
【题目】Bigger isn’t always better. People who are skeptical about this argument just need to look at personal computers. It is the continual shrinkage of components that have brought about the explosion of computing power and enabled these computers to be accessible to people across the world.

Inspired by this, researchers have been working on areas where making things small may mean big results. And this year, the Nobel Prize has challenged the convention of celebrating big by presenting the biggest prizes to discoveries on the smallest scales.

The committee presented the Nobel Prize for medicine to Yoshinori Ohsumi of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, for his research on “autophagy”, which is a “self-eating” process seen in cells.

What’s more, in recognition of their working on the unique nature of matter in extreme states and taking their research all the way down to an atomic scale, the Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to three British-born scientists who presently work in the US.

Another exceptional new field is that of nanotechnology(纳米技术). The Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded to a scientist who managed to build the world’s tiniest machines out of molecules(分子), including a nano-sized car, which are so small that they are not seen by the human eye.

Small as the subjects are, the benefits of the scientists’ research are set to be huge. More importantly, their inventions may even eventually be turned into products that benefit mankind.

Ohsumi’s research on “autophagy” shines a light on common diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes. As for the molecular motors, they’re preparing to bring huge potential to the fields of medicine and energy. “The ground-breaking discoveries in physics have lighted a firestorm of research, and it’s only a matter of time before their research leads to advances as unimaginable to us now as computer chips were a hundred years ago,” Laura H. Greene, president-elect of the American Physical Society told The New York Times.

1The underlined word “shrinkage” in Paragraph 1 probably means .

A. reducing the size B. cutting down the cost

C. improving the quality D. strengthening the function

2What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Nano-sized cars are now popular all over the world.

B. Ohsumi's research has helped cure some common diseases.

C. Three scientists have made a great breakthrough in atomic energy.

D. The Nobel Prize used to have a preference for findings on big scales.

3What is Laura H. Greene’s attitude to the new discoveries in physics?

A. Positive B. Doubtful

C. Reserved D. Concerned.

4What is the message the passage conveys?

A. Great minds think alike.

B. Small things make a big difference.

C. Many small streams make a great river.

D. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.








词义猜测题。根据第一段第一、二句Bigger isn’t always better. People who are skeptical about this argument just need to look at personal computers. 更大并不总是更好。那些对这个论点持怀疑态度的人只需要看看个人电脑就知道了。可知,It is the continual shrinkage of components that have brought about the explosion of computing power and enabled these computers to be accessible to people across the world. 正是由于组件的不断shrinkage,才导致了计算能力的爆炸式增长,并使这些计算机能够被世界各地的人们所接受。可知划线词的意思是收缩,故选A。


推理判断题。根据第二段第二句this year, the Nobel Prize has challenged the convention of celebrating big by presenting the biggest prizes to discoveries on the smallest scales.可知,诺贝尔奖过去常常偏爱大规模的发现。故答案为D。


推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“The ground-breaking discoveries in physics have lighted a firestorm of research, and it’s only a matter of time before their research leads to advances as unimaginable to us now as computer chips were a hundred years ago,” Laura H. Greene, president-elect of the American Physical Society told The New York Times.可知,Laura H. Greene对物理学新发现的态度是积极肯定的。故选A。


主旨大意题。第一段第一句Bigger isn’t always better.更大并不总是更好。根据倒数第二段Small as the subjects are, the benefits of the scientists’ research are set to be huge. 尽管研究对象很小,但科学家们的研究成果将是巨大的。More importantly, their inventions may even eventually be turned into products that benefit mankind.最重要的是,他们的发明甚至可能最终会变成造福人类的产品。由此可知本文传达的信息是,小事情会产生大意义。故答案为B。


【题目】Asking for a raise can be a discouraging prospect for any employee. 1 If you’re a female employee seeking a raise, it matters to approach that conversation strategically. Here are a few tips for pulling it off successfully.

Do your research.

2 So if you’re making a case for a pay increase, you’ll need to gather some data on what others in similar positions are earning. To that end, do some research on sites like Salary.com. 3 Remember to collect the average earnings for all workers in your position and make your case for why you deserve to be paid similarly.

Don’t get emotional.

Women are often accused of getting emotional on the job. In fact, it’s that so-called sensitive nature that causes some people to claim they’re uncomfortable working with and promoting female employees. That’s why it’s extremely important to keep you cool during a salary negotiation. Be specific and present hard evidence of your value to the company. Try to focus on your positive contributions, rather than the negative feelings. And although the discussion might get heated, be sure not to yell or, worse yet, cry while it’s going down. 4


Given many news stories about how men out-earn women, you may tend to draw on some of that data as a reason for getting a raise. But be very careful about using that argument, because unless you have definitive proof that your male colleagues—with the same exact titles, experience, and responsibilities — are making more money than you, you’re better off avoiding that angle.

A. Don’t accuse your employer.

B. Slaying calm will only help your case.

C. Take advantage of how much men colleagues earn.

D. It’s never a good idea to go into a salary negotiation blindly.

E. You are often paid less salary than your workmates in similar positions.

F. But women face unique challenges when it comes to requesting more money.

G. They allow you to search for compensation info based on industry and geographic region.

One of the most important things in the world is friendship. In order to have friends, you have to be a friend. But how can you be a good friend at school?
Listen — Listen when they are talking. Don't say anything unless they ask you a question. Sometimes it's not necessary for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.
Help them — If your friend is ever in need of something, be there to help them. You should try to put them first, but make sure you don't do everything they want you to do. Try to take an extra (额外的) pencil or pen with you to classes in case (以防) they forget one. Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need.
Be there for them — Try to make something for your friend to help make them feel better in hard times. Making cards and encouraging them are among the nicest things you can do for a friend. Marilyn Monroe, a famous U.S. actor, once said, “I often make mistakes. Sometimes I am out of control. But if you can't stay with me at my worst, you are sure not to deserve (值得) to be with me at my best.” Always remember this! If you don't want to stay with your friends when they're in hard times, then you don't deserve to be with them when they're having a good time!
______ — Try to make plans with your friends. Go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. By planning things together, you both can have a good time. And you'll remember these things when you're all old!
(1)While your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings, you should _____.
A.give him or her some advice
B.just listen unless asked
C.calm him or her down
D.share your feelings as well
(2)When we provide help for our friends, we should _____.
A.try to do everything for them
B.put them before ourselves
C.change their bad habits first
D.ignore their faults
(3)What can we learn from Marilyn Monroe's words?
A.Life without a friend is death.
B.A friend is easier lost than found.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D.A man is known by his friends.

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