

1.She was the _______ ( 焦点 ) of everyone’s attention.

2.My sister is in Lanzhou University,_______ ( 主修 )in English literature.

3.More and more people , especially women are______ ( 沉溺于 ) to online shopping in China.

4.In October, the price of the_______ (  入场券 ) to Mount Tai has risen by 50%Yuan.

5.I want you to_______ ( 守规矩 ) yourself while I’m away.

6.At the meeting they discussed three different _______ ( 方法 ) to the study of mathematics.

7.I had my mobile phone _______ ( 充电 ) the moment I got home.

8.After the work was finished, he divided the money _______( 平等 ) among them.

9._______ ( 就个人而言 ) speaking, I agreed with what she said.

10.The rich man offered some_______ ( 设备 ) to our school.

1.focus   2. majoring   3. addicted   4. admission 5.behave   6. approaches   

 7. charged     8. equally     9. Personally  10.equipment


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