
A simple life means getting rid of many of the things you do so that you can spend more time with people you love and do the things you love. 1. It’s often a journey of two steps forward and one backward.

Evaluate your time. 2. What things do you do from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep? Make a list, and evaluate whether they’re in line with your priorities. If not, remove them and focus on what’s important. Redesign your day.

Limit your communications. Our lives these days are filled with a vast flow of communications: email, cell phones, paper mail, Twitter, forums, and more. 3. Instead, set a limit on your communications: only deal with emails at certain times of the day. Limit phone calls to certain times too. It is the same with other communications. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Try living without a car. OK, this isn’t something I’ve done, but many others have. 4. Walk, bike, or take public transportation. It reduces expenses and gives you time to think. A car is also very complicated, needing not only car payments, but insurance, maintenance, repairs, gas and more.

5. If you rid your home of stuff, you might find you don’t need so much space. I’m not saying you should live on a boat (although I know some people who happily do so), but if you can be comfortable in a smaller home, it will not only be less expensive, but easier to maintain, and greatly simplify your life.

A. Consider a smaller home.

B. Have a place for everything.

C. How do you spend your day?

D. It’s something I would do if I didn’t have kids.

E. They can take up your whole day if you let them be.

F. However, getting to simplicity isn’t always a simple process.

G. Most people don’t know what “enough” is, and thus they keep buying more.

Delta College starts Street Fair

San Joaquin Delta College will introduce its new Summer Street Fair, which runs from noon to 8 p. m every Friday stating this week through Aug. 9 in Delta’s L-l parking lot near Pacific Avenue and March Lane. The fair goes with Delta’s weekend flea market.

This week’s featured performers are guitarist Travis Matsumoto from noon to 3 p.m., and Julio and his Jazz Trio from 3 to 6 p.m.

Lode Farmers Market opens

The Angels Camp Certified Farmers Market begins its yearly run from 5 p.m. to dusk this Friday in Utica Park in downtown Angels Camp. Opening night will feature wine tasting from award-winning Four Winds Cellars, and live music by guitarist Nicholas Leffler. Visitors will find fresh, locally grown produce and specialty foods. There will also be barbecue and California-

Mexican fusion cuisine.

Join River Rafting for a good cause

Whitewater enthusiasts can participate in Mokelumne Rive, Rafting Adventures on June 16 in Mokelumne Hill. Local outfitter O.A.R.S. is donating its services to help with the event. Departures are at 8 a.m., noon, or 4 p.m. The trip should last about three hours.

The trip is appropriate for those 7 and older, and the ability to swim is not required. The cost is $ 70 per person.

Films center on paddling water

The festival is an annual contest that awards winning films that focus on paddling in rivers, lakes and oceans in a variety of locales. Tickets to the film festival are $12 in advance and $15 at the door, and are also available online at ticketriver.com/event/7002-reel-paddling-film-festival.

The evening also includes a drawing. Prizes include whitewater trips on the South Fork of the American River.

1.If you want to go to the Summer Street Fair, .

A. you must be a student from Delta College

B. you can go there on the afternoon of Friday

C. you should live near the Pacific Avenue

D. you must give a performance in the market

2.If you want to enjoy the tasty foods, you can go to____.

A. the new Summer Street Fair of Delta College

B. Lode Farmers Market

C. Mokelumne River Rafting Adventures

D. the film festival centering on paddling water

3. If you are interested in paddling in rivers.

A. you can know all the American rivers

B. you must try hard to get many prizes

C. you can get tickets from a website

D. you must keep silent in the evening

What if handheld (掌控型的) tools know what needs to be done and were even able to guide and help inexperienced users to complete jobs that require skill? Researchers at the University of Bristol have developed and started studying a novel concept in robotics—intelligent handheld robots. Historically, handheld tools have been straight, unintelligent instruments that are unaware of the context they operate in, are fully directed by the user, and therefore, lack any understanding about the task they are performing.

Dr. Walterio Mayol-Cuevas and PhD student, Austin Gregg-Smith, from the University's Department of Computer Science, have been working in the design of the robot as well as in understanding how best to be with a tool that “knows and acts”.

Compared to other tools such as power tools that have a motor and perhaps some basic sensors (感应器), the handheld robots developed at Bristol are designed to have more degrees of freedom to allow greater independence from the instructions of the user, and importantly, understand the steps being carried out. This allows for a new level of co-operation between user and tool, such as the user providing directions and the tool performing the detailed task.

Handheld robots, aim to share physical similarity with users but are neither fully independent as is a humanoid robot nor are part of the user’s body. The aim with handheld robots is to develop the intuitiveness (灵性) of using traditional handheld tools while adding planted intelligence and action to allow for new abilities.

Dr. Mayol-Cuevas, Reader in Robotics Computer Vision and Mobile Systems, said, “There are three basic levels of autonomy (自主权) we are considering: no autonomy, semi-autonomous when the robot advises the user but does not act, and fully autonomous when the robot advises and acts even by correcting or refusing to perform incorrect user actions.”

1.What is the new concept in robotics?

A. Full control by the user.

B. Improvement in intelligence.

C. Larger size of the robots.

D. Help for the experienced users.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “unaware”?

A. updated B. educated

C. organized D. uninformed

3.What is the advantage of handheld robots compared to other tools?

A. They are more dependent on the users.

B. They all have a motor and basic sensors.

C. They don’t need to follow the instructions at all.

D. They have a new level of freedom to perform the task.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The handheld robots can never disobey the user’s order.

B. The autonomy is the only thing that the scientists are considering.

C. There will be more intelligence and independence in the handheld robots.

D. The aim of the handheld robots is to correct and refuse the user’s directions.

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