
     I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was a college freshman and had    1   up most
of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first    2   of the day my
eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my
textbook a    3  . A few minutes' nap (小睡) time before class couldn't    4   , I thought.
     BOOM! I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around
with my   5   beating wildly trying to find the cause of the    6   . My young professor was looking at
me with a boyish smile on his face. He had    7  dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his
desk. "Good morning!", he said still    8   . "I am glad to see everyone is    9   . Now let's get
     For the next hour I wasn't sleepy at all. It wasn't from the    10   of my professor's textbook
alarm clock either. It was instead from the    11   discussion he led. With knowledge and good 
   12     he made the material come    13   . His insight was full of both wisdom and
loving-kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy that he    14   with were contagious (有感染力的).
     I    15   the classroom not only wide awake, but a little    16   and a little better as well.
     I learned something far more important than not    17   in class that day too. I learned that if you
are going to do something in this life, do it well and do it with    18   . What a wonderful place this
would be if all of us did our work joyously and well. Don't sleepwalk your way through    19   then.
     Wake up! Let your love fill your work. Life is too    20   not to live it well.
(     )1. A. took  
(     )2. A. class
(     )3. A. platform  
(     )4. A. lose  
(     )5. A. heart
(     )6. A. trouble
(     )7. A. angrily
(     )8. A. smiling
(     )9. A. active
(     )10. A. sound
(     )11. A. fascinating
(     )12. A. gesture
(     )13. A. strange
(     )14. A. taught
(     )15. A. decorated
(     )16. A. clearer
(     )17. A. discussing  
(     )18. A. joy  
(     )19. A. work
(     )20. A. hard
B. divided
B. test  
B. pillow  
B. help  
B. mind  
B. noise
B. carelessly
B. talking
B. curious
B. shock  
B. convincing
B. sense
B. natural
B. spread  
B. filled
B. smarter
B. speaking
B. speed
B. life    
B. complex               
C. stayed  
C. task  
C. carpet  
C. last  
C. thought
C. failure
C. intentionally
C. complaining
C. present
C. interruption
C. puzzling
C. humor  
C. handy  
C. combined
C. left  
C. quieter
C. cheating
C. aim  
C. journey
C. short
D. put                  
D. lecture              
D. wall                  
D. hurt                  
D. head                  
D. incident              
D. accidentally          
D. shouting            
D. awake                
D. blow                  
D. encouraging          
D. design                
D. alive                
D. started              
D. entered              
D. stronger              
D. sle eping            
D. determination        
D. college          
D. simple                                 
1-5: CABDA  6-10:  BCADB  11-15:  ACDAC  16-20: BDABC


I had my first job at the age of thirteen , when a friend of my mother who owned a bookshop hired me for six hours a week to help her in the shop . I was very  36   to earn my own pocket money and my parents   37 interfered (干涉) with how I spent it , even when I was spending it  38  .They believed that by earning money ,spending it ,and learning from the  39  ,I would become more mature (成熟的)and  40  in how to handle work ,relationships with others ,and money.

Like many  41  parents ,my parents also let me and my brothers do things about which they  42  a great deal .When I was sixteen ,for example ,after I finished high school and before I entered university ,I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around  43   .My mother was against the idea of my traveling alone at such a young age, but my father felt that it would be a great  44  for me .In the end , my father won the  45  on the condition that I limited my traveling to France ,my mother’s home, where I had many uncles, aunts and cousins  46  through the country who could  47  shelter and help if I needed them .

Three years later ,my younger brother decided to  48  a year off after his first year in university and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again my mother was very worried and not  49  to see my brother leave school, but my father encouraged him and my brother spent a (n) 50   year working his way on trains and ships to  51  his passage to different ports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.

These kinds of experiences are probably  52  for children in many countries but in the US they are fairly common. Most parents start  53  their children at a young age to do small things by themselves .By the time they have finished high school, many American kids have already had  54  jobs and traveled around the US or other countries on their own , have selected the university they plan to attend , maybe even have decided on their future  55 ,and so on .

A.anxious       B. worried        C. proud        D. nervous

A. never          B. ever          C. always           D. even

A. carefully       B. foolishly        C. seriously        D. honestly

A. work          B. mistakes       C. others       D. books

A. strict          B. reasonable       C. polite           D. responsible

A. American      B. Japanese      C. Chinese           D. British

A. helped          B. supported        C. shared           D. worried

A. Asia          B. Africa         C. Europe           D. Oceania

A. journey         B. experience       C. chance           D. possibility

A. argument      B. game           C. discussion       D. plan

A. sending out    B. giving out        C. carrying out     D. spreading out

A. promise       B. decide         C. provide          D. serve

A. leave         B. make           C. take             D. prepare

A. angry         B. eager          C. sorry            D. sad

A. unusual       B. hard           C. strange          D. busy

A. accept        B. earn           C. find          D. search

A. welcome      B. fit             C. necessary        D. rare

A. bringing        B. forcing     C. pushing          D. protecting

A. part-time      B. full-time         C. good             D. well-paid

A. life           B. career       C. hope        D. benefit

完形填空 I :阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共12个小题;每小题1分,满分12分)
A businessman was on a business trip to Tokyo. One day he went to    29   some gifts for his employees (雇员) back in his country. He    30   a supermarket. A lady smiled and   welcomed him. He was very touched, and felt good .Because he was not able to    31    the warmth of her smile, he was watching her as he was    32  . She was giving the same    33    to all the people who walked into the supermarket.
The businessman started thinking if she hated doing the same thing. So he asked, “My dear lady, are you    34    of doing this job?” The lady smiled and said, “No, sir, I have    35   here for the last 10 years and I love my job.” The businessman was surprised and asked, “Why have you stayed here for ten years, and why do you like your job   36    much?” The lady said, “Because I am doing something good for my    37   .” The businessman found this interesting. He asked, “Why?” The lady said, “As most of our customers are    38   , they spend foreign currency here. So our country has a lot of money and becomes richer. People who are happy with our service will 39  _____ more often and spend more money in our country.”
Surprised by her    40   , the businessman thanked her. After returning to his own country he worked hard to introduce the same attitude (态度) to his workers, and today his company is one of the best companies in the world.
29. A. buy                         B. order         C. make                    D. pay
30. A. opened                    B. cleaned       C. entered                  D. checked 
31. A. require                  B. enjoy               C. hide                         D. forget  
32. A. traveling                   B. working             C. singing                            D. shopping
33. A. feeling                  B. smile         C. warmth                    D. watching 
34. A. fond                         B. tired          C. proud                             D. afraid
35. A. stood                         B. learned       C. worked                    D. lived 
36. A. so                         B. very          C. even                        D. enough
37. A. home                        B. country        C. supermarket           D. boss 
38. A. millionaires            B. managers      C. strangers              D. foreigners 
39. A. praise                        B. visit          C. talk                         D. save 
40. A. action                        B. service        C. attitude                    D. help 


I came to study in the US last fall. My life had been quite  1  since I arrived at

Andover. Although I had quite a few extracurricular (课外的) activities, I hadn’t taken any official leadership position.

This  2 changed when I received an e-mail from Ms Griffith, my cluster dean (主

任),    3  that a few female DC Rep was needed. DC Rep 4 Discipline Committee Representative.  5  boarding school students break serious rules, like using  6  , getting drunk or cheating in the studies. The punishments given to such students are   7 by a DC Rep, a house counselor, two student representatives, the cluster dean. I was really interested in becoming a DC Rep for my cluster, Pine Knoll, so were five other students. We had to hold   9  and Ms Griffith asked us to write  10  to be sent to everyone in Pine Knoll.

I thought hard about what to write. I didn’t  want to make any   11 because they are difficult to keep. I didn’t want to say I was experienced, because I was not. So I started my speech by explaining  12   I wanted to become a DC Rep. “ I want to serve Pine Knoll and also learn how American boarding schools carry out disciplines,” I wrote  13  .

I made three   14  that said “ Vote For Teresa” and put them on every exit (出口处) of my dorm so that people would  15 my name when they went to vote.

Although I tried hard, I didn’t win the election, I was  16  . But my positive nature didn’t allow me to   17  for very long. I actually  18 when my friends tried to comfort(安慰) me. “Teresa, I’m sorry that you didn’t win the election,” they would say.

“ No, don’t be sorry for me. I am very happy to have taken part in the election.” I said.

It is true: the   19  is much more important than the result. I am surprised and happy to discover my hidden  20 .

1.  A. hard         B. terrible       C. happy         D. simple

2.  A. condition     B. situation      C. time          D. life

3.  A. explaining    B. writing       C. saying         D. talking

4.  A. stands for     B. asks for      C. calls for        D. looks for

5.  A. Usually      B. Sometimes    C. often          D. Sometimes

6.  A. computers    B. drugs         C. cars          D. mobiles

7.  A. carried out    B. given         C. determined    D. made

8.  A. or           B. although      C. but           D. therefore

9.  A. a discussion   B. a meeting     C. an election     D. a selection

10. A. articles       B. speeches       C. compositions  D. introductions

11. A. mistakes      B. movements    C. promises      D. requests

12. A. how         B. whether        C. when        D. why

13. A. seriously     B. easily          C. fluently      D. honestly

14. A. posters      B. advertisements   C. speeches      D. promises

15. A. recognize    B. remember       C. forget        D. know

16. A. satisfied     B. surprised        C. disappointed    D. helpless

17. A. put out      B. look down       C. feel down      D. lie down

18. A. smiled      B. cried            C. laughed        D. sorrowed

19. A. reason      B. attitude          C. process        D. aim

20. A. strength     B. courage          C. ability          D. skill



I had my first job at the age of thirteen , when a friend of my mother who owned a bookshop hired me for six hours a week to help her in the shop . I was very  36   to earn my own pocket money and my parents   37 interfered (干涉) with how I spent it , even when I was spending it  38  .They believed that by earning money ,spending it ,and learning from the  39  ,I would become more mature (成熟的)and  40  in how to handle work ,relationships with others ,and money.

Like many  41  parents ,my parents also let me and my brothers do things about which they  42  a great deal .When I was sixteen ,for example ,after I finished high school and before I entered university ,I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around  43   .My mother was against the idea of my traveling alone at such a young age, but my father felt that it would be a great  44  for me .In the end , my father won the  45  on the condition that I limited my traveling to France ,my mother’s home, where I had many uncles, aunts and cousins  46  through the country who could  47  shelter and help if I needed them .

Three years later ,my younger brother decided to  48  a year off after his first year in university and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again my mother was very worried and not  49  to see my brother leave school, but my father encouraged him and my brother spent a (n) 50   year working his way on trains and ships to  51  his passage to different ports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.

These kinds of experiences are probably  52  for children in many countries but in the US they are fairly common. Most parents start  53  their children at a young age to do small things by themselves .By the time they have finished high school, many American kids have already had  54  jobs and traveled around the US or other countries on their own , have selected the university they plan to attend , maybe even have decided on their future  55 ,and so on .

1.A.anxious       B. worried      C. proud        D. nervous

2.A. never          B. ever        C. always           D. even

3.A. carefully       B. foolishly       C. seriously        D. honestly

4.A. work          B. mistakes     C. others       D. books

5.A. strict          B. reasonable      C. polite           D. responsible

6.A. American      B. Japanese      C. Chinese          D. British

7.A. helped         B. supported        C. shared           D. worried

8.A. Asia          B. Africa       C. Europe           D. Oceania

9.A. journey       B. experience       C. chance           D. possibility

10.A. argument      B. game        C. discussion       D. plan

11.A. sending out    B. giving out      C. carrying out     D. spreading out

12.A. promise       B. decide           C. provide          D. serve

13.A. leave         B. make        C. take             D. prepare

14.A. angry         B. eager       C. sorry            D. sad

15.A. unusual       B. hard        C. strange          D. busy

16.A. accept        B. earn         C. find          D. search

17.A. welcome      B. fit          C. necessary        D. rare

18.A. bringing          B. forcing     C. pushing          D. protecting

19.A. part-time      B. full-time       C. good             D. well-paid

20.A. life           B. career          C. hope        D. benefit



完形填空 I :阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共12个小题;每小题1分,满分12分)

A businessman was on a business trip to Tokyo. One day he went to    29   some gifts for his employees (雇员) back in his country. He    30    a supermarket. A lady smiled and   welcomed him. He was very touched, and felt good .Because he was not able to    31    the warmth of her smile, he was watching her as he was    32   . She was giving the same    33    to all the people who walked into the supermarket.

The businessman started thinking if she hated doing the same thing. So he asked, “My dear lady, are you    34    of doing this job?” The lady smiled and said, “No, sir, I have    35    here for the last 10 years and I love my job.” The businessman was surprised and asked, “Why have you stayed here for ten years, and why do you like your job   36    much?” The lady said, “Because I am doing something good for my    37   .” The businessman found this interesting. He asked, “Why?” The lady said, “As most of our customers are    38   , they spend foreign currency here. So our country has a lot of money and becomes richer. People who are happy with our service will 39   _____ more often and spend more money in our country.”

Surprised by her    40   , the businessman thanked her. After returning to his own country he worked hard to introduce the same attitude (态度) to his workers, and today his company is one of the best companies in the world.

29. A. buy                                   B. order         C. make                           D. pay

30. A. opened                           B. cleaned       C. entered                        D. checked 

31. A. require                          B. enjoy         C. hide                                  D. forget  

32. A. traveling                          B. working       C. singing                                      D. shopping

33. A. feeling                          B. smile         C. warmth                           D. watching 

34. A. fond                                  B. tired           C. proud                                       D. afraid

35. A. stood                                 B. learned         C. worked                          D. lived 

36. A. so                                  B. very            C. even                                 D. enough

37. A. home                                B. country          C. supermarket               D. boss 

38. A. millionaires                 B. managers       C. strangers                 D. foreigners 

39. A. praise                                B. visit             C. talk                                 D. save 

40. A. action                                B. service          C. attitude                          D. help 


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