

【1】In America, a campaign ___________________to encourage children to sacrifice 30 minutes of online time a day to head for the great outdoors. (launch)


2The teacher still loves his students so much, ____________________ in study. (whatever)


3This magazine is ___________________ as the one you borrowed from the library.(thick)


4With___________________well, now he finds it more fluent to carry on with his work. (organize)


5_____________________________ ought to turn off the lights, which is the rule all of us know. (whoever)

最后离开教室的人应该把灯关掉, 这是我们都知道的规则。

6Seldom _________________ video games ever since they entered college. (play)


7I try to understand ____________________that prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might expect. (it)


8The typical cases____________________ will be introduced to readers to warn them of potential risks. (cheat)


9It’s required ___________________ the rules of the library and mind their manners . (observe)


【10At the class reunion, they talked about the things and the teachers _____________________. (remember)



【1】is being launched

【2】whatever mistakes they have made

【3】four times as thick

【4】those (the) materials organized

【5】Whoever leaves the classroom last

【6】have they played

【7】what it is

【8】where customers are cheated

【9】(that) readers (should) observe

【10】(that) they still remembered



【1】is being launched 固定搭配:发起运动launch a campaign;本句是一个现在进行时,主语是a campaign,所以使用现在进行时的被动语态。

【2】whatever mistakes they have made 本句是一个whatever引导的让步状语从句,whatever通常对名词进行说明,所以mistakes要跟在whatever的后面。相当于no matter what mistakes。

【3】four times as thick 本句是倍数表达法:A is +倍数+as+原级+as B;表示A是B的几倍。

【4】those (the) materials organized 本句查看的是with的复合结构。with复合结构在语法功能上相当于状语从句,其基本结构为:with+宾语+宾语补足语;宾语补足语可以是名词,代词,形容词,副词,现在分词,或者过去分词,也可以是不定式等。对宾语的情况进行补充说明。当宾语补足语中的动词与宾语构成被动关系的时候,使用过去分词的形式;当二者构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词的形式。要特别要注意With的复合结构经常与独立主格结构转换使用。

【5】Whoever leaves the classroom last 本句是一个主语从句,whoever引导起主语从句并在句中做主语。

【6】have they played 本句考查了部分倒装。当否定词或者半否定词放在句首的时候,后面要使用部分倒装的形式。本句中seldom“很少”,是一个半否定词,所以后面使用部分倒装。另外根据since从句可知本句使用现在完成时。

【7】what it is 本句是强调句型的特殊疑问句转换而来的宾语从句。随着高考考点的不断深入变化,该句型总是以新的面孔出现,或本身发生变化,或与其他句式结构相结合,然而万变不离其宗,总是脱不掉it,be,that/who这一框架结构。结合近几年有关高考题的特点,将其变化形式归纳如下:强调句型的一般疑问句形式。一. 句式特征:Is/ Was it +被强调部分+ that…; 二、 结合特殊疑问词构成特殊疑问句形式。句式特征:特殊疑问词+is/was it that…? 三、 强调句型的反意疑问句形式。句式特征为:It is/was+被强调部分+that…,isn’t / wasn’t it? 四、强调句型的感叹句形式。句式特征为:what/ how it is (that) +主语+谓语!

【8】where customers are cheated 本句是一个定语从句,先行词是cases,后面定语从句是一个被动语态。句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导起这个定语从句。

【9】(that) readers (should) observe 本句考查虚拟语气。动词require后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。

【10】 (that) they still remembered 本句考查定语从句,先行词是the things and the teachers,即有人也有物,所以使用关系代词that来引导起这个定语从句。


【题目】Bonnie and her husband, Tyrone, were very fond of going on short holidays to new places.

Once, they decided to take a trip in their own car to a nearby which was famous for its historical sites. They started on their journey early in the morning and late evening they had entered the town and checked in at a hotel.

The next morning, they started their new discovery with a road of the town and its suburbs. there were many places to see, it took them the whole day to finish their sightseeing.

By now, they had a suburb with shops selling handmade items. Bonnie was most interested in shopping. Tyrone her to finish before it started getting dark. They were so in their shopping that they forgot about the time until the shops began to .

They took the same route back to their hotel but somehow got on the way and realized they were around in circles. They had to stop the car, their map, and started again but no use. They decided to ask someone for help but no one was out at late hour.

They waited at a street corner for some time, and then decided to try again. Tyrone the car but it wouldn’t move. He got down and but could not find any fault. He sat back , feeling more and more worried about their , while Bonnie was calm saying she was sure they would get help.

They sat , Bonnie praying calmly and Tyrone getting panic. Finally a man walked towards them. It was that he was a car mechanic returning home. With his help, the car was repaired and ready to go. The couple were very grateful and thanked the man . They reached their hotel safely after being directed by the mechanic.

“Trust and Faith”helped create a small wonder.

【1】A. cityB. townC. villageD. district


【3】A. remarkB. instructionC. guideD. map

【4】A. SinceB. UnlessC. AlthoughD. Once

【5】A. visitedB. passedC. reachedD. left

【6】A. allowedB. orderedC. persuadedD. warned


【8】 A. operateB. closeC. openD. fall

【9】A. lostB. hurtC. stuckD. rained


【11】A. turned overB. brought upC. referred toD. looked down

【12】 A. evenB. thatC. quiteD. much

【13】A. pulledB.startedC.repairedD. pushed


【15】A. touchedB. shockedC. exhaustedD. depressed

【16】A. difficultyB. futureC. wishD. experience

【17】A. sadlyB. noisilyC. quietlyD. anxiously

【18】A. inferredB. remindedC. learntD. informed


【20】A. helpfulB. generousC. honestD. active

【题目】It’s no secret that doing good makes others happy but did you know it can make you happy as well?

According to a study, people participating in meaningful activities were happier and felt that their lives had more purpose than people who only engaged in pleasure-seeking behaviors.

Try giving these four things to others to start your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

1. Your Time

With a busy life, it can be hard to find any time to give away. However, volunteering your time has great benefits, including making new friends and connections, learning new skills and even advancing your career.

According to a paper about the link between health and volunteering, volunteering is connected with lower instances of depression and reduces the risk of dying by 22 percent.

2. Your Attention

Most of us think we’re good listeners, but according to psychologist Paul Donoghue, most people are aware that others don’t listen as well as they could. In addition, they’re not fully aware that they themselves aren’t listening.

When practicing mindfulness meditation(正念禅修), you focus on what you experience in the moment and let your thoughts and emotions pass through without judgment. Did you know that giving someone your undivided attention helps you also? When done well, active listening strengthens your focus-which is a major part of good meditation.

3. Your Compassion

The psychological meaning of compassion is the ability to understand another person’s emotional state. Compassion differs from empathy(移情) in that those who experience compassion not only put themselves in another person’s shoes, but also want to reduce that person’s suffering.

A brain-imaging study showed that the brain’s pleasure centers are equally active when we give money to the poor as when we receive money ourselves.

4. Your Money

According to an experiment, those who spend money on other people are significantly happier than those who spend the same quantity of money on themselves.

Whether or not you can offer other gifts, donating money helps make real change happen. It represents time spent, compassion and careful attention to the needs of others.

【1】Who is the happiest according to the study mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A. Bill, who is often invited to play golf by his wealthy uncle.

B. Tom, who is on the way to be the richest man in the world.

C. Mike, who is not well-off but often does what he can to those in need.

D. John, who is a disabled young man but has married a very beautiful girl.

【2】What does the underlined word “depression” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. pleasure B. unhappiness

C. connection D. misunderstanding

【3】Which of the four gifts matters most according to the author?

A. Time. B. Money. C. Attention. D. Compassion.

【4】What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage people to help others.

B. To give the meaning of “happiness”.

C. To offer a practical way of life.

D. To show his kindness.

【题目】Outside her shabby cottage,old Mrs. Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line,unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move. They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.

They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps.But,much to their disappointment,she did not mount the broomstick and take flight.Suddenly,the old lady's work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen-a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack.

The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled off towards the haystack followed by Sooty,a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back.With only three legs,it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady.The cat provided proof- the children were sure that only a witch would own a black cat with three legs.

There,standing on a wooden box,was Mrs.Tailor,stretching out to gather her precious egg.Taking the egg in one of her hands,she began to climb down when,without warning,the box broke and the old lady fell.

“We have to go and help her,”whispered Amy.

“What if it is a trick?” replied Ben.

“Don't be silly,Ben.If she were a witch,she would have turned us into frogs already,” reasoned Meg.“Come on Amy,let's go.”The girls climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack.

Approaching carefully,they could see a wound on the old lady's face.She had knocked her head on a stone and her ankle was definitely broken.“Go and get Dad,” Amy yelled to her brother.“Tell him about the accident.”

The boys did not need another excuse to leave.They ran as fast as they could for help,hoping that Mrs.Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs.

【1】Why were the children hiding in the tree?

A.They wanted to watch Mrs.Tailor do her housework closely.

B.They were playing a hideandseek game.

C.They wanted to find out if the rumors about Mrs.Tailor were true.

D.They were pretending to be spies.

【2】Mrs.Tailor stopped sweeping when________.

A.her front steps were clean

B.she noticed the children in the tree

C.she was ready to take a flight

D.she heard the hen cackling

【3】Ben did not rush to help Mrs.Tailor because________.

A.he thought that she could be tricking them

B.he knew that they should not have been in the tree

C.he did not see the old lady fall down

D.he was afraid of the threelegged cat

【4】Which of these old sayings best suits the story's lesson for us?

A.Make hay while the sun shines.

B.Never judge a book by its cover.

C.People in glasshouses should not throw stones.

D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

【题目】Traveling to a new country isnt as simple as just buying a ticket and boarding a plane. In fact, it can be easy for an awkward situation to occur. Different customs can often cause misunderstandings and even trouble. To help prevent a serious culture pas, an article in the Daily Mail highlighted taboos in certain countries. Lets take a look.


When visiting France, youd better not be caught cutting your lettuce with a knife and fork. Its an insult to the chef and suggests that the salad hasnt been prepared correctly. The correct way to eat lettuce in France is to fold it with your fork to make it fit in your mouth.


Its actually best to be a little less friendly than usual when you visit Italy. Its considered strange to make small talk with strangers, as the locals are reserved. Too much familiarity from a stranger can be seen as threatening, so keep greetings short.


In Mexico, bringing an expensive gift to someones home is a no-no, as it could be seen as a tribe. Something simple like flowers and chocolates would be accepted. But you should avoid taking along marigolds (金盏花) or red flowers, because in Mexican culture, they symbolize death and can be associated with witchcraft(巫术).


You have to be careful with gifts of flowers in Germany too. Steer clear of carnations(康乃馨),as they are used for funerals. And an even number is considered unlucky. So if you want to give your host flowers, ask them what their favorite flowers are before your visit. And be sure to bring an odd number.

How to avoid 【1】________ taboos in a new country


Taboo: Cutting your lettuce with a knife and fork.

Reason: Its an 2_______ to the chef, suggesting the salad has not been prepared correctly.

Solution: 3______ your lettuce with your fork to make it fit in your mouth.


Taboo: Acting too 4_______ to strangers.

Reason: Too much familiarity from a stranger can be seen as 5_______.

Solution: Dont make small talk with strangers, and keep greetings short.


Taboo: Bringing an6______ gift to someones home.

Sending people marigolds or red flowers.

Reasons: An expensive gift could be considered a bribe.

Marigolds and red flowers are associated with7_______ and witchcraft.

Solution: Just send something 8______ like flowers or chocolates, but avoid Marigolds or red flowers.


Taboo: Sending people carnations or an even number of flowers.

Reasons: Carnations are used for funerals. And an even number is considered 9_________.

Solution: Ask your hosts what their favorite flowersare before your visit.

And be sure to bring an 【10_ number.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
