
11.get along well with     in charge      fine         in trouble        settle
a large number of      select         even if      belong to         give in
59.The library containsa large number of foreign language reference books.
60.Even if he had enough money,he wouldn't buy the house near the factory.
61.We'll bein trouble if we can't find a right person for the job right now.
62.Nixon just wanted to make sure that everyone understood who was
63.He is a warm-hearted man and usuallygets along well with his friends.
64.Tom and Kate got married andsettled in London in 2000.
65.The computerbelongs to my sister.
66.She lets her sonselect his own Christmas present.
67.As of this month,police willfine people who feed birds.
68.The mothergave in and bought the child a toy after he cried for half an hour.

分析 59.图书馆里有大量的外语参考书.

解答 59.a large number of 考查固定搭配,根据句意:图书馆里有大量的外语参考书.a large number of 是英语的固定搭配"许多,大量".
60.Even if 考查连词,根据句意:即使他有足够的钱,他也不会买工厂附近的房子.even if 连词"即使".
61.in trouble 考查固定搭配,根据句意:我们会有麻烦如果我们不能找到一个合适的人选胜任这项工作,be in trouble 是英语的固定搭配"在困境中".
62.in charge 考查固定搭配,根据句意:尼克松只是想让每个人都明白谁是负责人.be in charge是英语的固定搭配"负责".
63.gets along well with 考查固定搭配,根据句意:他和朋友们处的很好.get along well with是英语的固定搭配"与…相处得好".
64.settled 考查谓语,本句是一个有着并列谓语的句子got married and settled是并列谓语.
65.belongs to考查固定搭配,根据句意:这台计算机属于我姐姐.belong to是英语的固定搭配"属于",无被动无进行时,所以答案是belongs to.
66.select 考查固定结构,let sb do 是固定结构"让某人干某事",根据句意:她让她儿子自己挑选圣诞节礼物,所以答案是select.
67.fine 考查动词,根据句意:截至本月,警方将罚款喂鸟的人.fine是动词"罚款".
68.gave in考查固定搭配,根据句意:妈妈屈服了.give in是英语的固定搭配"屈服",所以答案是gave in.

点评 选词填空主要是完形填空题和所给词的形式填空,做这类题,有些是固定搭配,有的是固定句式,还有的是联系上下文猜测代词所指的内容和生 词的含义,你必须知道每个词的意思,从句意和语法两方面 思考界定.还有一些是易混淆的近义词组,务必弄清楚各个词组的含义.

1.Hospitals not only treat infections-they can also cause them.
In the United States alone,the number of infections in hospitals is estimated at close to two million each year.About one hundred thousand patients die.
A new government report notes that very little progress has been made in reducing what are called health care-associated infections.The most common are infections of the urinary tract(尿路),surgical site and bloodstream.
Many infections have been increasing even as hospitals have made efforts to improve.About forty percent of all health care-associated infections are linked to the use of catheters.A tube is placed inside the body to collect urine(尿液),so the patient does not have to get out of bed.
But the latest report says urinary tract infections after surgery increased more than three and a half percent.It says catheters should be used only if necessary.
Another way to prevent infections is to give patients antibiotics before surgery.Doctors are advised to give them within the hour before the operation.Patients who get antibiotics earlier than one hour are more likely to get an infected surgical wound.Also,doctors are advised to discontinue the antibiotics within twenty-four hours after the surgery.The report says longer than that is usually not necessary.It can increase the risk of antibiotic resistance.
Kathleen Sebelius is secretary of health and human services.She noted that racial and ethnic minorities were less likely to have insurance and less likely to get the treatments they needed.She called the report numbers"troubling."
But she also said the health care reforms passed by Congress will improve the quality of care for all Americans.She said the new law will reward quality over quantity of care,creating a system that prevents diseases before more costly treatment is required.
49.What do we learn about healthcare-associated infections from this passage?C
A.It is a new disease that is discovered by American doctors.
B.It is not reported in other countries but the United States.
C.It is connected with what doctors do to treat their patients.
D.It is so deadly that it kills two million people every year.
50.In this passage antibiotics are used toB.
A.reduce pain                      B.prevent infections
C.shorten operation time              D.make patients sleep
51.From the last paragraph but one we know Kathleen Sebelius isA.
A.very optimistic about the situation
B.quite worried about the minorities
C.suffering from the infection herself
D.blaming doctors for their slow response 
52.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Antibiotics may be the most effective way to resist infection after surgery.
B.Some ethnic minorities without insurance are in need of basic treatments.
C.Hospitals are where infections are least likely to take place.
D.Hospitals have made great progress in reducing healthcare-associated infections.
20.By 1938,Europe had been experiencing an increased number of attacks on Jews.With no end in sight,Jewish refugee(难民) agencies requested the British government to allow them to bring in only Jewish children under17years of age.This was to be only temporary,until the situation in their home countries was improved.
Kindertransport,meaning"children transport"in German,was then born.Children from Germany,Austria,Czechoslovakia,Poland and other Nazi-occupied regions were transported to the United Kingdom.There they were either placed with other families or in hostels.Later,it was found that many of these children were the only survivors of their families.Nicholas Winton was among those people who helped to save Jewish children.He managed to rescue 669children from Czechoslovakia and bring them safely to England.In 1938around Christmas,29-year-old Nicky was about to leave for a skiing holiday.Suddenly,Martin Blake,one of his good friends,contacted(联络) him from Czechoslovakia,asking him to travel there to help political refugees on the run from the Nazis.And Nicholas agreed.
Nicky spent his entire holiday of 3weeks in the capital city of Prague where he saw the situation first-hand.Once back in England,he immediately started organizing the evacuation(撤离) of children from the Czech region.From advertising for the necessary permits,Nicky worked tirelessly.By August 1939,669children had been helped by Nicky and his friends.Haplessly,the last group of children due to leave Prague in the beginning of September could not do so-World WarⅡbroke out,and swallowed them up.
Nicky did not discuss his particular task with his wife,Grete.It was only when she found a scrapbook in 1988,with names of the rescued children,their (lost) parents and the foster families that had taken them in,that his heroism came to light.Nicky has received several awards in Britain and the Czech Republic.
66.Many Jewish children were brought to the United Kingdom becauseB.
A.they made serious mistakes   
B.they were treated badly in their own country.
C.they lost their homes        
D.they went to the United Kingdom to study.
67.Kindertransport aimed toC.
A.help the homeless             
B.transfer the affected
C.save Jewish children           
D.stop German attacks
68.We can learn from the text that Nicholas WintonA.
A.did a lot to help Jewish children out of danger
B.knew nothing about what happened in Prague
C.always told his wife what he was doing
D.saved 669children and their parents
69.The underlined word"Haplessly"in Paragraph 4can best be replaced by"D".
70.Which of the following can best describe Nicholas Winton?D
A.Strict but caring                
B.Proud but patient
C.Hard-working and humorous      
D.Warm-hearted and cautious.
9.In recent years,manga,or Japanese comics,has become more and more popular with students all over the world.We are drawn in by the interesting stories and drawings.Sitting down to read a comic book can be a great way to relax.It's always wonderful when you're able to lose yourself in a story and forget about all of your worries.When we read manga we can become part of a world that is nothing like our own.We can get excited by the ways that manga allows us to explore in our imaginations without leaving our own homes.
Although reading manga can be very interesting,we need to remember that it's important to read traditional Chinese and western literature as well.Manga is not the only form of writing that we can lose ourselves in.Classic novels have stood the test of time and shouldnt be ignored by us today.An old book doesn't mean the story in it is not important anymore.When we read traditional literature,we learn about the history and the lives of people who lived hundreds of years ago.There are many lessons in classic novels that are still as important today as they were when they were written.Forgiveness,justice,and love are all themes that are just as important today as they were a hundred years ago.
Reading manga can be a really fun way to excite yourself in your spare time.But we shouldn't forget that reading classic novels can also be just as exciting as manga.So next
time you sit down to read,as you're reaching for your comic book,think twice and ___instead!You might be surprised at what you,11find!

56.What is manga?( no more than 4words)Japanese comics
57.Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?
Old doesn't equal outdated.An old book doesn't mean the story in it is not important anymore
58.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?(no more than 10words)
Reading manga is great fun./It's really exiting to read manga.
59.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence,(no more than 5words)pick up a classic novel/take a classic novel
60.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.宽容、公正和爱在今天和一百年前是同等重要的所有主题./宽容、公正和爱是所有主旋律,它们在今天和在一百年前同等重要..

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