
School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.

    It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to learn some facts or a formula by heart. It is actually quiet easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula(公式) in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientist, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didn’t get everything from school. But they were all so successful and invented so many things for men. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.

1.According to the passage, a good teacher should be one who is to_________.

A. help his students to gain a good memory.

B. train his students’ ability to learn

C. teach his students everything he knows

D. have his students studying long hours

2.If a student want to learn better, the most important thing for him to do is_______.

A. to learn all the useful facts and formula by heart

B. to do everything as his teacher have said in class

C. to absorb (吸收) as much knowledge from his teacher as possible

D. to think more while he is studying

3.The main reason for the success of the great scientists is that________.

A. the teachers who had taught them were all experienced.

B. they used to work and study without a moment’s rest.

C. they had received more schooling than other people

D. they know how to study and worked hard

4.What’s the good advice the writer gives us?

A. We can learn better without teachers

B. We should do more asking and thinking while studying

C. We should pay enough attention to classroom

D. Book knowledge is of little use










1.B推理判断题。根据文章第一段The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. 可知教师的职责就是要教会学生如何去学习,所以B选项正确。

2.D推理判断题。作者在文中讲到了爱迪生和牛顿的成功,他们没有受过多少学校教育,然而他们却成功了,再根据They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.可以推断D为正确选项。

3.D推理判断题。在文章第二段作者提到知道如何学习要比单纯记忆事实和公式更重要,然后以爱迪生和牛顿为例,从文中They worked hard all their lives, 以及They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.可知他们的成功是因为他们的努力和好的学习方法。所以D选项正确。





The Harvard Student—led Walking Tour
Let a student show you Harvard···on a free walking tour.
We welcome our neighbours to stop by the Harvard University Events&Information Centre,
located in the Holyoke Centre Arcade at 1350 Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge.
Let a student take you and your family, school,or organization on an engaging,hour-long free historical tour of the Harvard Campus. The tours leave from the Events&Information Centre.Not only will you discover the location of fascinating exhibition and programmers on campus,you will also see Harvard’s rich sampling of American history and architecture from the Colonial period to the present.
Schedule of Tours
Tours leave the Events&Information Centre at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at 2 p.m. on Saturday through the academic year (February4 through May 2;September 23 through December 16).Summer tours(June 24 through August 15)are offered at 10 a.m.,11:15 a. m.,2p.m.,and 3:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday.Reser—vacations for special tours of 20 or more people may be made by calling the Events&Information Centre at (617)495-1573 or emailing icenter@ camail Harvard, edu. Tours are suspended March23 through April2 for Spring Break.May3 through June23 for Spring intercession(祷告),and August16 through September 22 for Summer intercession.
NOTE:Prospective(未来的)students may take tours originating at the Harvard Admission Office, located at Byerly Hall on 8 Garden Street in Cambridge.From April through August,the Admissions staff conducts an information session at l0a.m. followed by an 11 a.m. tour.Monday through Friday On Saturdays.there is no information session but the 11 a.m.tour is still scheduled.Another session is held year-round at 2 p.m. with a 3 p.m. tour following. For more information on tours for prospective students,please call at(617)495-1551.
Harvard University Events&Information Centre
Location:Holyoke Centre Arcade.1350 Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138
【小题1】A person can join in a tour at ________on Saturday through the academic year.

A.10 a.m.B.2 p.m.C.11:15 a.m.D.3:15 p.m.
【小题2】If you want to go for an information session, you can go on __________.
A.May 2B.June 23C.August 20D.September 1
【小题3】A student who wants an information session may _________for more information.
A.call (617)495-1573B.call (617)495-1551
C.email icenter@ camail. Harvard.edu.D.go to the Events&Information Centre
【小题4】The above ad.is mainly intended for________.
A.foreign visitorsB.freshmen
C.high school studentsD.those living near Harvard University

Tailors English Language Preparation 2010
Taylorscollege. edu. au/ telp
If you need additional help to gain the high level of English language necessary for academic study, Taylors English Language Preparation (TELP)is the perfect solution. Throughout your TELP studies you will be an active language learner. You will be surrounded by opportunities to communicate in English, with friends, teachers, families and local people. You will gain English language skills which you will keep for life.
English: the language of Taylors College
Strong English language skills are necessary for success in your chosen Taylors program. The TELP program, delivered in 12 week terms, is specifically designed to provide language training for academic study. Our teachers are fully trained English Language Teaching professionals, who will assist you in a caring and supportive classroom atmosphere.
TELP focuses on:
·Language studies   ·Formal writing styles
·Note taking     ·Assignment writing
·Intensive listening  ·Reading
Progressing to our High School or Foundation Programs
Upon completion of TELP, you do not take an IELTS test before you begin our High School or Foundatin programs.
TELP term dates
Students are encouraged to enroll(注册)at the start of a term; however, TELP courses allow for entry every four weeks.
2010 dates
·18 January –9 April          ·12 April –2 July
·5 July-24 September       ·27 September-17 December
2010 Summer School
·20 December-14 January 2011
60.The TELP program         .
A.is popular and thought highly of by students
B.is aimed at those who have passed an IELTS test
C.makes sure students have a communicative atmosphere
D.makes sure students learn the English language for four months
61.It can be inferred from the text that       .
A.TELP courses permits students to have lessons at any time
B.start date of the first term in 2011 is probably January 17th
C.students who study from 20th December to 14th January have cold weather
D.High School and Foundation programs at Taylors college have no entry requirements
62.What information will probably be provided following TELP term dates?
A.TELP fees            B.TELP descriptions     
C.TELP courses               D.TELP term dates in 2011

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. contact    B. include   C. announced    D. public     E. especially

F. growing  G. leader   H. range      I. available  J. separately


Knowledge is free on the Internet at a small but __1.___ number of colleges and universities.

About 160 schools around the world now put free course materials on the web to the ___2.___. Recent additions in the United States ___3.___ projects at Yale,  Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley.

Berkeley said it would offer videos of lectures on YouTube. Free videos from other schools are ___4.___ at the Apple iTunes store.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) became an early ___5.___with its Open Course Ware project, first ___6.___ in 2001. Free lecture notes, exams and other resources are published at ocw.mit.edu. Many exams even include the answers.

Today, Open Course Ware offers materials from 1,800 undergraduate and graduate courses. These  ___7.___ from physics to political science.

Visitors can learn the same things that M.I.T. students learn. But as the site points out, Open Course Ware is not a M.I.T. education. Visitors receive no credit toward a degree. Some materials from a course may not be available, and the site does not provide ___8.___ with teachers.

Still, M.I.T. says that the site has had forty million visits by thirty-one million visitors from almost every country. Sixty percent of the visitors are from outside the United States and Canada.

Students and educators use the site, including students at M.I.T. But the largest number of visitors, about half, are self-learners.

Some professors have become well-known around the world as a result of appearing online. Walter Lewin, a physics professor at M.I.T., is ___9.___ popular. Fans enjoy his entertaining lectures.

M.I.T. Open Course Ware now includes materials for high school. The aim is to improve education in science, technology, maths and engineering.


This is the first time your child will be away from home for a period of time. We understand that this can be an exciting and anxious time both for parents and students. In this part,we hope to give you a better idea of what to expect in the areas that matter most to you. If you have any question that we have not answered here, please call us at 618-353-1398 or e-mail us at buhssumr@bu. edu.

Housing and Dining

Housing and dining is provided for all High School Summer Program students. Students should live on campus. The dining room in Warren Towers offers a variety of food options. Summer Program includes 19 meals a week, of which five lunches are included in the program fee. Visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining for more information.

Family Visits

If a parent is in town and would like to spend time with his child, he needs to plan the visit during the student’s free time when there are no activities planned. The parent also needs to send written permission to the Summer Term office forty-eight hours before the student is planning to leave campus. The parent can either e-mail or fax a letter of permission including details to buhssumr@bu. edu or 617-353-5532.

Fitness and Recreation

Students may buy membership cards of the Fitness & Recreation Center as long as they are at least 15 years old and have a Permission Form signed by their parents. We suggest that you fill out the forms even if you do not buy membership cards. We have some planned activities at the Fitness & Rercreation Center and student should have the signed Permission Form. Visit www. bu. edu/fitrec to learn more about it .

45. The passage is most probably taken from________.

A. a newspaper                B. a travel guide

C. a health magazine            D. a school website

46. If you want to know more about Summer Program. You could_______.

A. call 617-353-5532

B. call 618-353-1398

C. visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining

D. visit www. bu. edu/fitrec

47. If a parent wants to spend time with his child, he________.

A. can go to the Summer Term office for permission

B. can email to buhssumr@bu. edu after the student leaves campus

C. has to plan the visit and ask the Summer Term office for permission

D. must call the Summer Tern office at 617-353-5532 ahead of time.

48. If a student goes to the Fitness & Recreation Center, he______.

A. needs a Permission Form signed by his parents

B. must buy a membership card

C. can be of any age.

D. should buy tickets first.


Tailors English Language Preparation 2010

taylorscollege. edu. au/ telp

If you need additional help to gain the high level of English language necessary for academic study, Taylors English Language Preparation (TELP) is the perfect solution. Throughout your TELP studies you will be an active language learner. You will be surrounded by opportunities to communicate in English, with friends, teachers, families and local people. You will gain English language skills which you will keep for life.

English: the language of Taylors College

Strong English language skills are necessary for success in your chosen Taylors program. The TELP program, delivered in 12 week terms, is specifically designed to provide language training for academic study. Our teachers are fully trained English Language Teaching professionals, who will assist you in a caring and supportive classroom atmosphere.

TELP focuses on:

·Language studies  ·Formal writing styles

·Note taking   ·Assignment writing

·Intensive listening   ·Reading

Progressing to our High School or Foundation Programs

Upon completion of TELP, you do not take an IELTS test before you begin our High School or Foundation programs.

NEAS Accreditation

Taylors College has been assessed as operating at a high standard, in keeping with NEAS standards for English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOSA). A recent report commented favourably on the quality and commitment of staff and the impressive student management systems and procedures in place.

TELP term dates

Students are encouraged to enroll(注册)at the start of a term; however, TELP courses allow for entry every four weeks.

2010 dates

·18 January –9 April  ·12 April –2 July

·5 July-24 September   ·27 September-17 December

2010 Summer School

·20 December-14 January 2011

1.The TELP program_________.

    A.is popular and thought highly of by students

    B.is aimed at those who have passed an IELTS test

    C.makes sure students have a communicative atmosphere

    D.makes sure students learn the English language for four months

2.It can be inferred from the text that_________.

    A.TELP courses permits students to have lessons at any time

    B.start date of the first term in 2011 is probably January 17th

    C.students who study from 20th December to 14th January have cold weather

    D.High School and Foundation programs at Taylors college have no entry requirements

3..What information will probably be provided following TELP term dates?

    A.TELP fees      B.TELP descriptions C.TELP courses  D.TELP term dates in 2011



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