
8.KBG84 is a one-of-a-kind girl band in Japan consisting of 33 singing and dancing  grannies,with an average age of 84.The oldest member,Haru Yamashiro,is 97 years old!
The new band,based in the remote island of Kohama in Okinawa,is a huge hit in the country-so much so that the members are rather shocked by their success.Their first single-titled Come on and Dance,Kohama Island-has made it to the top of the charts,and they've just completed a sellout tour of Japan.
"We felt like stars in Tokyo,"added 86-year-old Hideko  Kedamori."Everyone in the audience had a big smile,which gave us the energy to sing our hearts out.We're blessed to have been born in Kohama.Our lyrics are about the island and nature-whales in the sea spouting or dolphins doing somersaults(空翻)."Regardless of the lyrics,these elderly women are incredibly charming when they perform.Their energy and enthusiasm is amazing,considering their age.In fact,no one under the age of 80 is allowed into the band.
It turns out that the pop queens are blessed with incredible genes-Okinawan islanders have one of the highest life expectant in the world.Their diet chiefly consists of vegetables and local purple-fleshed sweet potatoes,with practically no added sugar.Menaka said she isn't particular about her diet.
"I look after my health by cleaning my home,wiping the floors,steaming rice,"she said."I stay in the shade when it's too hot.I don't.want to get burnt.I have to take care of my skin-I'm still young at heart!"

28.What's the aim of writing the passage?B
A.To tell us KBG84 is the best band in Japan.
B.To introduce a popular band in Japan.
C.To show why KBG84 is so popular.
D.To prove the elderly can become stars.
29.How did the members of KBG84 feel when they succeeded?A
A.Very surprised.
C.A little proud.
B.Rather calm.
D.Fairly content.
30.What are the lyrics of KBG8 about?C
A.The women's interests.B.Inspiring stories.
C.Kohama and nature.D.Whales and dolphins'food.
31.What Menaka said in the last paragraph suggestsA.
A.she keeps fit by doing housework
B.taking exercise every day brings her joy
C.she likes high temperature very much
D.her good skin is what she takes pride in.

分析 本文属于广告类阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了一个由三十三名老奶奶组成的乐队--KBG84.

解答 28.B,主旨大意题.根据第一段KBG84 is a one-of-a-kind girl band in Japan consisting of 33 singing and dancing  grannies,with an average age of 84.The oldest member,Haru Yamashiro,is 97 years old!可知KBG84是一个由33名载歌载舞的老奶奶组成,平均年龄84岁的乐队,之后文章就此展开,判断本文的写作意图就是介绍日本一个流行的乐队,故选B.
29.A.细节理解题.根据第二段中的句子so much so that the members are rather shocked by their success.可知"当得知她们成功了,成员都非常惊讶",故选A.
30.C.细节理解题.第三段中的句子Our lyrics are about the island and nature很关键,由此可判断"歌词与这个岛屿和自然有关",故选C.
31.A.推理判断题.根据最后一段中的句子I look after my health by cleaning my home,wiping the floors,steaming rice可知"她通过做家务活来保持健康".故选A.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.Lake Forest High School Clubs
Environmental Club
Club members are provided opportunities to realize their goals of environmental service.The majority of projects are student-initiated.Last year's activities included:the LFHS Courtyard Garden upkeep,Bike to School Day with free cocoa and snacks,an"eat local"100 mile dinner,recycling solutions for LFHS,beach cleanup through the Great Lakes Alliance,and Earth Week celebrations.
Meetings:First Friday of the month in Room 5 at 7:00 a.m.
Advisor:Ms Mary Beth Nawor,mnawor@lfschools.net
Peer Tutoring
Students volunteer to help fellow students in improving their academic(学术上/学习上的) and organizational skills.Students tutor LFHS and middle school students on an individually scheduled basis.LFHS tutors must have proficiency(精通) in the academic area in which they wish to tutor,but middle school tutors only need general academic proficiency.
Meetings:All tutoring is done on an individually scheduled basis.
Advisor:Ms Kathy O'Hara,kohara@lfschools.net
Young Idea
Young Idea is LFHS's art and literary magazine.Students of all ages who love writing and art are encouraged to become part of the staff of this awardwinning magazine.Young Idea encourages all students to submit art and literature works to the magazine,whether they are a part of the staff or not.From September to February,Young Idea meets on Thursdays after school in the Public Room to discuss the pieces that have been submitted to the magazine and provide feedback for the authors.
Meetings:See above explanation.
Advisor:Ms Debbie Zare,dzare@lfschools.net
Scout Buddies
Scout Buddies is a friendship club which helps build friendship among individuals with and without disabilities.Club members participate in a variety of social activities both within the school and in the community.Activities include organizing holiday parties in the school,bowling,going to the movies,and eating out in local restaurants.
Meetings:Monthly meeting dates vary,but in Room 134.
Advisor:Ms Donna Lovitsch,dlovitsch@lfschools.net

1.Which club provides help for students poor in study?A
A.Peer Tutoring.
B.Environmental Club.
C.Young Idea.
D.Scout Buddies.
2.When is the staff of Young Idea most likely to meet?B
A.6:30 p.m.,August 11,Thursday    
B.6:00 p.m.,January 5,Thursday
C.7:30 a.m.,November 17,Thursday   
D.7:00 p.m.,September 23,Friday
3.What is the requirement for students to join a certain club?D
A.They are required to have a bike to join Environmental Club.
B.They need to be athletic to join Scout Buddies.
C.They need to win a literary award to join Young Idea.
D.They need to be academically proficient to join Peer Tutoring.

My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. 1. Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.2. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3.  Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us. 4.She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is!5.This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?

16.We were in a small town in Greece on holiday many years ago.We went into a little restaurant.There were modern chairs and tables painted bright yellow,except one old round wooden table and four wooden chairs.
An old lady appeared and asked us what we would like.We asked for some local food.Then an old man came in and came over to the old wooden table.
He sat down and the old lady set down a glass of water and a plate of bread in front of him and at the other three places of the table.I realized he was expecting three others.
Nearly an hour later,the old man was still sitting there alone.Although he was eating something,the glasses of water and plates of bread at the other three places were still there.I said to the old lady,"Sad that his company did not arrive and he had to eat alone."
"He always eats alone.His company never turns up,"she said.
"Many years ago,there were four handsome,strong young men.Once a week they would sit at that table and have lunch together because it was Friday.They had been friends since school days and were always together.Then the war broke out and they went off to fight.After the war only Nikolas returned.He came here every Friday and sat down to have lunch with his friends after the day he got out of hospital.Nikolas needs these Fridays to deal with his grief(忧伤) and to spend happy times with his old friends."
It was so touching that I got tears on my cheeks.I will never forget the old man and the story happening to him.

25.What can we know about the old round wooden table?B
A.It was for persons on holiday.
B.It was kept for Nikolas.
C.It looked like other tables.
D.It was broken in the war.
26.The old man's company never turned up becauseC.
A.they had not been invited to the restaurant 
 B.they had moved to another city
C.they lost their lives in the war            
D.they didn't know the way to the restaurant
27.The old man went to the restaurant in order toD.
A.wait for his friends from other places 
B.meet new friends visiting Greece
C.enjoy the local food all by himself    
 D.get into the memory of his old days
28.How did the author feel after she knew Nikolas'story?C
A.She was surprised at Nikolas'story.
B.She thought Nikolas was a poor man.
C.She was moved by Nikolas'story.
D.She thought Nikolas was so funny.
13.You know that squeak(吱吱声) you hear from your pet mouse or the pest mouse?It turns out that it is not really a squeak,but a sweet song by male mice to attract females.This is the conclusion reached by biologist Dustin Penn and his team at the Veterinary University of Vienna.
The scientists who have been conducting a series of studies on house mice for a number of years,began by recording the high-pitched(声调高的) sounds male mice made the moment they sensed a female mouse around.What they discovered when they played them back to females was that the ladies could tell between those made by their brothers and the ones made by unrelated males.Just like human,they tended to ignore the ones made by their brothers.
The researchers then took the experiment one step further and analyzed the squeaks.To their surprise they discovered that while the squeaks sounded similar,they each had a different"tune".The biggest surprise of all was that the mice could even learn tunes from each other.
However,not all scientists agree with this finding.Some like Kurt Hammer,a scientist at the German Primate Center believe that the test sample was too small to make such a conclusion.
The researcher's next plan to test if the females care about the quality of the"song".In some bird species,males that can sing the most complex tunes seem to get the most attention.
So why do we care whether mice can sing or not?Clearly,since they are being used as laboratory testers,it will help us make advances in human speech disorders like the ones found in people suffering from autism(自闭症).

29.According to Dustin Pen,the squeak made by a male mouse isD.
A.a hungry signal           
B.a sad cry
C.a terrible noise         
D.a pleasant sound
30.The underlined word"them"in Paragraph 2 refers toC.
A.the male mice                       
B.the female mice
C.the squeaks made by the male mice      
D.the squeaks made by the female mice
31.What might be Kurt Hammer's idea?A
A.More studies should be made.
B.Mice are intelligent animals.
C.the conclusion is reasonable.
D.Mice shouldn't be studied.
32.One benefit of the study on mice squeaks is that it canC.
A.find ways to kill mice                 
B.inspire musicians with their work
C.help treat human speech disorders       
D.find ways to select intelligent mice.
20.The London Eye 4D Film Experience started in August and is included in the London Eye ticket price.It is a fantastic 4D film to entertain you before your trip on the London Eye.The 4D effects are great.
No Extra Cost to You
That's right; you buy your ticket for the London Eye and 4D cinema experience.Merlin Entertainments,the London Eye owners,spent 5million creating the film and building the 4D cinema and wanted to improve the value for money of the London Eye.
What to Expect
The 4D Cinema entrance is in the ticket hall.So after buying your ticket,go straight to it,where you'll be given a pair of glasses.About 160visitors will pass through the 4D cinema every 8 minutes so don't worry about waiting time.People in the bright pink cinema are all standing on four levels.The top level is designed for wheelchairs.
London Eye 4D Film
Put on your glasses and enjoy yourself.The story is about a little girl visiting London with her father and she wants to be higher to get a better view so she comes to the London Eye.It differs from watching the 3D film for all your senses are involved.When it snows on screen,you feel it snows in the cinema.And when you watch the fireworks,you can really smell them.
For a short film,less than four minutes,before the main attraction you think you've come for,you are going to love this free extra.I stood there with my mouth wide open at the end as many others did.It's fantastic!The effects are the Hollywood standard as no expense is spared.I was lucky enough to try the film three times on the first day and I still want to go back again.

25.What does the author mainly tell us in this passage?A
A.He mainly introduces the 4D film of Merlin Entertainments.
B.He mainly introduces the London Eye entertainment center.
C.He mainly tells us his experiences while creating the 4D film.
D.He mainly introduces to us how to take part in the 4D film.
26.Why did the Merlin Entertainments build the 4D film cinema?D
A.Because it wanted to attract more visitors to London.
B.Because it could earn more money from the public in the UK.
C.Because it could provide more entertainments for visitors.
D.Because it wanted to increase the value of the London Eye.
27.Where could people get into the 4D film cinema?B
A.In the Hollywood.
B.In the ticket hall.
C.Under the London Eye.
D.In the ticket center.
28.While seeing a 4D film,people will feelD.
A.greatly frightened 
B.much worried
C.sweet smell
D.as if they were on the scene.
16.As time goes on,people have come to realize the importance of protecting the environment.But they can't deal with everything by themselves.Take small steps,and you can make a difference.
●Think Green.Think about the environment as you live your life.If you turn off lights and TV when leaving the room,you'll save energy.If you take shorter showers,you will save water.
●Shop Green.Shopping is fun,but buying things you don't need is wasteful and even bad for the earth.Before you buy something,ask yourself how much you will use it,and whenever possible,buy things locally made instead of those shipped from far away.
●Dress Green.What really matters is not the colour.It's how the clothes were made.So look for products made from environmentally friendly(环保的)materials.
●Study Green.What's better than learning about the environment?Save it while you learn.It can be as simple as using both sides of a piece of paper before you recycle it.

29.What does the writer want us to do?C
A.Know some facts.
B.Deal with everything at once.
C.Protect the environment.
D.Make no difference.
30.How many steps can we take according to the text?B
31.Which of the following is the writer's idea?C
A.Take a shower as long as possible.
B.Wear clothes whose colour is green.
C.Buy things that are locally made.
D.Use only one side of a piece of paper.
32.The text is most probably written for.D
D.all people.

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