

1They built the house ________ ________(不惜) the cost. (of)

2On the morning of August 8th, he spent nearly 4 hours ________ ______(努力解决) the problem. (with)

3When they arrived, the desks and chairs ________ ________ ________ ________ (已调整到) the height of any child.(to)

4Scotland occupies the northern part of Britain, ________ ________ (由……组成) the mainland and many islands. (of)

5It was hard to learn English well ________ ________ ________ ________ (缺乏) the native language environment. (of)

6It is a good habit for you to sort through your learning materials ________ ________(预先) before the examination. (in)

7She found herself ________ ________ ________(存在分歧) her parents over her future career. (with)

8As he spoke he ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(拍了拍那只狗的头) affectionately. (pat)

9There is ________ ________ ________(没有什么比得上) sipping on a coffee.(than)

10To stay dedicated, you need to ______ ________ _______(铭记在心) why you are learning English. (keep)














1考查介词短语。句意:他们不顾成本地建造这所房子。regardless of不惜。

2考查动词短语。句意:88日上午,他花了将近4个小时的时间来解决这个问题。wrestle with设法解决,努力应对。用于spend ... doing …结构中,用动名词wrestling形式。

3考查过去完成时态和被动语态。句意:当他们到达的时候,桌子和椅子已经调整到适应任何孩子的身高。由时间状语从句when they arrived可知,该句主句的谓语动词adjust to用过去完成时态,又因为主语是the desks and chairs,与动词之间为被动关系,故填had been adjusted to。


5考查介词短语。句意:缺乏当地的语言环境很难学好英语。in the absence of缺乏。

6考查介词短语作状语。in advance提前,预先。句意:在考试之前提前整理你的学习材料是一个好习惯。

7考查介词短语结构作宾补。in conflict with冲突,分歧。句意:关于她未来的职业跟父母存在分歧。

8考查关于冠词的固定结构。“pat sb. on/in the + 身体部位”结构中,要注意冠词的使用和介词的选择。句意:他一边说话,一边亲切地拍了拍那只狗的头。

9考查比较级结构。比较级与否定词连用,表示最高级含义。nothing better than …没有比….的了。句意:没什么比得上喝杯咖啡更惬意的事儿了。

10考查动词短语。keep… in mind牢记,铭记。句意:为了保持不断努力的势头,你需要记住为什么要学英语。stay dedicated保持投入此句中why you are learning English为从句,作keep的宾语。

小题8考查“pat sb. on/ in the + 身体部位”的用法,关于此结构的考查主要关注两点,一是“身体部位”之前通常加定冠词the,其二是关于介词的选择也是常考点。

“主语 + 谓语动词 + sb +介词 + the + 身体部位”用法小结:

在这个句型中,常用的动词有 pat 、hit 、strike 、beat 、touch 、take 、catch 等;常用的介词有on、in、by 等。介词后面所跟的名词前面用 the 而不是his 、her 等物主代词。


1. in

表示在身体部位内部用in,这是较好理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体表面较软或较“空”的部位也用in. 如:

He hit me in the mouth(eye, stomach).他打了我的嘴(眼、肚子)

表示打在某人的脸上,也有固定用in。要说hit sb. in the face.


I was wounded in the leg(shoulder). 我的腿(肩膀)受伤了。

She said she had got a pain in her head. 她说她有点儿头疼。

2. on


He stared at her with that peculiar expressions on his face.


He was hit on the head. 有人打了他的头。

She has a ring on her finger . 她戴着戒指。

The man beat the boy on the back(breast, jaw, neck).


The mother kissed her daughter on both cheeks. 妈妈吻了女儿的双颊。

3. at


at heart在内心来说,内心里

at hand在手边,在近处


4. by

by常与动词take, seize, catch, lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、抓住身体某部位”。如:

He took her by the hand. 他拉着她的手。

The man caught/seized the thief by the arm. 那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。

lead sb. by the nose. 牵着鼻子,控制某人



At Dana’s yard sale, Tim chose a baseball from the toys spread on the card table and asked about the price. Dana told him everything was a quarter except Nezumi, a cotton toy rat. It was grey with some cotton sticking out from the hole where an ear had been torn off.

“Nezumi is extra special, so he is ten dollars. He needs a safe new home.” Dana sighed. Tim laughed saying he didn’t have ten dollars. Dana laughed too and gave Nezumi to Tim as a free gift because he was her friend. When Tim whispered it was sort of old, Dana said old toys were the best. She then invited Tim to her birthday party the next evening, adding that her parents were giving her a real rat for her birthday. Tim was amazed and asked if it was a live rat.

“Of course.” Dana said.

At home, Tim’s mother showed him the gift she had bought for Dana. It was a knitting spool(针织线轴) shaped like a mushroom. Mom said Dana could knit a scarf for her doll. Tim sighed that Dana wasn’t a knitting kind of person but a rat kind of person. Mom laughed after knowing what had happened. Together they drove to the pet store, where Tim searched and searched and selected a clear plastic ball, one in which the rat could run around on the floor safe from cats and dogs. Tim thought of Nezumi’s ear and decided Dana’s new rat would need this ball.

The next day, Dana brought cupcakes to class. When she handed a cupcake to Tim, she asked if Tim brought Nezumi to school as Nezumi liked to ride in backpacks. Tim was at a loss because Nezumi was at home on his bed. Then Dana asked what gift he was giving her. Tim replied it was a surprise. In silence they sat for a while before he heard Dana say her parents were giving her a new bike for her birthday instead of a live rat because they thought rats would bite things.

注意:1. 所续写的短文词数应为 150 左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Para 1:

At home that afternoon, Tim stared at the plastic rat ball.


Para 2:

All of a sudden, he had an idea.


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