
My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about the thing that happened to me. It’s  36  now but it wasn’t that time.
Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I  37  a rest before catching the train, so I bought a   38  and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, self-service place with long   39 to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to   40  a place and went to get a cup of coffee.
When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the   41   seat. It was one of those   42  young man, with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair colored bright  43  at the front, not so unusual these days. What did   44  me was he’d started to eat my chocolate! Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble—then really I was rather uneasy about him—I just   45  down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me    46   . then he took another piece of my chocolate. I could hardly   47  it. Still I didn’t want to start an argument. When he took a  48    piece , I felt more  49  than annoyed. I thought, “ Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I  50  it.
The boy gave me a   51  look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out, “This woman is mad!” Everyone   52  . That really made me feel silly, but it was   53   when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red—as red as his hair when I   54    I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my  55   .
36. A. serious                     B. wonderful                       C. funny                               D. exciting
37. A. enjoyed           B. took                                 C. had                                   D. wanted
38. A. cake                         B. newspaper                   C. magazine                     D. bag
39. A. chairs                       B. tables                            C. benches                 D. beds
40. A. order                        B. find                                 C. keep                                D. visit
41. A. very                           B. same                              C. free                                 D. next
42. A. wild-looked             B. wild-looking          C. good-looking                  D. good-looked
43. A. red                            B. black                               C. brown                   D. white
44. A. interest                  B. surprise                         C. frighten                         D. hurt
45. A. looked                      B. lay                                   C. sat                                  D. put
46. A. eagerly                     B. friendly                            C. closely                  D. shyly
47. A. believe            B. hear                                C. notice                             D. stop
48. A. last                            B. big                                   C. single                              D. third
49. A. angry                        B. lucky                      C. happy                             D. curious
50. A. covered                  B. threw                             C. got                                 D. wrapped
51. A. strange                   B. exhausting                    C. nervous                         D. pleasant
52. A. agreed         B. promised                        C. stared                            D. followed
53. A. better                       B. worse                             C. later                             D. easier
54. A. wondered                B. realized               C. decided                          D. recognized
55. A. bags                        B. clothes                            C. book                      D. newspaper

36-40 CDBBC    41-45 DBABA   46-50 CADAC    51-55 ACBBD




My 14-year-old son, John,  and I                        

 Spotted(挑出,察觉) the coat at the same time.  It was               

hanging at a (an)  36    clothing store. 

The coat had a black velvet collar(天鹅绒衣领),  delightful

tailoring,  a Fifth Avenue label (标签) and a (an) 37    price of  $28.

We looked at   38   , saying nothing, 39   John’s eyes shone.  Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with   40  ,  but could    41   several hundred dollars new.

John  42   the coat.  He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious,  studied 43  that soon changed into a smile.  The   44   was perfect.  John wore the coat to school the next day and came home wearing a big smile.  “How did the kids like your coat? ”  I asked.  “They love it. ” He said, carefully    45  it over the chair and smoothing it flat.

Over the next few weeks, the _____46_____came over Jone. Quiet reasoned discussion was____47____argument. He became more thoughtful and eager to ___48______.“good dinner, Mum”he would say every evening .One day when I suggested that he might start on homework before dinner, John said,“You are right, and I guess I will.”

When I    49   this to one of his teachers and remarked that I didn’t know   50  caused the changes,  she said with laughter,  “It must be his coat! ” At the library,  we  51  to meet a friend who had not seen our children for a long time.  “  52  this be John? ” He asked,  looking up to John’s new height and coat,  and extending his hand,  one gentleman to another.

John and I both knew we should never 53  a person’s clothes for the real person within them.  But there is something to be said for   54   a standard of excellence for the world to see,  for practicing standard of excellence in thought,  speech and behavior,  and for   55 what is on the inside with what is on the outside.

A. second-hand        B. expensive       C. big             D. cheap

A. reasonable         B. unbelievable     C. special          D. average

A. each other         B. one another      C. the other         D. others

A. therefore          B. however         C. but             D. thus

A. adults            B. people           C. parents          D. teenagers

A. spend            B. cost             C. pay             D. take

A. touched          B. buttoned          C. held            D. obtained

A. gesture           B. expression        C. attitude         D. feeling

A. color             B. price            C. fit              D. style

A. pressing         B. taking            C. hanging         D. folding

A. happiness        B. satisfaction       C. change              D. generosity

A. because of          B. instead of         C. aware of             D. full of

A. please                B. understand        C. complain            D. apologize

A. mentioned          B. wrote            C. reported              D. explained

A. when            B. how             C. what            D. that

A. happened         B. came            C. intended         D. decided

A. Should           B. Would           C. Must            D. Could

A. watch            B. judge            C. mistake         D. consider

A. doing            B. showing          C. speaking        D. wearing

A. comparing        B. connecting        C. combining       D. matching

第二节 完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)
The day was Thankful Thursday. It’s a 36 tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive 37 .
My girls shouted “McDonald’s, McDonald’s” as we 38 along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I 39 that almost every crossing I passed through was 40 by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a(an) 41fifteen lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull 42 a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, 43 …here’s lunch.”
We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately 44 back in the opposite direction for home. 45 , the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was 46 and didn’t know quite how to behave.  
She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done47 like this for me before,” she said with 48 . Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “ So, 49 do you think you’ll eat your lunch?”  
She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch.” I was 50 ,but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she 51  loves McDonald’s, but I don’t have money. But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald’s!”
I don’t know if the kids 52 the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too 53 or insignificant to really effect change. 54 in that moment, I recognized the 55 of Mother Teresa’s words: “We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.”  
36. A. weekly               B. daily             C. monthly                   D. yearly
37. A. decision                     B. choice           C. contribution              D. plan
38. A. walked               B. ran                   C. wandered                 D. drove
39. A. reminded            B. realized             C. understood               D. thought
40. A. crowded             B. occupied           C. discovered                D. laid
41. A. additional           B. expensive      C. cheap                       D. special
42. A. close                  B. together            C. alongside                  D. throughout
43. A. in fact         B. to tell the truth   C. generally speaking     D. by the way
44. A. faced                  B. headed                 C. took                         D. looked
45. A. Unfortunately      B. Luckily             C. Unexpectedly            D. Hopefully
46. A. excited               B. embarrassed       C. frightened            D. annoyed
47. A. something           B. everything     C. anything                   D. nothing
48. A. amazement          B. fear                  C. sorrow                        D. amusement
49. A. what                B. how                  C. where                      D. when
50. A. shocked                     B. confused           C. pleased                     D. worried
51. A. really                 B. even                 C. just                          D. never
52. A. watched                     B. felt                   C. noticed                     D. recognized
53. A. many                  B. small            C. big                          D. simple
54. A. Therefore            B. Although           C. Meanwhile           D. Yet
55. A. promise                     B. oath                  C. truth                    D. Spirit

All 34 of my students I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris,Minnesota were dear to me,but Mark was one in a million. His happy­to­be­alive attitude made even his occasional naughtiness_16_.
Mark 17consantly in class. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was18 What 19 me so much,though,was his sincere response every time I had to_20_him for misbehaving, “Thank you for correcting me,Madam!” I didn’t know what to make of it at first,but before long I became_21_hearing it many times a day.
One morning my_22_was growing thin when Mark talked once too often.I_23_Mark. “If you say one more word,I am going to tape your mouth shut!”
It wasn’t ten seconds later_24_Chuck blurted out,“Mark is talking again.” I hadn’t asked any of the students to help me_25_Mark,but since I had stated the_26_in front of the class,I had to act on it.
Taking out a roll of masking tape from the drawer of my desk,I_27_to Mark’s desk,_28_two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his_29_.I then returned to the_30_of the room.
As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing,he winked at me naughtily. That he did so funnily!I started_31_.The entire class_32_as I walked back to Mark’s desk,_33_the tape,and shrugged my shoulders. His first_34_were,“Thank you for correcting me, Madam!”
Several years passed until one cold rainy day when my father_35_the news to me that Mark was killed in Vietnam war,I broke down and cried in my heart,“Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you could talk to me!”

A.attractiveB.delightfulC.striking D.annoying
A.troublesomeB.shamefulC.irresponsible D.unacceptable
A.accustomed toB.unbearable ofC.fond ofD.curious about
A.body B.patienceC.confidenceD.spirit
A.opinionB.view C.punishment D.evidence
A.tore offB.put upC.cut intoD.took out
A.screaming B.laughingC.complaining D.criticizing
A.cheeredB.protested C.frozeD.disturbed


All 34 of my students I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris,Minnesota were dear to me,but Mark was one in a million. His happy­to­be­alive attitude made even his occasional naughtiness_16_.

Mark 17consantly in class. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was18 What 19 me so much,though,was his sincere response every time I had to_20_him for misbehaving, “Thank you for correcting me,Madam!” I didn’t know what to make of it at first,but before long I became_21_hearing it many times a day.

One morning my_22_was growing thin when Mark talked once too often.I_23_Mark. “If you say one more word,I am going to tape your mouth shut!”

It wasn’t ten seconds later_24_Chuck blurted out,“Mark is talking again.” I hadn’t asked any of the students to help me_25_Mark,but since I had stated the_26_in front of the class,I had to act on it.

Taking out a roll of masking tape from the drawer of my desk,I_27_to Mark’s desk,_28_two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his_29_.I then returned to the_30_of the room.

As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing,he winked at me naughtily. That he did so funnily!I started_31_.The entire class_32_as I walked back to Mark’s desk,_33_the tape,and shrugged my shoulders. His first_34_were,“Thank you for correcting me, Madam!”

Several years passed until one cold rainy day when my father_35_the news to me that Mark was killed in Vietnam war,I broke down and cried in my heart,“Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you could talk to me!”

1.                A.attractive       B.delightful       C.striking  D.annoying


2.                A.talked          B.argue          C.quarreled D.disrupted


3.                A.troublesome     B.shameful        C.irresponsible   D.unacceptable


4.                A.annoyed        B.impressed       C.puzzled   D.delighted


5.                A.punish         B.blame          C.correct   D.scold


6.                A.accustomed to   B.unbearable of    C.fond of   D.curious about


7.                A.body           B.patience        C.confidence    D.spirit


8.                A.warned         B.advised         C.asked    D.frightened


9.                A.then           B.when          C.after D.until


10.               A.criticize        B.report         C.watch D.inform


11.               A.opinion        B.view           C.punishment    D.evidence


12.               A.threw          B.flew           C.walked    D.pointed


13.               A.tore off        B.put up         C.cut into   D.took out


14.               A.face           B.mouth         C.hand D.head


15.               A.back           B.center         C.front D.entrance


16.               A.screaming       B.laughing        C.complaining    D.criticizing


17.               A.cheered        B.protested       C.froze D.disturbed


18.               A.stuck          B.fastened        C.recovered D.removed


19.               A.expectations    B.actions         C.movements D.words


20.               A.indicated       B.brought        C.presented D.unfolded



第二节  完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)


      The day was Thankful Thursday. It’s a  36 tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive 37 .

      My girls shouted “McDonald’s, McDonald’s” as we 38 along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I 39 that almost every crossing I passed through was 40 by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a(an) 41fifteen lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull 42 a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, 43 …here’s lunch.”

      We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately 44 back in the opposite direction for home. 45 , the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was 46 and didn’t know quite how to behave.   

      She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done47 like this for me before,” she said with 48 . Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “ So, 49 do you think you’ll eat your lunch?”   

      She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch.” I was 50 ,but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she 51  loves McDonald’s, but I don’t have money. But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald’s!”

       I don’t know if the kids 52 the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too 53 or insignificant to really effect change. 54 in that moment, I recognized the 55 of Mother Teresa’s words: “We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.”   

36. A. weekly               B. daily              C. monthly                   D. yearly

37. A. decision                     B. choice            C. contribution              D. plan

38. A. walked               B. ran                   C. wandered                 D. drove

39. A. reminded            B. realized             C. understood               D. thought

40. A. crowded             B. occupied           C. discovered                D. laid

41. A. additional           B. expensive       C. cheap                       D. special

42. A. close                  B. together            C. alongside                  D. throughout

43. A. in fact          B. to tell the truth   C. generally speaking     D. by the way

44. A. faced                  B. headed                  C. took                         D. looked

45. A. Unfortunately      B. Luckily             C. Unexpectedly            D. Hopefully

46. A. excited               B. embarrassed       C. frightened             D. annoyed

47. A. something           B. everything      C. anything                   D. nothing

48. A. amazement          B. fear                  C. sorrow                         D. amusement

49. A. what                  B. how                  C. where                      D. when

50. A. shocked                     B. confused           C. pleased                     D. worried

51. A. really                 B. even                 C. just                          D. never

52. A. watched                     B. felt                   C. noticed                     D. recognized

53. A. many                  B. small             C. big                          D. simple

54. A. Therefore            B. Although           C. Meanwhile            D. Yet

55. A. promise                     B. oath                  C. truth                     D. Spirit

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