
6.My first insight into the Myanmarese people's respect for elephants came from Ma Lwin,a shopkeeper in a farming village in the western Bago Mountains.It was late afternoon when I arrived,(61)covered (cover) in sand after a long motorcycle ride.Inside Ma Lwin's bamboo house,she offered me hot tea and scolded me for traveling through (62)dangerous(danger) elephant territory(领地).
Back when the mountans were covered in forest,she told me,elephants and people had lived(63)in harmony.But now that their habitat(栖息地)was being cut and burned down for rubber plantations,the elephants were forced(64)to walk(walk) long distances searching for food,sometimes threatening farmers in the fields.Even (65)so,the farmers told me they loved the elephants.
That was the beginning of months spent(66)journeying(journey) through forests and villages to document the (67)connection(s)(connect) between people and elephants.During my time there,children in camps played alongside elephants used for logging(采运作业); one day park rangers(护林员)led me toan(69)anelephant giving birth.
Development often(69)gives(give) us the excuse to destroy the environment.As a result,the elephant population has dropped(70)greatly(great).But observing so many people's high regard for elephants i Myanmar gives me hope that they won't be left behind.

分析 本文主要描述缅甸人对大象的尊敬让作者对此有了深刻的理解.过去,山上覆盖着森林,人与大象和谐相处.现在,人们为了种植橡胶园,砍伐树木,大象被迫到很远的地方寻找食物,有时威胁到农民的安全,即使这样,人们仍然喜爱大象.

解答 61.covered 考查过去分词.I与cover之间是动宾关系,用过去分词作状语.
62.dangerous 考查形容词. elephant是名词,要用形容词修饰作定语.
63.in 考查介词.live in harmony意为"和睦相处",是固定搭配.
64.to walk 考查动词不定式.force sb.to do sth.意为"迫使某人做某事",动词不定式作宾语补足语,此处是其被动形式.
65.so 考查固定搭配.even so意为"虽然如此",是固定搭配.
66.journeying 考查动名词.spend time/money (in) doing sth.意为"花费时间(金钱)做某事",其中in可以省略.
67.connection(s)  考查名词.定冠词the后接名词connection,根据上下文语境可用复数形式.
68.an 考查冠词.elephant是可数名词,单数形式前加不定冠词a表示泛指,因其读音以发元音开头,用不定冠词an.
69.gives 考查主谓一致.主语Development是单数形式,谓语动词也应用单数形式gives.
70.greatly 考查副词.drop是动词,要用副词修饰.

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

14.For college graduates,it is of vital importance to write application letters well.(36)FIt should state clearly the job you want,and should tell what you have done.It should be simple,human,personal and brief without leaving out any necessary facts.
In writing a letter of application,keep in mind that the things a possible employer is most likely to want to know about are your qualifications,your achievements and your aims.(37)GIf the first few sentences fail to win the reader's attention,the rest of the letter may not be continued at all.Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not to your own needs or desires.For example,instead of beginning with"I saw your advertisement in today's newspaper"you might say"I have made a careful study of your advertising during the past six months"or I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives use your product and why they like it."
(38)E Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now applying.College graduates looking for their first positions often ask what they can provide in a letter and what if employers warn experience,which,naturally,no beginner has.(39)C
It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter.Make a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect.(40)B That makes it easier for a possible employer to get in touch in you.

A.Here are a few suggestions for you to prepare yourself better for your interview.
B.An excellent idea is to enclose a stamped,self-addressed envelope with your letter.
C.The answer is that everything you have ever done is experience.
D.Don't be afraid of being a new hand.
E.Try to avoid writing in general.
F The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to"sell"yourself.
G.The opening paragraph is perhaps the most import.
1.The hot summer sun was over the southern shore (岸) of Japan.Eight-year-old Sho Scott and his father were riding along the hilly coastal road.They were very tired,(41)Bthey didn't stop.As they(42)DCape Sata,their final d estination (目的地),they were very(43)A."We did it!"Sho said with a smile.
On August 30,2009,Sho and his father,Charles,became the first(44)Dfa ther-son pair to(45)Cthe whole length of Japan on connected bikes.It took them 67 days to(46)Cabout 2,500 miles from Cape Soya on the northern shore of Japan to Cape Sata on the southern shore.
Sho was only seven when his father(47)B that they go on a father-son bike(48)A.Sho thought it was a very(49)Bidea."Let's do something in (50)C,"said Sho.Sho and his family live in New York City,but Sho's mother is from Japan.
Sho and his father(51)D their bike ride"Unite to Combat Climate Change-Ride Japan"and (52)Ato raise money for the United Nations'Billion Tree Campaign.(53)Bthe trip,the father and son spent many hours(54)Con their bikes and became comfortable working as a(55)D.Once Sho and his father (56)Ctheir trip,they biked about 46 miles per(57)Afor more than two months straight.(58)Cthey faced lots of difficulties on their way,they didn't(59)B,and finally reached their(60)A.
The bike ride was a dream come true-a dream that grew for more than a year.

50.A.Cape SataB.Cape SoyaC.JapanD.New York
59.A.break outB.give upC.put offD.hold on
18.Going online to do research when you're writing papers and doing projects is natural thing to do.(16)C Knowing how to evaluate and choose online resources can help you avoid headaches and wasting time.
How can you make researching online as easy and effective as possible?Before you begin your research,make a list of the kinds of sites that are best for your topic.Is the website reliable and up to date?(17)A Government sites ending in.gov and educational sites ending in.edu usually are safe bets.Established news-related sites are OK,too,but be sure that you're using the original source.If a newspaper article mentions another source,like an organization or website,go directly to that source to find the information.
(18)DThey can be good resources,but it's always best to check with your teacher to make sure he or she considers the site appropriate.Wikipedia.Org is popular and ranks highly in search results,but it can be edited by anyone,whether a person has accurate knowledge of the topic or not.(19)F
On commercial websites ending in.com,check to see if the site has advertising.(20)G And bogs,personal websites and social media sites are more likely to give personal opinions rather than facts.

A.Check to see if the author is identified and sources are given.
B.That's why it helps to know the best sites for your needs.
C.But all of the choices at your fingertips can seem overwhelming sometimes.
D.Sites ending in.org are usually run by non-profit organizations.
E.Many schools block access to images or websites that may be valuable to your research.
F.At most schools,using Wikipedia as a source is not a good way to build credibility.
G.If it does,it may be biased(有偏见的),since it's trying to sell a product.
15.With more than 100,000 people aged 100 or over,Spain is the country with the greatest life expectancy after Japan.How do you live to 100?Here 4of the country's centenarians (百岁老人) give their advice on staying youthful.
Francisco Nunez,112
He is from Bienvenida,Badajoz,southern Spain.Nunez lives with his daughter.He says he doesn't like the pensioners'(领养老金的人) daycare center because it's full of old people,whose negative attitude towards life affects him deeply sometimes.Despite his old age.he has always maintained (保持) a youthful outlook,and that is what has kept him going on.
Pedro Rodriguez,106
He lives in Cangas de Onis,Asturias,northern Spain.Rodriguez plays the piano every day in the living room of the flat where he lives with his wife who is nearly 20 years younger than him.Their daughters visit them often.His hobby is something that he feels has kept him young."The nuns (修女) taught me how to play the piano as a child,"he says.
Maximino San Miguel,102
He lives in Leon,northern Spain.San Miguel discovered his passion (酷爱) for amateur dramatics at the age of 80 and has participated in many local productions.He didn't go to school as a child because he was sent to work as a shepherd(牧羊人).He prefers reading books about drawing and travelling.Now this hobby,he said,has kept him full of energy.
Pilar Fernandez,101
She lives with her daughter Pili,granddaughters Flori and Ana in Ambas,Asturias,northern Spain.Fernandez suffered hunger and hardship during the war years alongside her nine brothers and sisters.To avoid history repeating itself,she limited herself to just one child."From pure fear,I didn't have anymore,"says Fernandez.One of the best things for her health,she says,is tending livestock (家畜) and a vegetable  garden.
21.Why does Francisco Nunez dislike living with other old people?C
A.They may depend on his help.
B.He is sensitive to his old age.
C.They may affect his attitude to life.
D.He has more kids to look after at home.
22.What does Maximino San Miguel want to do most in his life now?B
A.Working as a shepherd.
B.Reading books.
C.Taking up painting.
D.Going travelling.
23.What benefits her health according to Pilar Fernandez?A
A.Doing gardening.
B.Learning history.
C.Living with kids.
D.Having more children.
24.What can we infer about the four old people from the text?D
A.They are fond of exercising regularly.
B.They led a hard life when they were young.
C.They have the same hobbies in their free time.
D.They have their own method of staying youthful.
16.Emma Morano,the oldest living person celebrated her 117th birthday on November 29,2016.Friends,neighbors and her doctor joined Morano in her small apartment home in the northern Italian mountain town of Verbania.She blew out three candles on her birthday cake.Each candle represented a number in her age."I hope I don't have to cut it,"Morano joked.
"She dressed up and she was very proud,"said her long-time doctor,Carlo Bava."She posed for a photographer,and even asked if her hair looked good.""I am happy to turn 117,"Morano told those attending her party.She received a greeting from Italy's president,Sergio Mattarella.He wished her peace and continued good health.She is thought to be the last living person born in the 1800s.She outlived all her brothers and sisters,including one who died at age 102.
Her doctor noted that when Morano was young,people used to say she was weak and often sick."Yes,yes,"she said.The world's oldest person told the Reuters (路透社) news agency that while she is lucky to have lived so long,parts of her life were"not so nice."She worked in a factory until she retired at age 65.Morano once told a reporter that the first man she planned to marry was killed in World War One.Then,at age 26,she was forced to marry a man she did not love.She said the man threatened to kill her if he did not marry her.She had a son,but the baby died after just six months.She said the marriage was not happy and her husband was abusive (虐待的).She kicked him out in 1938and has lived alone since then.
Emma Morano says one of her secrets to living long is eating at least two uncooked eggs every day.Her doctor credits Morano's long life to her unusual diet,her genes (基因) and positive outlook on life.

24.We can know from the text thatB.
A.Emma Morano's baby died of her husband's abuse.
B.Emma Morano lived a bitter life in her youth.
C.Although Emma Morano often falls sick,she lives the longest life so far.
D.Other people's caring about Emma Morano contributes greatly to her long life.
25.The underlined word"outlived"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning toD.
26.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?B
A.Secrets to the Longest Life
B.World's Oldest Person Turns 117
C.Celebration of the Oldest Living Person
D.Backgrounds of the Oldest Living Person.

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