
2.When I was nine years old,I loved to go fishing with my dad.But the onl y thing that wasn't very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldn't catch anything.I usually got pretty upset and kept asking him why.He always answered,"Son,i f you want to catch a fish,you have to think like a fish",I remember being even more upset then because,"I'm not a fish!"I didn't know how to think like a fish.Besides,I reasoned,how could what I think influence what a fish does?
 As I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really meant.So,I read some books on fish.And I even joined the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings.I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and therefore is very sensitive to water temperature.That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because the former is warmer.Besides,water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade.Yet,fish don't have any eyelids(眼皮) and the sun huts their eyes…The more I understood fish,the more I became effective at finding and catching them..
 When I grew up and entered the business world,I remember hearing my first boss say,"We all need to think like sales people."But it didn't completely make sense.My dad never once said,"If you want to catch a fish you need to think like a fisherman."What he said was,"You need to think like a fish."Years later,with great efforts to promote long-term services to people much older and richer than me,I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers.It is not an easy job.I will show you how in the following chapters.
29 Why was the author upset in fishing trips when he was nine?B
A.His father was not patient with him
B.He could not catch a fish..
C.His father did not teach him fishing.
D.He could not influence a fish as his father did.
30.What did the author's father really mean?C
A.To read about fish.
B.To learn fishing by oneself.
C.To study fishing in many ways.
D.To understand what fish think.
31.According to the author,fish are most likely to be foundD.
A.in deep water on sunny days
B.in deep water on cloudy days
C.in shallow water under sunlight
D.in shallow water under waterside trees.
32.After entering the business world,the author foundA.
A.his father's fishing advice inspiring
B.it easy to think like a customer
C.his first boss's sales ideas reasonable
D.it difficult to sell services to poor people.

分析 本文叙述了作者通过以父亲教授他钓鱼时,要像鱼一样思考,学会钓鱼的道理,告诉大家从事商业销售时要像消费者一样去思考.

29.B 细节理解题.根据第一段的But that wasn't very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldn't catch anything.I usually got pretty upset.可知作者感到难过,是因为他捉不到一条鱼.故选B.
30.C 推理判断题.根据The more I understood fish,the more I became effective at finding and catching them."我越了解鱼,我越能有效的找到鱼,抓住鱼"可知此处父亲的意思是要我了解钓鱼的方法,故选C.
31.D 理判断题.根据That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water可知鱼喜欢在浅水里,不喜欢在深水里,故排除AB两项.根据water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade.Yet,fish don't have any eyelids(眼皮)and the sun hurts their eyes.可知鱼喜欢呆在阴凉处,不喜欢呆在阳光直射的地方,故排除C项.D项水边树下的浅水处,是鱼喜欢呆的地方,故此处更有可能发现鱼.故选D.
32.A 推理判断题.根据I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers"我逐渐了解我们需要像消费者一样去思考"这与父亲的"You need to think like a fish"相似,因此这是父亲的话给他的启发.故选A.

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