

I came to study in the US last fall. My life had been quite  1  since I arrived at

Andover. Although I had quite a few extracurricular (课外的) activities, I hadn’t taken any official leadership position.

This  2 changed when I received an e-mail from Ms Griffith, my cluster dean (主

任),    3  that a few female DC Rep was needed. DC Rep 4 Discipline Committee Representative.  5  boarding school students break serious rules, like using  6  , getting drunk or cheating in the studies. The punishments given to such students are   7 by a DC Rep, a house counselor, two student representatives, the cluster dean. I was really interested in becoming a DC Rep for my cluster, Pine Knoll, so were five other students. We had to hold   9  and Ms Griffith asked us to write  10  to be sent to everyone in Pine Knoll.

I thought hard about what to write. I didn’t  want to make any   11 because they are difficult to keep. I didn’t want to say I was experienced, because I was not. So I started my speech by explaining  12   I wanted to become a DC Rep. “ I want to serve Pine Knoll and also learn how American boarding schools carry out disciplines,” I wrote  13  .

I made three   14  that said “ Vote For Teresa” and put them on every exit (出口处) of my dorm so that people would  15 my name when they went to vote.

Although I tried hard, I didn’t win the election, I was  16  . But my positive nature didn’t allow me to   17  for very long. I actually  18 when my friends tried to comfort(安慰) me. “Teresa, I’m sorry that you didn’t win the election,” they would say.

“ No, don’t be sorry for me. I am very happy to have taken part in the election.” I said.

It is true: the   19  is much more important than the result. I am surprised and happy to discover my hidden  20 .

1.  A. hard         B. terrible       C. happy         D. simple

2.  A. condition     B. situation      C. time          D. life

3.  A. explaining    B. writing       C. saying         D. talking

4.  A. stands for     B. asks for      C. calls for        D. looks for

5.  A. Usually      B. Sometimes    C. often          D. Sometimes

6.  A. computers    B. drugs         C. cars          D. mobiles

7.  A. carried out    B. given         C. determined    D. made

8.  A. or           B. although      C. but           D. therefore

9.  A. a discussion   B. a meeting     C. an election     D. a selection

10. A. articles       B. speeches       C. compositions  D. introductions

11. A. mistakes      B. movements    C. promises      D. requests

12. A. how         B. whether        C. when        D. why

13. A. seriously     B. easily          C. fluently      D. honestly

14. A. posters      B. advertisements   C. speeches      D. promises

15. A. recognize    B. remember       C. forget        D. know

16. A. satisfied     B. surprised        C. disappointed    D. helpless

17. A. put out      B. look down       C. feel down      D. lie down

18. A. smiled      B. cried            C. laughed        D. sorrowed

19. A. reason      B. attitude          C. process        D. aim

20. A. strength     B. courage          C. ability          D. skill



1---5 DBCAB   6---10 BCCCB  11---15 CDDAB   16---20 CCACB




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