
【题目】 When you set a foot outside of your door to drop trash, go to a social event or go for a walk, thoughts like “I hope I don't see anyone I know” or “please don’ t talk to me” may run through your mind. I’ ve also said such things to myself. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is talk with someone, especially someone new.

Why do we go out of our ways to avoid people? Do we think meeting new people is a waste of time? Or are we just lazy, thinking that meeting someone new really is a trouble?

Communication is the key to life. We have been told that many times. Take the past generations, like our parents, for example. They seem to take full advantage of that whole “communication” idea because they grew up talking face to face while Generation-Y grew up staring at screens. We spend hours of our days sitting on Facebook. We send messages to our friends and think about all of the things we want to say to certain people that we don't have the courage to actually do in reality.

Nowadays, we are so caught up in our little circle of friends — our comfort zone. We love it that they laugh at our jokes, understand our feelings and can read our minds. Most importantly, they know when we want to be alone. They just get us.

Holding a conversation with someone new means agreeing with things that you don’t actually believe and being someone you think they want you to be — it is, as I said before, a trouble. It takes up so much energy, and at some point or another, it is too tiring.

But meeting new people is important. Life is too short, so meet all the people you can meet, make the effort to go out and laugh. Remember, Every “hello” leads to a smile — and a smile is worth a lot.

1What do we learn about the author?

A.He likes to be alone.

B.He feels stressed out lately.

C.He's active in attending social events.

D.He's afraid of talking to others at times.

2What's the problem of Generation-Y in the author’s eyes?

A.They rely on the Internet to socialize.

B.They are less confident in themselves.

C.They have difficulty in communicating.

D.They are unwilling to make new friends.

3Why do many young people avoid meeting new people?

A.They think it troublesome.

B.They are busy with their study.

C.They fear to disappoint their old friends.

D.They want to take time to do meaningful work.

4Why does the author write the text?

A.To tell about the importance of friends.

B.To give tips on how to meet new people.

C.To encourage people to meet new people.

D.To introduce the disadvantages of Generation-Y.








1细节理解题。根据第一段I’ ve also said such things to myself. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is talk with someone, especially someone new.(我也对自己说过这样的话。有时候你最不想做的事情就是和别人交谈,尤其是和陌生人。)可知作者有时害怕和别人说话。故选D。

2推理判断题。根据第三段We spend hours of our days sitting on Facebook. We send messages to our friends and think about all of the things we want to say to certain people that we don't have the courage to actually do in reality.(我们每天花几个小时坐在“脸书”上。我们给我们的朋友发信息,思考我们想对某些人说的那些我们在现实中没有勇气去说的事情。)由此推断出,在作者看来,年轻一代的问题是他们依靠互联网进行社交活动。故选A。

3细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Holding a conversation with someone new means agreeing with things that you don’t actually believe and being someone you think they want you to be — it is, as I said before, a trouble. It takes up so much energy, and at some point or another, it is too tiring.(和新认识的人交谈意味着同意你不相信的事情,成为他们希望你成为的人——就像我之前说的,这是一个麻烦。它需要如此多的精力,在某些时候,它太累人了。)可知许多年轻人不愿结识新朋友是因为他们认为这很麻烦。故选A。

4推理判断题。根据最后一段But meeting new people is important. Life is too short, so meet all the people you can meet, make the effort to go out and laugh. Remember, Every “hello” leads to a smile — and a smile is worth a lot.(但是认识新人是很重要的。生命太短暂,所以遇到所有你能遇到的人,努力走出去笑一笑。记住,每个“你好”都能带来一个微笑——而一个微笑是很有价值的。)由此推断出,作者写这篇文章是为了鼓励人们结识新人。故选C

细节理解题大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其它类型问题的基础。该题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息,或是其变体。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题和选项有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。正确选项虽然一般不是原文照搬,但是一般是原文的改写,意思不变。如换一个同义词,把否定改为肯定,把肯定改为否定等。如第3小题,根据倒数第二段Holding a conversation with someone new means agreeing with things that you don’t actually believe and being someone you think they want you to be — it is, as I said before, a trouble. It takes up so much energy, and at some point or another, it is too tiring.(和新认识的人交谈意味着同意你不相信的事情,成为他们希望你成为的人——就像我之前说的,这是一个麻烦。它需要如此多的精力,在某些时候,它太累人了。)可知许多年轻人不愿结识新人是因为他们认为这很麻烦。故选A。


【题目】Frederick Albert is not a name you will find in a history book. It is, _______, the name of a German farmer who was such a hero in Reynoldsburg, Ohio during the Great Depression that people there _______ him a lot. He was also my great-grandfather.

Although my great-grandfather died before I was born, he has had a _______ influence on my life. I always hear stories about his _______. My favorite one that my mother has often told me brings _______ to my eyes as I’m so moved.

In 1935, my great-grandfather planted watermelons for extra money. To cut_______, he always saved the seeds for the next season. While _______ supplies at the feed store(饲料店) one fall morning, my great-grandfather learned of a young girl who was ill with kidney() disease. Her mother had _______ from a local amateur doctor that watermelon seeds could be crushed(压碎) into tea to help _______ her daughter, she ________ my great-grandfather and asked if she could have some of his watermelon seeds. Without hesitation, my great-grandfather gave all his watermelon seeds to the mother --- he was such a(n)________ man.

Unfortunately, all the watermelon tea in the world could not ________ the child and with winter’s first snowfall, she died. The girl’s mother remained ________ to my great-grandfather and his family. News of the child’s death spread, and so did the story of my great-grandfather’s ________ and kindness. Many local farmers ________ him with free watermelon seeds.

In my eyes, my great-grandfather is a real hero ________ he followed his heart and did what was best for others. Although he was a poor man monetarily(在金钱上), he was ________ in the love he gave to others and the ________ he received.

Whenever I find myself in ________ or confusing situations, I will remember his story. I smile with ________ when I follow his wisdom.

1A. moreover B. therefore C. otherwise D. however

2A. encouraged B. admired C. blamed D. comforted

3A. small B. strong C. simple D. secret

4A. reaction B. connection C. devotion D. suggestion

5A. tears B. worries C. smiles D. fears

6A. costs B. interests C. wastes D. food

7A. waiting for B. putting up C. making for D. picking up

8A. remembered B. understood C. learned D. agreed

9A. protect B. cure C. raise D. examine

10A. informed B. advised C. presented D. approached

11A. brave B. sensitive C. caring D. patient

12A. raise B. beat C. forgive D. save

13A. grateful B. hopeful C. pitiful D. regretful

14A. generosity B. modesty C. optimism D. fairness

15A. rewarded B. honored C. repaid D. followed

16A. although B. because C. unless D. when

17A. famous B. free C. rich D. popular

18A. experience B. freedom C. support D. respect

19A. difficult B. practical C. misleading D. strange

20A. worry B. satisfaction C. pride D. doubt

【题目】One day Kavya and I were playing tennis and the ball went into a man’s house. Then we went to his house and asked if he could give us our ball. He said, “No”. We felt helpless. But suddenly we came up with an idea. There was a water tank (水箱) behind the man’s house. I told Kavya, “We can climb onto the water tank and jump over the gate.” Kavya agreed, but we were both wearing skirts. We couldn’t climb in those. “We can get it back tomorrow,” said Kavya.

The next day we went there with Kavya’s brother Vijay. He said, “Shout loudly if you need me.” Kavya climbed onto the water tank first and then she climbed down into the man’s house. I followed her. We were looking under a bed for the ball when we heard a noise. It was Vijay. “Mother is calling you,” he said in a low voice.

We hurried out taking the lost ball with us. Along with the ball was a surprise! But we had to leave the house quickly. When we reached Kavya’s house, the TV was on. It was news time. I couldn’t believe my ears when it said that 20 gold bars were stolen from a gold shop. They showed a picture of the gold bars, which were exactly like the one we had seen in the man’s house.

We told the story to Kavya’s mother right away, and she called the police. Soon the police caught the man. They found all the gold bars in his house. A few days later a policeman came to us and said, “Thank you for helping us catch the guy. Here is a bag for all of you.” When we opened it, it was full of storybooks and lovely toys. Standing beside us, Kavya’s mother was all smiles.

1The children decided to climb over the water tank ________.

A. after they were refused by the man

B. because their ball fell onto the tank

C. to see who was brave enough to do that

D. because they wondered who the man was

2The surprise mentioned in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.

A. a tennis ball B. storybooks

C. a gold bar D. toys

3We can infer from the text that Kavya’s mother ________.

A. hated watching TV

B. enjoyed playing tennis

C. knew the man very well

D. was proud of her daughter

4What can we learn from the story?

A. Better late than never.

B. The day has eyes, the night has ears.

C. A bad thing never dies.

D. Friendship is love with understanding.

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