything£®With another hard pull he got the bell out£®Just then the neighbor came running out£®
"Steal my bell£¿I'll teach you a lesson £¨½Ìѵ£©£¬"the angry man shouted£®And he hit the thief on the nose£®
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell£®"Why did he come out just then£¿"he wondered £¨¸Ðµ½Òɻ󣩣®
60£®The thief was trying to getB£®
A£®his neighbor B£®his neighbor's doorbell
C£®some cotton D£®a door with a bell on it
61£®The thief put some cotton in his ears£®He thought it would beA for him to steal the doorbell£®
A£®safe B£®difficult
C£®dangerous D£®easy
62£®The neighbor ran out probably£¨ºÜ¿ÉÄÜ£© becauseD
A£®he knew his doorbell was being stolen
B£®he thought someone was eager £¨¿ÊÍûµÄ£© to visit him
C£®he realized £¨Òâʶµ½£© something strange happened
D£®Both B and C
63£®The neighbor hit the thief toB£®
A£®give him lessons
B£®punish £¨³Í·££© him for stealing
C£®help him with the bell
D£®be his teacher£®
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½â´ð 60£®B£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÖеÄWhen he wanted to steal£¨Íµ£© the bell on his neighbour's door£¬¿ÉÅжÏÑ¡B£®
61£®A£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÖеÄWhen he wanted to steal£¨Íµ£© the bell on his neighbour's doorÒÔ¼°ÔÚÎÄÕµÄ×îºó£¬ÕâλС͵»¹ÔÚÒÉ»ó£¬ËµÃ÷ËûÈÏΪÎæס×Ô¼ºµÄ¶ú¶ä£¬±ðÈ˾ÍÌý²»¼ûÁåÉùÁË£¬ËùÒÔÊÇ°²È«µÄ£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
63£®B£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÁÚ¾Ó˵µÄ"Steal my bell£¿I'll teach you a lesson £¨½Ìѵ£©£¬"the angry man shouted£®¿ÉÖªÁÚ¾Ó´òС͵ÊÇΪÁ˳ͷ£Ëû£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
µãÆÀ ¿¼²ìѧÉúµÄϸ½ÚÀí½âºÍÍÆÀíÅжÏÄÜÁ¦£¬×öϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâʱһ¶¨ÒªÕÒµ½ÎÄÕÂÖеÄԾ䣬ºÍÌâ¸É½øÐбȽϣ¬ÔÙ×ö³öÕýÈ·µÄÑ¡Ôñ£®ÔÚ×öÍÆÀíÅжÏÌâ²»ÒªÒÔ¸öÈ˵ÄÖ÷¹ÛÏëÏó´úÌæÎÄÕµÄÊÂʵ£¬Òª¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÊÂʵ½øÐкϺõÂß¼µÄÍÆÀíÅжϣ®

A£® | power | B£® | energy | C£® | strength | D£® | force |