
71. It can never be denied that a book _______________________ in study as a dictionary does. (play)


72. I think it is you rather than she _________________________ for the accident. (blame)


73. He knows so much about this problem. He      __________   a lot of books! (refer)


74. But for your support, we ______________________the plan last month. (carry)


75. He suddenly stood up __________________ and soon was found by his friends. (make)


76. ____________________________ persuade her, I have failed completely. (attempt)


77. When his father came back he ___________________his homework. (pretend)


78. The technology is reported ___________________ architecture in other countries for a long time, but it was not introduced into China until two years ago. (apply)


79. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to ______________________. (mark)


80. I have a very busy life with _____________________feeling sorry for myself. (sit)


71. plays as important a role/part

72. that/who are to blame

73. must have referred to

74. couldn’t have carried out

75. to make himself seen

76. Every time I attempted to/ every time I made an attempt

77. pretended to be doing 

78. to have been applied to

79. what has been marked

80. to sit around


第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)
A university math tutor has discovered the science behind “singledom”, finding that our chances of finding the perfect partner are just 1 in 285,000. Peter Backus, a tutor at the University of Warwick, published his “Why I Don’t Have a Girlfriend” paper after a three-year love drought.
His unconventional study uses a famous math formula called The Drake Equation(德雷克等式), which was first used to estimate the existence of extra-terrestrial(地球以外) life.
The results don't look promising for British singles. 30-year-old Mr. Backus found that out of the 30 million women in the UK, only 26 would be suitable girlfriends for him.
The dull equation takes into account the number of women aged 24 to 34, living in his home city of London, and who are single, meaning his chances of meeting his dream woman on a night out are slim.
The economics expert said: “There are 26 women in London with whom I might have a wonderful relationship. So, on a given night out in London there is a 0.0000034% chance of meeting one of these special people. That’s a 1 in 285,000 chance, so it’s not great.”
The puzzling Drake equation reads: N =" R*" x Fp x Ne x Fi x Fc x L, and helped pioneering scientist Professor Drake to predict that there could be 10,000 civilizations in our galaxy.
Mr. Backus simply replaced the original equation with his own criteria for a dream date, which included the percentage of women likely to find him attractive, and the number of girls aged 24-34 in London. He said: “The research may sound depressing to people looking for love, but the good news for singles is, it’s probably not your fault!”
56. Mr. Backus’ discovery in this passage is mainly concerned about ______.
A. whether there exists life out of our planet
B. the possibility of his being able to find love
C. how to get rid of singledom
D. what math can do to serve our daily life
57. What does Mr. Backus think of the result of his research?
A. Optimistic.     B. Depressing.      C. Unrealistic.     D. Exciting.
58. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A. Mr. Backus’ major research field is “singledom”.
B. Mr. Backus found a girlfriend three years ago.
C. Mr. Backus’ new thesis will surely be well received.
D. Mr. Backus has been searching for love for long.
59. By “the good news for singles” in the last sentence, Mr. Backus probably mean _____.
A. you don’t have to blame yourself for remaining single
B. maybe the discovery is not reliable at all
C. the result was based on his own criteria
D. there might be more dream date out of London
60. Which of the following statements is true?
A. This passage could be published in a scientific magazine.
B. The passage intends to prove there are other civilizations.
C. The passage writer doesn’t really understand the Drake equation.
D. Most women in London are not suitable for university teachers.

New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.

Researchers examined the results of 97 studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Brazil, India and Mexico.

The researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics found that people who are considered overweight or slightly obese were five to six percent less likely to die from all causes than people of normal weight. People with higher obesity ratings, however, had almost a 30 percent greater risk of death compared to normal-weight individuals.

Katherine Flegal was the lead author of the study. She says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher risk of death.

“Because we’d actually already read a lot of this literature and realized it was likely that mortality rates (死亡率) for overweight would be at least not higher than normal weight. I guess I was a little bit surprised that it was definitely lower. And I was also surprised that the lower rates of obesity also didn’t seem to differ from normal weight.”

But she says the difference in death rates appears to be small between normal-weight people and those who are overweight or mildly obese.

The study has raised new questions about “body mass index,”(体重指数) or BMI. This is a measurement of body fat as a ratio(比率) of height to weight. In recent years, many public health experts have promoted body mass index as a way to predict the risk of health problems. Bu t a person's BMI can be misleading in some cases.

Steven Heymsfield ,the executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, says people can be physically fit and in good health, but might weigh more because they are more muscular.

Still, Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings. He says being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病).

1.According to the new findings, the researchers found that __________ .

A.People with high obesity have a lower risk of early death than people with low obesity

B.People with overweight have a greater risk of early death than people of normal weight.

C.People with mild obesity are less likely to die than people of normal weight.

D.People with obesity live much longer than people of normal weight.

2.What does the underlined word “literature” in paragraph 6 mean ?

A.works like novels and poems

B.books and articles on a particular subject

C.printed material

D.magazines and newspapers

3.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A. BMI is commonly used to measure body fat as a ratio of height to weight.

B. Not all people with a little higher BMI are fat .

C. Many public health experts encourage more people to use BMI as a way to predict the risk of health problem

D. Because of the ne w findings, people should think about gaining extra weight.


Brief  Introduction

(Adeline) Virginia Woolf (née Stephen; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English novelist and essayist, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Main  body

My dear,

'Dearest, I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that - everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.

I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been...........................from the last letter of virginia woolf

1.According to the first paragraph we can infer that            

A. During the interwar period,virginia woolf was important for London people.

B.She has been living for 55 years

C.Her first the novels Mrs Dalloway in 1925

D.She regarded as one of the foremost romanticism literary figures of the twentieth century

2.what is form of The main body?

A.letter of resignation                        B.Letter of condolence

C.Letter of suicide                           D.Letters of Apologies ;

3.Where can I see this article?

A.newspaper         B. biography

C. German Literature     D.television

4.According to the main body, which of the following is not the reason of her Dutch act(自杀)?

A. She can't go on spoiling your life any longer

B. I feel certain I am going mad again

C. She cannot bear her husband's interference

D. The approach of war makes her psychological problems aggravated


 [1] While the Amazon may seem far away, we are all closely connected to it through our actions. Now there are largely the results of great demand for forest products and agriculture land, which makes its plant and animal species in danger. Fortunately, we can help save the Amazon rainforest by making the right choices in our daily lives. By being smart consumers, we can make a difference and help reduce human pressures on the forests and rivers.

[2] Look for forestt products that you don ’ t need to destroy forests to get. We can choose many rainforest products like Brazil nuts and coffee, which can be got without destroying forests. And at the same time the money you provide can help local people to _______________.

[3] Recycle everything possible. Such items as batteries, cloth, glass, paper in our daily life can be recycled with different techniques. For example, the collected glass pieces are taken to a glass recycling factory where they are madeinto new glass bottles through a series of processing.

[4] Buy the rightpets. Many wild animals are illegally caught in the Amazon and sold as pets and large numbers of these animals die in the process. It ’ s important to ask where the animal comes from and to require a store to give you proof when you decide to buy a pet.

[5] Carefully select the appliances( 家用电器 ) in your home . For example, order low-flow shower heads ( 喷头 ),which can reduce your use of hot water and use of energy to heat the water. So it ’ s wise to select the appliances which can save energy.

[6] Turn off appliances that you are not using and take the plug off them..Switch off TVs, computers, lights, etc. even when they are not being used and make sure the plug off the switch of some appliances that se electricity including TVs, video and audio systems, computers.

76. What is the main idea of the text ? (no more than 8 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

And at the same time the money you provide can help local people to ________________________

78. L i st two threats to the wildlife in Amazon.(no more than 5 words)


79. What ’ s the purpose of choosing the appliances carefully ?(no more than 4 words)


80. What does the word “ they ” (L i ne 2, Paragraph 6) probably refer to?(no more than 1 word)

Many people like the feeling of the gentle wind in spring.Many like to see the falling leaves  dancing in the wind in autumn.But sometimes,when the wind becomes a storm,it can be very destructive.

    A series of such storms struck the us last month and caused very serious damage and human  pain.

    Every year,major storms cause many problems around the world.There is nothing people can.do to stop these powerful forces of nature.But new techniques are helping scientists to predict how,when ,and where big storms will happen.The more exact scientists’ warnings are,the better people can prepare for the storms.

   Predictions are improving.“We’ve gotten better over the years,especially the last few years,”says Phil Klotzback,a scientist at an American university.How is a storm formed ? Even if scientists know where a storm will happen,winds can suddenly change,carrying the storm to a new direction.“For a hurricane to happen,conditions have to be just right,”Klotzback says.

    First, the ocean water needs to be warm enough so that it evaporates and rises into the air.As it rises.the vapor cools and turns back into liquid.This process gives off heat.This produces energy like an engine that causes winds to increase.It drives the formation of a hurricane.

    If wind speeds reach 40 miles per hour,the system is called a“tropical storm”(热带风暴),and it gets a name.At 75 miles per hour,it becomes a hurricane.

    Hurricanes that hit the US start when a thunderstorm forms off the coast of Africa.Storms also develop over tropical waters in other parts of the world.

    On average,60 or 70 storms form off Africa every year.About l0 of them get names.There are usually about six hurricanes.Two tend to be very big,with winds of 115 miles per hour of higher.

    The hurricane season lasts from June to November.Ninety percent of all hurricanes hit in Au

gust,September,and October.

1.According to the text,hurricanes usually ________

    A.form off the coast of Africa and America

    B.travel at 40 miles per hour and get its name

    C.cause sea winds to rise and blow over the sea

    D.hit parts of the world in summer and autumn

2.If _______,people can prepare for the storms better.

    A.people fully realize the destroy of storms

    B.scientists give predi6tions or warnings of storms more exactly

    C.scientists know where a storm will happen

    D.conditions of the storms are just to be right.

3.The underlined word“evaporates”(in Paragraph 5)probably means“________”.

    A.begins to move    B.gets lost

    C.becomes hot           D.changes into a gas

4.Which of the following about the information of a hurricane is the correct order

    a.The ocean water evaporates and goes into the air.

    b.Heat creates energy and causes winds to increase.

    c.ne vapor cools.

    d.The ocean water is warm enough.

    e.The vapor changes back into liquid.

    f.This course gives out heat.

    A.a,d,e,b,c,f             B.a,b,c,f,d,e

    C.d,a,c,e,f,b               D.d,a,b,c,e,f

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.The speed of the biggest two hurricanes reaches 115miles per hour.

    B.About one third of the hurricanes tend to be very big.

    C.One out of six or seven storms get names.

    D.Every year at least 60 storms form off Africa.

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