

A 35-year-old Australian mother makes around $58, 000 a year by hugging total strangers.

Jessica O' Neill started her unusual job six months ago. “As human beings, one thing we often ignore in our daily lives 1(be) physical touch. Without it, we can fall into depression(抑郁)and other mental health 2(problem). To meet this need, I’ve become a professional hugging therapist(理疗师).”said Jessica.

Jessica thinks her hugs can help those 3(suffer) from loneliness, depression or low self-confidence. “When I hug my customers, I could see their tension and 4(anxious) disappear. Then I could get to their heart and do what I can 5(cure) them.” Jessica said. “Everyone has the desire to connect with someone. I believe my hug helps 6(I) and my customers connect on a spiritual level.” Jessica says the majority of her customers are male, but she has 7surprising number of female customers as well.

8many people think she must be crazy to do such work, Jessica is9(confidence) that she’s made the right choice. “In today’s digital age, many people are lonelier than ever before. Hugging therapy can have an apparent effect 10their mental health,” said Jessica.






5to cure









考查主谓一致。该句中主语为one thingwe often ignore in our daily lives为后置定语修饰one thing,故谓语为第三人称单数形式。故填is








考查不定式。分析句子可知,what引导的宾语从句中省略了谓语动词do,空格和后面部分在句中做目的状语,应使用动词不定式。故填to cure


考查代词。设空处与my customers并列作动词helps的宾语,应用I的宾格me。故填me


考查冠词。此处a number of译为“许多、大量”,修饰可数名词的复数形式。故填a






考查介词。此处考查have an effect on\upon sb\sth译为“对某人或某事产生影响”,为固定搭配。故填on\upon


【题目】 When I entered the 9th grade,I fell in love with college,wanting to pursue art for the rest of my life.To me,__ means a chance to further my education and my abilities in art.I want to __ in Game Art and Animation to develop characters and their stories that I do now through drawing,hoping to be recognized in the game industry like

Rill Gates known in the computer world.I long for a kind of busy lifestyle __ new things.so Game Art will not be the___ thing that I will be known for.I plan to make a career out of every talent I have,developing each talent to the fullest.

I think as I get older my curiosity will___ to the height I have never thought possible.I remember when in the 3rd grade my teacher Mrs Green said something to us in Spanish.I never understood ___she did that,but now I realize she wanted to expand our little brains,showing us that there was __ our neighbourhood in the world.I ___her greatly for that. Back then I didn't really care for anybody else' s __,but now l' m teaching myself Japanese and Spanish.Culture is a very important part of life and college will help me __ different cultures.

College is also an opportunity to meet new people.Looking forward to attending college outside my__,1 believe being in a different environment will __ me to learn and create.I will feel __,surrounded by people with dreams and even more individuals willing to help others __ their dreams.

I wish to inspire future generations just like Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.did!College will take much time and __,but I am ready to consider it as both a challenge and a fun experience.



3A.filled inB.rely onC.full ofD.instead of




7A.less thanB.rather thanC.better thanD.more than




11A.talentB.houseC.neighbourhoodD.college. .



14A.come trueB.setC.findD.achieve


【题目】 There are many gardening tips. Some suggest playing music for your house plants, having conversations with them, or even giving them a gentle touch now and then. Most of these practices are probably more for the benefit of the gardener than the garden, and generally harmless enough but except the last one. Your plants really dislike it when you touch them.

A new study out of the La Trobe Institute for Agriculture and Food has found that most plants are extremely sensitive to touch, and even a light touch can significantly stunt(阻碍) their growth. “The lightest touch from a human, animal, insect, or even plants touching each other in the wind, can cause a huge gene response in the plant,” Jim Whelan, who led the new study, said. “Within 30 minutes of being touched, 10% of the plant’s genome(基因组) is changed. This involves a huge expenditure(消耗) of energy which is taken away from plant growth. If the touching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30%.”

Whelan and his team are still trying to find out why plants respond, at the genetic level, so strongly. They do have some theories, however. We know that when an insect lands on a plant, genes are activated(激活) preparing the plant to defend itself against being eaten ,” said Dr. Yan Wang, co-author of the study.

Until more research is done, it’s just a guess at this point. Still, the findings might already lead to new methods for how agriculturalists deal with their crops, to best promote healthier growth.

It’s worth noticing that while the study found that plants often respond to just a single touch in negative ways, it’s really repeated touching that causes lasting stunted growth. That’s because the plants are looking for patterns in the touching, to tell harmful touch from random touch. So it doesn’t matter if you accidently brush up against a bush during a walk through the woods.

1How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By comparing

B.By giving examples

C.By listing numbers

D.By showing results of studies

2Why can touching stunt a plant growing according to the study?

A.It leads to the plant’s energy expenditure.

B.It makes the plant sensitive to threats.

C.It causes a genetic disorder in the plant.

D.It prevents the plant absorbing nutrients.

3What’s the importance of the study by Whelan and his team?

A.It gives us more useful gardening tips.

B.It helps find ways to ensure plants’ healthy growth.

C.It contributes to the further study on genes.

D.It uses data to warn people not to touch plants.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A.Something is done to help plants grow.

B.Plants’ genome can be changed easily.

C.Plants don’t really like to be touched.

D.What we do every day may destroy plants.

【题目】Monkeys surprise us

Humans are the most intelligent animals on Earth. 1But sometimes, our way of thinking can become an obstacle (障碍).

Julia Watzek, a graduate student in psychology at Georgia State University, US, recently did some research on the problem-solving abilities of both monkeys and humans.2They intended to test their ability to change their strategies(策略) in the game. In this game, each player was shown four squares on a computer screen: one striped square, one spotted square and two blank squares. While being trained to play the game, they learned that clicking the stripedsquare and then the spotted square would cause a blue triangle to pop up in one of the blank squares. Clicking on the blue triangle would give them a reward. 3 But partway through the game, the researchers introduced a shortcut (捷径). Suddenly, the blue triangle started appearing at the start of gameplay, alongside the striped and spotted squares.4Remarkably, about 70 percent of the monkeys figured out this shortcut immediately. 5 Only 1 out of 56 human players figured out the shortcut right away.

Watzek’s conclusion was that humans tend to get “stuck in their ways” when it comes to strategic thinking. Things such as standardized testing and formal schooling might cause humans to use the same strategy over and over, even when it doesn’t work very well.

A.Monkeys never did better than human.

B.She and her team had them play a simple game.

C.The spotted square didn’t appear at all till the end.

D.Humans, on the other hand, were slow to figure it out.

E.We have mental abilities that other animals don’t have.

F.If a player clicked on the blue triangle, they’d receive their reward right away.

G.Human players would hear a “woop!” sound and monkey players would receive a snack.

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