
15.-Your sneeze tells me you may have a flu.
-No.It's just __________ I can't stand the smell of the paint here.(  )

分析 ---你的喷嚏告诉我你可能得了流感了.

解答 答案:B
分析句子结构可知,"__________ I can't stand the smell of the paint here"用在了系动词is之后,因此本句应是表语从句;在表语从句中:连接副词how作方式状语;why作原因状语;when作时间状语;连接代词that不作任何成分,但通常不可以省略; 由于"I can't stand the smell of the paint here"表达了完整的意义(我受不了这里的油漆味),也不缺任何成分;故选B.

点评 本题考查了表语从句的用法.在做本题时,首先通过分析句子结构,判断该句为表语从句;其次应根据句意并结合各连接词的用法,选出正确答案;因此,做类似的题时,需要熟练掌握表语从句的结构以及各连接词的用法.

5.When you're in high school,it can be difficult to find a job.You may not have much,or any,formal work experience and there aren't many jobs available for teenagers.However,if you're looking for a job,there are things you can do to help get your application noticed and help yourself get hired.(36)F
•Don't be shy.
Tell everyone you know you are looking for a job.Many jobs aren't advertised and you may be able to get a good job lead from a friend or family member.
One good way to get experience is to start by working for friends and neighbors.Babysitting,garden work,doing cleaning,and pet sitting all can be included on your resume(简历).
•Keep an open mind.
(38)D This is a tough market and you may not be able to find a job doing what you want to do.The more flexibility you have,the more opportunities you'll be able to apply for.Plus,even if the job wasn't your first choice,it may turn out to be better than you expected.
•Check the rules.
There are only certain jobs you can do and hours you can work.(39)G The minimum age you can work at paid non-agricultural employment is 14.
•Write a resume.
A resume may not be required by employers.(40)E Even though you may not have much information to include,a resume shows that you're serious about your job search.
A.Start close to home.
B.Be always optimistic.
C.You can count on the following chance.
D.Don't limit yourself to certain types of jobs.
E.But it can help you stand out from the competition.
F.These job search tips will help you get your job search started.
G.Check the Child Labor Law regulations to see how they apply to you.
3.After a terrible electrical accident,which caused him to become both blind and deaf,the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years.The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family,especially his wife,did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.
One hot summer afternoon,he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once.He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet,but he was struck by the lightning.Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree.He was trembling badly,but when he opened his eyes,he could hardly believe what he saw:a plough and a wall.When Mrs.Edwards came running up to him,shouting to their neighbors to call for help,he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.
The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread,and many doctors came to examine him.Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning.However,none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened.The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock,perhaps,the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.

21.The reason for Robert's attempts to kill himself was thatB.
A.a terrible traffic accident happened to him     
B.he had to live in a dark and silent world
C.he was struck by the lightning once more    
D.nobody in the world cared about him
22.What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?A
A.Sheltering from the rain under a tree.
B.Driving a car.
C.Taking a walk with a stick.
D.Lying on the ground.
23.We can infer from the text thatA.
A.there was no accurate explanation for Robert's recovery
B.many doctors came because Robert was badly injured
C.Robert's wife sent for doctors immediately after the shock
D.a sudden injury in the head led to Robert's recovery
24.What's the best title of the whole passage?C
A.A Terrible Electrical Accident          
B.Robert Edwards and His Wife
C.What a Sudden Shock             
D.An Unforgettable Experience.

I am not a girl who will scream “Hello” across the street if I see someone familiar, nor will I meet with a complete stranger and begin a conversation. Instead, I will just laugh lightly. I would rather the other person spoke while I listen attentively. I can’t face the fact that I’m such a girl.

After a week---long vacation, we the tenth grade students returned to school. I reached the center of the hallway where my friend was waiting for me. Coming across a bulletin(公告), I saw some letters—Poetry Slam(诗歌朗诵赛). I told my friend how interesting the event sounded. I had heard of the event before, but I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Soon my friend and I , along with twenty other brave ones, planned to take part in the poetry slam.

When the day finally arrived, I still thought I couldn’t do this. As the lights dimmed(变暗), students all sat down. I crossed my arms over my chest as my feet shook. Poets, seated in the first two rows, all held their heads high and were practicing words for he poetry slam.

“Next is Katrina with Unspoken.” Shocked back into reality, I couldn’t move. I had to gather courage and remember I had chosen what to say, how to say it, and most importantly why I was saying it.

Taking a deep breath and looking at an unfamiliar crowd, I began. “Words can’t replace fear. One can’t live with sentences alone.” Words began jumping into the minds of others.

That was my voice jumping into the ears of those who cared. Yes, I spoke and they finally listened-there is no greater reward than pouring your heart out to those who will gently hold it. Slowly but surely, my nerves turned into courage. From now on I can refer to myself as a shy, but not so quiet, girl.

1.From Paragraph 1 we can know that the author is ________.

A. brave B. smart

C. shy D. lonely

2.Why did the author go to the center of the hallway?

A. To meet her friend

B. To look at the bulletin

C. To join in the poetry slam

D. To tell her friend of the poetry slam

3.How did the author feel at the beginning of the poetry slam?

A. Hopeful B. Nervous

C. Excited D. Confident

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. The author is crazy about poetry

B. The audience praised her highly

C. No rewards were offered to the winners

D. The author changed a lot after the poetry slam

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