
     “I didn’t do anything!”  “Say you’re sorry!” “It’s not my fault!”

     Sound familiar? If so, you are like a lot of kids who sometimes ___36__ with their friends or family members. It’s not always easy to get ____ with others. Kids aren’t ___38__, so they sometimes do things that get them into ___39__. Saying “I’m sorry” can help.

     Saying you’re sorry is called apologizing. When you apologize, you’re telling someone that you’re sorry for the ___40__ you caused. When you apologize to someone, you stop to think  about the other person’s __41____, and you begin to feel sorry for your ___42__. You may even feel ___43__ or ashamed if you did something that you knew was ___44__ even if what happened was an accident or you didn’t do it ___45__. You would probably ___46__ feel sorry if you knew the other person’s feelings were hurt.

    Kids might need to apologize if they did something they knew was wrong. __47___ can apologize, too — to other grown-ups or even to ___48__. After all, grown-ups also make ___49__ sometimes. By apologizing when they are wrong, grown-ups can ___50_ a good example and show kids how to do the right thing and apologize when they ___51___.

Sometimes a heartfelt “I’m sorry” ___52___ everything right away. Other times, it might take a while for a person to feel friendly after you ___53__. You might need to give them   ___54___. Even after you say you’re sorry, you might still feel ___55___ for what you said or did, but you can feel good about apologizing and about making up your mind to do better.

36. A. discuss                       B. argue                       C. talk                          D. agree 

37. A. get along                   B. catch up                   C. go on                 D. keep on

38. A. good                         B. kind                         C. perfect                            D. successful

39. A. anger                B. difficulty          C. danger            D. trouble

40. A. damage                      B. injury                      C. hurt                         D. harm

41. A. feelings            B. opinions           C. dreams            D. memories

42. A. idea                           B. fighting                    C. manner                    D. fault

43. A. embarrassed               B. happy                      C. disappointed             D. serious

44. A. unfair                        B. wrong                      C. right                        D. reasonable

45. A. under way              B. in need                  C. by chance                 D. on purpose

46. A. sometimes                  B. never                       C. hardly                      D. still

47. A. Children           B. Grown-ups         C. Friends            D. Citizens

48. A. parents                      B. workmates                C. kids                         D. managers

49. A. money                       B. mistakes                   C. differences               D. changes

50. A. set                             B. take                         C. follow                      D. stand

51. A. want                          B. need                        C. expect                      D. like

52. A. removes                  B. ends                   C. fixes                        D. changes

53. A. excuse                      B. apologize                   C. decide                   D. regret

54. A. energy                    B. space                       C. help                         D. time

55. A. bad                           B. relaxed                     C. awake                   D. hurt

36-40 BACDC 41-45 ADABD 46-50 DBCBA 51-55 BCBDA


36. B。根据上下文可知这篇文章的主题是“道歉”,可推测孩子们有时会和他们的朋友或父母争吵,用argue比较合适。

37. A。这句话的意思是和别人相处并不容易,用get along with。

38. C。孩子们不是十全十美的,因此有时才会做一些错事,故用perfect。

39. D。做了错事当然会让他们遇上麻烦,用get into trouble。

40. C。因为需要道歉,可知一定是做了一些错事,伤了别人的感情,用hurt表示感情的创伤。

41. A。当你向别人道歉时,一定是站在对方的立场,考虑对方的感受,用feelings。

42. D。感到抱歉,自然是觉得自己做了错事了,用fault。

43. A。根据后面的ashamed可推测这个词应该和ashamed近义,根据上下文 embarrassed最合适。

44. B。明明知道自己错了还要做,当然应该感到抱歉了,用wrong最合适。

45. D。on purpose表示“故意”,该句是说“即使事出突然或非你本意,你也会为自己的过失而惭愧”。

46. D。根据上下文意思,本句意为“如果你知道自己伤了别人的感情,即使道了歉,你可能仍然会感到抱歉”,用still。

47. B。根据下文提到的other grown-ups,可推测这里应该是grown-ups,成人也会犯错。

48. C。大人们犯了错,也需要道歉,甚至要向孩子们道歉,故kids最合适。

49. B。根据上下文可知,大人们有时也会犯错,用make mistakes。

50. A。set an example表示“作个榜样”。

51. B。大人们可以给孩子们作个榜样,教会他们在需要的时候,学会道歉,用need。

52. C。 该句意为 “一声真诚的I'm sorry有时可以马上“化干戈为玉帛”,fix everything表示“解决一切问题”。

53. B。这句话是说“在你跟对方道过歉之后,对方可能还需要一段时间来真正感受到你的诚意”,故B项比较合适。

54. D。你需要给对方时间来感受你的诚意,用time最合适。

55. A。这句话是说“即使你道过歉,你还会因为你的过失而难受”,用feel bad表示“难受”。


My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about the thing that happened to me. It’s  36  now but it wasn’t that time.
Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I  37  a rest before catching the train, so I bought a   38  and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, self-service place with long   39 to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to   40  a place and went to get a cup of coffee.
When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the   41   seat. It was one of those   42  young man, with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair colored bright  43  at the front, not so unusual these days. What did   44  me was he’d started to eat my chocolate! Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble—then really I was rather uneasy about him—I just   45  down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me    46   . then he took another piece of my chocolate. I could hardly   47  it. Still I didn’t want to start an argument. When he took a  48    piece , I felt more  49  than annoyed. I thought, “ Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I  50  it.
The boy gave me a   51  look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out, “This woman is mad!” Everyone   52  . That really made me feel silly, but it was   53   when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red—as red as his hair when I   54    I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my  55   .
36. A. serious                     B. wonderful                       C. funny                               D. exciting
37. A. enjoyed           B. took                                 C. had                                   D. wanted
38. A. cake                         B. newspaper                   C. magazine                     D. bag
39. A. chairs                       B. tables                            C. benches                 D. beds
40. A. order                        B. find                                 C. keep                                D. visit
41. A. very                           B. same                              C. free                                 D. next
42. A. wild-looked             B. wild-looking          C. good-looking                  D. good-looked
43. A. red                            B. black                               C. brown                   D. white
44. A. interest                  B. surprise                         C. frighten                         D. hurt
45. A. looked                      B. lay                                   C. sat                                  D. put
46. A. eagerly                     B. friendly                            C. closely                  D. shyly
47. A. believe            B. hear                                C. notice                             D. stop
48. A. last                            B. big                                   C. single                              D. third
49. A. angry                        B. lucky                      C. happy                             D. curious
50. A. covered                  B. threw                             C. got                                 D. wrapped
51. A. strange                   B. exhausting                    C. nervous                         D. pleasant
52. A. agreed         B. promised                        C. stared                            D. followed
53. A. better                       B. worse                             C. later                             D. easier
54. A. wondered                B. realized               C. decided                          D. recognized
55. A. bags                        B. clothes                            C. book                      D. newspaper

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.
When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked   21   at me and said “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say.   22  several seconds all I could do was to stand there and   23   down at him. My first thought was he must need   24   while doing his homework   25   he was trying to prepare me for some   26  .
Finally, I asked, “What was that all about?”  “ 27  .” He said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s an experiment. ”
The next day I   28   his teacher at my office to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had responded .
“   29   , most of the fathers had the same reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first   30   we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. The point is,” the teacher explained, “feeling   31   is an important part of   32   . It’s something all human beings   33   . What I’m trying to tell the children is that it’s too   34   that we don’t express those feelings. A boy should be able to tell his dad that he loves him. ”
The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how difficult it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.
When my son came to me   35  , I held on to him for an extra second. And just                36   he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you. ”
I didn’t know if saying that would make   37   of us healthier, but we did feel pretty   38  . Maybe   39   time when one of my children says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole   40   to think of the right answer. 
21. A. down                  B. away              C. out                  D. up
22. A. After              B. For                   C. In                   D. On
23. A. glare                  B. get                    C. stare                D. knock
24. A. money          B. time                  C. help                D. paper
25. A. or                      B. but                   C. when               D. while
26. A. money             B. news              C. test                 D. explanation
27. A. Anything            B. Nothing            C. Important        D. Interesting
28. A. advised             B. told                  C. called              D. informed
29. A. Basically             B. Fortunately        C. Usually           D. Frequently
30. A. allowed                  B. agreed               C. suggested         D. planned
31. A. loved                  B. helpful                  C. interested         D. trusted
32. A. body                  B. work              C. study               D. health
33. A. agree                  B. understand      C. know                     D. require
34. A. bad                    B. good              C. easy                D. hard
35. A. that day                 B. that moment      C. that evening     D. that morning
36. A. before                B. after                 C. because           D. as
37. A. neither         B. either             C. most               D. few
38. A. terrible         B. disappointed      C. bad                 D. good
39. A. next                   B. last                   C. each                D. every
40. A. afternoon            B. morning            C. day                 D. week

I live in Albuquerque, and some homeless people often stay at the stoplights. I often gave money to them, feeling  1 for their bad luck. But later I became a single mom with no home, a huge debt. As a result, I  2 giving and had a strong sense of  3  .
Things started to  4 for me. Again I had a home, and plenty of food, and I started to  5  myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the  6  ,"Will work for food." I  7  .
My daughter commented, "Mommy, you  8 to give to those people in  9  ."I replied, "Honey, they just use that money for alcohol or other  10 things. "She didn't respond. But when I said that, I didn't feel right.
Three days later, I was driving to  11 up my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and something deep  12 me said, "Just help him."  13  I rolled down my window, and he ran over with delight, saying "God bless you, I only need 77 cents." I  14 into my ashtray(烟灰缸) and strangely enough, there sat three quarters and two pennies.
I scooped(抓起) it up and gave it to him. He  15  with joy and tears in his 16  "Wow, you just made it  17 for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much. The bus that has this great sale is  18  in 20 minutes!" It was a moment I'll never forget. I think that man won't forget it either, 19  I was the one who got the best  20  in life——GIVING.

A.pleasedB.sorry C.nervousD.proud
A.satisfactionB. joyC.lossD.surprise
A. reformB.declineC.endD.change
A.passed byB.gave inC.stood upD.held on
A.turned aroundB.broke downC.burst outD.spoke up

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The end of senior year is a truly special and wonderful time for American students. It's  21 
they will remember for the rest of their lives. My senior year, I can't believe it's  22  over. Now when I look back, it was  23  , but exciting, the ball, graduation, and then, of course, college.
I started my college  24  process months before Christmas. My parents told me it would be smart if I was arranged  25  interviews and tours. But I didn' t have a  26 aim. I wanted to go to college, but I didn't want to deal with the stress.
As the days flew by, my applications  27  on my desk just as I had left them three months before. "You are  28  valuable time," my parents Complained. Sweeping away the gathered dust on the applications, I  29  them every Sunday until I finished.
Next came writing the essays. I had many ideas, but every school had different  30  . I changed them until I was pleased. Finally, everything was  31  .
Now I just had to wait. In March, I started receiving letters of rejection. I began to think that I had prepared myself for disappointment. I  32  a letter from Salem State College stating that they wanted to see my third quarter grades   33   they made their decision. Yes! At least someone wanted to  34  me. At the beginning of April, I received a letter from Keens State. I had been 35  . Those opening words "We regret to inform you... " made me sit down and cry. I had lost all hope. Then I heard from Plymouth State. Not my first  36  , but ... I had been accepted. Maybe if I get my  37 up, I can manage to another nicer school...
The college application process  38  me deeply. All my friends had dozens of schools to choose from. I guess my  39  were right. "High school grades are undoubtedly important to your future plans. " If I could do it all over again, I would  40  it more seriously.
21.A.something               B.anything                 C.everything                     D.nothing
22.A.completely              B.finally                    C.nearly                     D.eventually
23.A.wonderful               B.important                C.different                 D.stressful
24.A.examination            B.application              C.graduation                     D.rejection
25.A.about                            B.on                          C.with                       D.for
26.A.true                        B.special                    C.clear                       D.serious
27.A.lay                         B.stood                      C.appeared                 D.gathered
28.A.spending                 B.wasting                   C.taking                     D.having
29.A.worked at               B.worked on                     C.worked for                 D.worked out
30.A.requirements           B.experiences             C.processes                D.statements
31.A.in order                  B.under control          C.in place                  D.under way
32.A.typed                            B.kept                      C.had                        D.wrote
33.A.after                       B.before                    C.until                       D.while
34.A.consider                 B.think                      C.believe                   D.refuse
35.A.admitted                 B.accepted                 C.rejected                  D.fired
36.A.idea                       B.essay                      C.interview                D.choice
37.A.letters                     B.grades                    C.hopes                D.plans
38.A.hurt                       B.frightened               C.damaged                 D.cheated
39.A.friends                   B.students                  C.teachers                  D.parents
40.A.make                      B.have                       C.take                        D.Get

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