

Lyse Doucet lives a happy life in Chicago. But recently there is some difficulty for her and her family. She and her husband have each other’s parents and young daughter and for that they are . But she and her husband are both currently . And their car is in great need of . And then there is the matter of their second child, who is soon. So things are a little tense for the Doucet family these days.

When Lyse and her daughter were walking through a store lot recently, Lyse picked up an envelop from the ground that $4,000 in cash. There were a _of different explanations that could be considered. Was this a kind of good ? Could it be an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from God? Lyse didn’t know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelope to someone else. Oh, and one other thing she knew was that her young daughter was . “My kid was standing right there I found it,” Lyse told WLS-TV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be . And for me that was enough.”

Never mind the bills that were , or the car that needed to be fixed, or the baby that would come soon. When she the money over to the police she was told that there was actually nothing illegal if she it.

The police were able to return the money to the person who it-- an old woman. And one can imagine the joy and she felt when the police handed the lost envelop back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears, me,” Lyse said. “She gave me a hug and an envelope with a small in it. But what was in it wasn’t . What mattered was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.”

1.A. restricted B. upset C. grateful D. sensitive

2.A. appreciated B. unemployed C. disappointed D. removed

3.A. cash B. protection C. sale D. repair

4.A. sick B. due C. desperate D. dull

5.A. gathering B. begging C. cleaning D. parking

6.A. contained B. involved C. charged D. paid

7.A. handful B. deal C. number D. flood

8.A. expense B. luck C. hope D. prize

9.A. belonged B. reacted C. pointed D. responded

10.A. urging B. affecting C. laughing D. watching

11.A. before B. when C. because D. though

12.A. ripe B. loyal C. honest D. humorous

13.A. passing by B. giving away C. showing off D. piling up

14.A. turned B. watched C. got D. collected

15.A. checked B. made C. kept D. promoted

16.A. sent B. lost C. disliked D. generated

17.A. relief B. anxiety C. tension D. respect

18.A. comforting B. congratulatingC. thanking D. offending

19.A. option B. present C. envelope D. amount

20.A. important B. serious C. sufficient D. efficient




It’s interesting that technology often works as a servant for us,yet frequently we become a servant to it.E-mail is a useful tool but many feel controlled by this new tool.The average business person is getting about 80 e-mails per day and many feel that about 80% of the messages in their “Inbox” are of little or no value.

So,I have four suggestions to help you to become better at “Erasing E-mail”.

1.Get off the lists.The best way to deal with a problem is to never have it.If you are receiving a lot of unwanted e-mails,ask to be removed from the various lists.This would include your inclusion in unwanted lists.

2.“Unlisted address”.Just as you keep an “unlisted” telephone number that you share only with those whom you want to have direct access to,you might want to get a separate e-mail address only for the important communications you wish to receive.

3.Check it once or twice per day.Many I speak with are becoming chained to their email server,monitoring incoming email continuously.Maybe this is because e-mail creates its own sense of urgency,but most of the communications are not all that urgent.I respond to them a couple of times per day.

4.Deal with it.As you open each e-mail,do one of the following:

a.If it requires a quick response,respond to it and delete it.

b.If it requires a response but is not the best use of your time,try to find someone else to do it.

c.If it is going to take any serious amount of time to respond,schedule it for action in your Day Planner and then download the message,save it,or print it out for future action.

I personally receive about 250 e-mails per day and by practicing the suggestions above,I can handle that volume in about an hour,taking advantage of this fantastic tool but not being controlled by it to make sure I’m doing more important tasks in my day.

1.If you get unwanted e-mails,the best you can do is to ________.

A.make a list of them

B.put them into unwanted lists

C.send them to a special address

D.ask to be deleted from different lists

2.For the important communications,the writer suggests that you ______.

A.have a direct access for them

B.have several e-mail servers for them

C.get a separate e-mail address for them

D.get an unlisted phone number for them

3.To avoid being chained by the coming e-mails,what you can do is to ________.

A.respond urgent ones only

B.reply to all of them at the same time

C.handle them a couple of times daily

D.keep replying to e-mails all day long

4.To deal with an e-mail you get,you can do the following EXCEPT _______.

A.responding right away if it’s urgent

B.downloading every e-mail before you reply

C.scheduling it for later reply if it takes much time

D.asking someone else to reply to it if it’s not at your convenience

阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.

I was twenty-two, and in Bolivia. I’d been to every other country in South America, and now I was set on getting into Chile, the last on the list.

After several days, I reached the hills. It was cold, and even the distant mountains were clear. The days were lonely, but one evening I met Filomeno and his fellow teachers. They tried to persuade me not to go to Chile, saying it was a bad place, and that I would be killed. I didn’t believe them. I knew nothing of the current politics; I just wanted to go there.

So I walked into the mountains, feeling excited, and came to a sign with the word "Chile" on it. A frightening soldier appeared, stuck a gun in my back, and pushed me down a slope to the police station. The police chief then told me, "There’s nothing for you here." I explained that I had come to see this beautiful country. But he was annoyed.

In the evening they filled me with food. There was laughter, and I was less tense. Then the police chief took me to a tiny cell. I lay down on the mattress (垫子). Even though I had no light and none of my possessions, I felt euphoric. At least I had arrived! And what a story I’d have to tell! The next morning I was released, and I was told that Chile didn’t want me. Throwing my belongings into my backpack, I shouted and screamed at the soldiers. After all this effort I was being sent home! I stomped (以重踏步方式走) towards Bolivia expecting to feel a bullet. But I’d be back! I told myself.

1.The author went to Chile to ______.

A. visit his friend Filomeno B. settle there forever

C. complete his trip plan D. risk his life

2.The underlined word "euphoric" in Paragraph 4 most probably means "______".

A. terrible B. shamed C. bored D. excited

3.According to the last paragraph, the author lost his temper because ______.

A. he was prevented from entering Chile

B. he was badly treated by the soldiers in Chile

C. it was his last chance to travel

D. his friends had stopped him from going to Chile

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An exciting fight with soldiers in Chile.

B. How the author escaped from Chile.

C. An adventure in Chile.

D. Why the author went to Chile.



That holiday morning I didn’t have to attend schoo1.Usually,on holidays,Mother________ me to sleep in.And I would certainly take full advantage of it.On this particular morning,________ ,I felt like getting up early.

I stood by my window overlooking the ________having nothing better to do.But as it turned out,I was soon to learn about something ________ in life.

As I watched several people go by,get into their cars and go off,I ________ an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its ________ and a basket of rags and bottles on its back-carriage.He ________ from one car to another, washing and cleaning them.From the water on the ground,it seemed that he had already ________ washing and cleaning about a dozen or more cars.He must have begun to work quite early in the morning.

Several thoughts ________my mind as I watched him work.He wash’t well-dressed.He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) ________ T-shirt.The bicycle he rode was not by any means the kind modern ________ would want to be seen riding on.But he seemed ________ with life.There he was,working hard at his small business, ________ at passers by and stopping to chat now and then ________ elderly men and women on their way to the market nearby.

There was a noticeable touch of ________ in the way he seemed to be doing things ________ the windscreen(挡风玻璃),then standing back to admire it;scrubbing(擦净)the wheels and ________ ,standing back to see what they look like after the scrub.

It was a ________ to learn,I felt.At no age need one have to beg for a ________ if one has good health and is willing to work hard.For a while I felt ________ of myself.Young as I am—just sixteen,and there was this old man who must have been usefully engaged perhaps before the sun appeared above the horizon.

1.A.forces B.allows C.causes D.forbids

2.A.otherwise B.therefore C.however D.besides

3.A.parking lot B.bus stop C.school D.market

4.A.interesting B.surprising C.awful D.useful

5.A.noticed B.recognized C.called D.assisted

6.A.back B.handle C.wheel D.seat

7.A.searched B.1eft C.moved D.wandered

8.A.stopped B.started C.intended D.finished

9.A.crowded B.slipped C.disturbed D.inspired

10.A.attractive B.shiny C.simple D.expensive

11.A.repairmen B.businessmen C.drivers D.cyclists

12.A.busy B.content C.careful D.bored

13.A.waving B.1ooking C.1aughing D.pointing

14.A.about B.for C.with D.1ike

15.A.worry B.respect C.sympathy D.pride

16.A.cleaning B.fixing C.replacing D.covering

17.A.still B.yet C.again D.soon

18.A.1esson B.subject C.skill D.fact

19.A.business B.1iving C.success D.right

20.A.tired B.doubtful C.fearful D.ashamed

Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. The mental process is similar. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.

The great mathematician John von Neumann was one of the founders of game theory. In particular , he showed that all games fall into two classes : there are what he called games of “ perfect information ” , games like chess where the players can’t hide anything or play tricks : they don’t win by chance , but by means of logic and skills . Then there are games of “imperfect information”, like poker, in which it is impossible to know in advance that one course of action is better than another.

One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of “perfect information”. Quite the reverse, business, polities, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors, which would even puzzle the best poker players. But few business people find it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess, not poker.

1.The subject discussed in this text is __________.

A. the process of reaching decisions

B. the difference between poker and chess.

C. the secret of making good business plans

D. the value of information in winning games

2.An important factor in a game of imperfect information is __________.

A. rules B. luck C. time D. ideas

3.Which of the following can be used in place of “Quite the reverse ” in Paragraph 3 ?

A. Quite right. B. True enough.

C. Most unlikely. D. Just the opposite.

4.In the writer’s opinion, when making business decisions one should _________.

A. put perfect information before imperfect information

B. accept the existence of unknown factors

C. regard business as a game of chess

D. mix known and unknown factors

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