

A、You’d better plan regularly.

B、You should build a right attitude.

C、You will benefit from a balanced study.

D、It is always better if you keep comprehensive notes.

E、It’s a good habit to share thoughts and views with other students.

F、Studying before class is as important as researching the subject after class.

Studying Tips and Techniques

    If you often find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful tips and techniques that can help you out…

71.____________ It is a common misconception that self-study can begin only after a particular topic or chapter is taught in class. You should start preparing for the class in advance. After attending classes, it is of great importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the class as well as try and read more about the subject on your own. Be it (无论是)reference books, or e-books, try and find more information about your subject so that you have a comprehensive(全面的)view of the topics. Often while reading and self-studying, it happens that you come across doubts and questions that did not occur to you in the classroom. Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or the internet. However in case you fail to answer, write down these questions so that you remember to clarify the questions in your next class.

72.____________ Involve yourself in group discussions about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your viewpoint over important issues since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding, which might not necessarily be alike. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues. Many teachers encourage the group discussion technique in their classroom as well.

73. ____________ No matter how much people disapprove of the process and the timetables, it is a known fact that having a clear and detailed project makes it easier for a person to reach a goal. According to your convenience, map out your daily / weekly/ monthly study. It is always better to have a weekly or a daily arrangement, so that unexpected changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.

74.____________ Yes, there exist some species of students who burn the midnight oil. The studying process should be such that it leaves enough room for a student to join in entertainment activities and relaxation. Always chalk out a schedule that will not influence your sleep, your health, your sports / entertainment activities and other routine tasks. Also studying a single subject at a stretch (like an entire week or so), can get boring, for this reason plan a schedule that helps you switch from one subject to another in enough time.

75.___________ Normally students get too caught up with grades, the percentage and the entire marking system. Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter. However, if you just aim for high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject. Always study with the right point of view, and you will never have to worry about your grades. Knowledge is way beyond grades.


请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F) 中选出适合各段落的首句,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Time can run out.

B. Tomorrow won't be better.

C. Ideas need lime to develop.

D. Your professor will be impatient.

E. You blow off your chances for help.

F. You're probably overestimating (高估) the pain.

Never Put off Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today

Want to put off studying for the physics test? Or writing that thirty-five-page research paper on future uses of biotechnology? Sure you do? And who wouldn’t? But it’s still a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time. Here's why ...

61._________. The task will be still the same. It won’t be any more fun and you still won’t want to do it. As the deadline gets closer and closer, the task seems to become larger and larger if you haven’t started the work. And the stress increases. Now not only do you have to write that paper, you have to do it under great pressure.

62._________. Before you start, it seems that the task is unlikely to be accomplished. But you know what? You’re probably miscalculating. Get started — maybe on a small piece — and you'll discover that you have more resources and know more about the subject than you thought. Result? You won’t experience nearly as much suffering as you expected to. Things are guaranteed —  100 percent —  to get better.

         63._______. If you leave your work until the night before it’s due, you give up the possibility of getting input from your professor. Professors regularly give advice — or at least a few useful tips — during office hours. Unfortunately v though, they don’t usually hold office hours at midnight, so you'll be out of luck when you discover the night before the midterm that you have no idea how to do the questions that will count for two-thirds of your grade.

64.________. Ever wonder why the professor assigns the paper two weeks before it’s due? It’s because he or she expects you to be thinking about the issue, or doing the research, for two weeks. No, not every waking moment, but at least some of the time. After all, the professor could just as easily have given the assignment one week before it was due if he or she expected less thinking. Most college papers require you to have some kind of idea, then to spend some time thinking about it, revising it, and polishing it. When you throw together a paper or a report at the last minute, your ideas are half-baked. And your professor will know it.

65._________. If you put things off till the last minute 9 you might find that you haven’t budgeted enough minutes to finish the necessary tasks. It’s the easiest thing in the world to miscalculate how long it’ll take to do all the work especially when new issues arise — like illness, family problems, computer breakdowns, trouble at work, and all the other things — as you’re thinking through your paper argument or preparing yourself for the coming test. If you keep delaying, you don't allow yourself time for those various Life events that have an adverse (不利的)effect on your ability to complete your assignment.

A. Time can run out.
B. Tomorrow won’t be better.
C. Ideas need time to develop.
D. Your professor will be impatient.
E. You blow off your chances for help.
F. You are probably overestimating (高估)the pain.
Never Put off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
Want to put off studying for the physics test? Or writing that thirty-five-page research paper on future uses of biotechnology? Sure you do? And who wouldn’t? But it’s still a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time. Here is why ....
【小题1】__________. The task will be still the same. It won’t be any more fun and you still won’t want to do it. As the deadline gets closer and closer, the task seems to become larger and larger if you haven’t started the work. And the stress increases. Now not only do you have to write that paper, you have to do it under great pressure.
【小题2】_________ . Before you start, it seems that the task is unlikely to be accomplished. But you know what? You’re probably miscalculating. Get started -------- maybe on a small piece ------ And you will discover that you have more resources and know more about the subject than you thought. Result? You won’t experience nearly as much suffering as you expected to. Things are guaranteed ------ 100 percent ------- to get better.
【小题3】_____________ . If you leave your work before the night before it’s due, you give up the possibility of getting input from your professor. Professors regularly give advice ----- or at least a few useful tips ---- during office hours. Unfortunately though, they don’t usually hold office hours at midnight, so you will be out of luck when you discover the night before the midterm that you have no idea how to do the questions that will count for two-thirds of your grade.
【小题4】________ . Ever wonder why the professor assigns the papers two weeks before it’s due? It’s because he or she expects you to be thinking about the issue, or doing the research, for two weeks. No, not every waking moment, but at least some of the time. After all, the professor could just as easily have given the assignment one week before it was due if he or she expected less thinking. When you throw together a paper or a report at the last minute, your ideas are half-baked. And your professor will know it.
【小题5】________ . If you put things off at the last minute, you might find that you haven’t budgeted enough minutes to finish the necessary tasks. It’s the easiest thing in the world to miscalculate how long it will take to do all the work especially when new issues arise ------ like illness, family problems, computer breakdowns, trouble at work, and all the other things ------- as you are thinking through your paper argument or preparing yourself for the coming test. If you keep delaying, you don’t allow yourself time for those various life events that have an adverse(不利的) effect on your ability to complete your assignment. 


A、You’d better plan regularly.

B、You should build a right attitude.

C、You will benefit from a balanced study.

D、It is always better if you keep comprehensive notes.

E、It’s a good habit to share thoughts and views with other students.

F、Studying before class is as important as researching the subject after class.

Studying Tips and Techniques

    If you often find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful tips and techniques that can help you out…

1.____________ It is a common misconception that self-study can begin only after a particular topic or chapter is taught in class. You should start preparing for the class in advance. After attending classes, it is of great importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the class as well as try and read more about the subject on your own. Be it (无论是)reference books, or e-books, try and find more information about your subject so that you have a comprehensive(全面的)view of the topics. Often while reading and self-studying, it happens that you come across doubts and questions that did not occur to you in the classroom. Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or the internet. However in case you fail to answer, write down these questions so that you remember to clarify the questions in your next class.

2.____________ Involve yourself in group discussions about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your viewpoint over important issues since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding, which might not necessarily be alike. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues. Many teachers encourage the group discussion technique in their classroom as well.

3.____________ No matter how much people disapprove of the process and the timetables, it is a known fact that having a clear and detailed project makes it easier for a person to reach a goal. According to your convenience, map out your daily / weekly/ monthly study. It is always better to have a weekly or a daily arrangement, so that unexpected changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.

4.___________ Yes, there exist some species of students who burn the midnight oil. The studying process should be such that it leaves enough room for a student to join in entertainment activities and relaxation. Always chalk out a schedule that will not influence your sleep, your health, your sports / entertainment activities and other routine tasks. Also studying a single subject at a stretch (like an entire week or so), can get boring, for this reason plan a schedule that helps you switch from one subject to another in enough time.

5._________ Normally students get too caught up with grades, the percentage and the entire marking system. Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter. However, if you just aim for high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject. Always study with the right point of view, and you will never have to worry about your grades. Knowledge is way beyond grades.



A. How inner beliefs can help

B. How to develop positive habits

C. Improve your life

D. You can do it

E. Action plan

F. Why are habits so important

The single most important factor that contributes to success is what you do every single day. It is as simple as that. Your habits will determine whether you are successful or not. If you have strong and healthy positive habits, it does not mater whether or not you fail today because you are guaranteed to succeed in the long run.


Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day, a single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have a significant impact on your life. For example, if you go to the gym one time, you won’t see a big difference in your life. However, if you go to the gym 1,000 times over a five year period, you will see a big difference in your body. The same principle applies to finance, health, relationships, work, career, and school. Simple positive actions repeated every single day will have a great impact on your life in the long run.


There’s nothing easier than developing positive habits. You simply have to do every single day the action you want to make a habit. If you want to develop the habit of running, run almost every day. If you want to develop the habit of eating healthy, eat healthy every day. If you want to develop the habit of reading, read every day. Habits are created by repetition. The more you do an action, the easier it becomes in the long run.


If you want to be successful in changing your habits, you should think about changing your inner beliefs about your habits. For example, your old belief was: “I love cigarette because it makes me feel good and relaxed. I need cigarette to be happy and relaxed.” If you keep this belief, you won’t be able to keep your resolution to stop smoking for very long. Instead, you should adopt this new belief: “I love yoga because it makes me feel good and relaxed. Cigarette is poisonous and destroys my body. Yoga makes me happy.” You should analyze your beliefs and make sure they won’t stop you from changing your habits. The same is true when you try to form positive habits. If you want to start eating healthy food, here are some positive beliefs you should start thinking about: “Healthy food is very good for my health. It gives me a lot of energy and I feel very good.”


It’s now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and avoid your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like to get rid of. For each positive habit, write down exactly what actions you’re going to take every single day in order to develop the new habit. For each negative habit, write down exactly what actions you’re not going to take in the next weeks. Here are some positive habits that will lead to success: exercise, healthy food, reading, saving, studying, healthy relationships, hard work, etc.. Here are some negative habits to get rid of: gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, overeating, shyness, etc..


Everybody can change. All it takes is courage and commitment. Decide right now to improve your life by changing your habits. Take action right now! Don’t be afraid. Yes, you will probably make mistakes along the way. But never forget that success is guaranteed for you if you have positive habits in your life. If you refuse to quit, success will be yours.


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