A schoolgirl saved her father's life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction which stopped his heart.

Izzy, nine, restarted father Colm's heart by stamping (踩) on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing.

Izzy's mother, Debbie, immediately called 999 but Izzy knew doctors would never arrive in time to save her father, so decided to use CPR.

However, she quickly discovered her arms weren't strong enough, so she stamped on her father's chest instead.

Debbie then took over with some more conventional chest compressions (按压) until the ambulance arrived.

Izzy, who has been given a bravery award by her school, said: "I just kicked him really hard.My mum taught me CPR but I knew I wasn't strong enough to use hands.I was quite scared.The doctor said I might as well be a doctor or a nurse.My mum said that Dad was going to hospital with a big footprint on his chest.”

"She's a little star," said Debbie, "I was really upset but Izzy just took over.I just can't believe what she did.I really think all children should be taught first aid.Izzy did CPR then the doctor turned up.Colm had to have more treatment on the way to the hospital and we've got to see an expert."

Truck driver Colm, 35, suffered a mystery allergic reaction on Saturday and was taken to hospital, but was sent home only for it to happen again the next day.The second attack was so serious that his airway swelled, preventing him from breathing, his blood pressure dropped suddenly, and his heart stopped for a moment.

He has now made a full recovery from his suffering.

1.From the passage, which of the sentences about Debbie is true?

A.She thought it useless to teach children first aid.

B.She thought if her daughter became a doctor, she would kick him harder.

C.She did nothing to help her husband.

D.She was proud of her daughter.

2.Izzy kicked her father in the chest ______ .

A.to express her helplessness

B.to practise CPR on him

C.to keep him awake

D.to restart his heart

3.What's the right order of the events?

①Izzy kicked Colm.

②Debbie called 999.

③Izzy learned CPR.

④Colm's heart stopped.





4.What does Paragraph 8 mainly talk about?

A.What Colm suffered.

B.Colm's present condition.

C.What caused Colm's allergy.

D.Symptoms of Colm's allergic reaction.

5.Why does the author write the news?

A.To describe a serious accident.

B.To prove the importance of CPR.

C.To report a 9-year-old girl's brave act.

D.To call people's attention to allergic reaction.

Women are friendly. But men are more competitive. Why? Researchers have found it’s all down to the hormone oxytocin (荷尔蒙催生素). Although known as the love hormone, it affects the sexes differently.

“ Women tend to be social in their behavior. They often share with others. But men tend to be competitive. They are trying to improve their social status,” said Professor Ryan.

Generally, people believe that the hormone oxytocin is let out in our body in various social situations and our body creates a large amount of it during positive social interactions (互动) such as falling in love or giving birth.

But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy.

Further researches showed that in men the hormone oxytocin improves the ability to recognize competitive relationships, but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship.

Professor Ryan’s recent experiment used 62 men and women aged 20 to 37. Half of the participants received oxytocin. The other half received placebo (安慰剂).

After a week, the two groups switched with participants. They went through the same procedure with the other material.

Following each treatment, they were shown some video pictures with different social interactions. Then they were asked to analyze the relationships by answering some questions. The questions were about telling friendship from competition. And their answers should be based on gestures, body language and facial expressions.

The results indicated that, after treatment with oxytocin, men’s ability to correctly recognize competitive relationships improved, but in women it was the ability to correctly recognize friendship that got better.

Professor Ryan thus concluded: “ Our experiment proves that the hormone oxytocin can raise people’s abilities to better distinguish different social interactions. And the behavior differences between men and women are caused by biological factors that are mainly hormonal.”

1.What causes men and women to behave differently according to the text?

A. Oxytocin. B. Placebo.

C. The gesture. D. The social status.

2.What can we learn from Professor Ryan’s previous experiment?

A. Oxytocin affects our behavior in a different way.

B. Our body lets out oxytocin when we are deep in love.

C. Oxytocin improves our abilities to understand people's behavior differences.

D. Our body produces oxytocin when we feel unhappy about others’success.

3.Why did Professor Ryan conduct the recent experiment?

A. To know the differences between friendship and competition.

B. To test the effect of oxytocin on the ability to recognize social interactions.

C. To know the differences between friendship and competition.

D. To know people’s different abilities to answer questions.

4.The author develops the text by __________.

A. explaining people's behaviors

B. describing his own experiences

C. discussing research experiments

D. distinguishing sexual differences


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Growing older is unavoidable while growing up is optional. These words have been passed on in the loving ____ of Rose.

On the first day of school our professor challenged us to get to know someone, so I ____ to find a little old lady looking at me with a smile. She said, "Hi,handsome! My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a ____? " I laughed and ____ responded, then followed a giant squeeze. “____ come that are you in college at such an innocent age?” I asked. "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids..." I was ____ what it was that motivated her to be taking on this ____ at her age. “ I always dreamed of having a college education and now I ____ it!” Later, we became friends.

Rose became a campus celebrity and she easily made friends ____ she went. On one ___ Rose was invited to speak at our football banquet. Her prepared cards dropped before she ____ the speech. A little ____ , she simply ____ her throat and began," We do not stop playing ____ we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are certain secrets to stay ____ , being happy and achieving success. You've got to have a dream. When you ____ your dreams, you die.”…

At the end of the year Rose finished her college education. One week after graduation Rose died ____ in her sleep. Over two thousand college students ____ her funeral in honor of the wonderful woman who taught by ____ that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.

Anybody can grow older, which doesn't ____ any talent or ability. The key is to grow up by always finding opportunities in change.

1.A.care B. memory C. need D. want

2.A.turned up B. turned over C. turned around D. turned away

3.A.hug B. kiss C. hand D. gift

4.A.annoyingly B. impatiently C. absently D. Enthusiastically

5.A.Who B.How C.Why D. Whe

6.A.curious B. positive C. obvious D. convinced

7.A.risk B. opportunity C. challenge D. invitation

8.A.like B. take C. hold D. make

9.A.however B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever

10.A. stage B. occasion C. time D. event

11.A. remembered B. continued C. delivered D. wrote

12.A. delighted B. embarrassed C. fascinated D. frightened

13.A. cleared B. checked C. cleaned D. treated

14.A. until B. before C. when D. because

15.A. energetic B. young C. alive D. healthy

16.A. lose B. realize C. pursue D. obtain

17.A. secretly B. sadly C. peacefully D. bitterly

18.A.joined B. ignored C. cancelled D. attended

19.A.example B. directions C. speech D. personality

20.A. gain B. explore C. take D. Appeal

Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise, and not getting enough sleep can lead to obesity, heart trouble and other health problems. Now scientists are adding more wake-up call to that list: lack of sleep damages the brain.

People who regularly have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep (one study drew the line at 6.8 hours ) show changes in brain-----actual shrinking(缩小),in some cases--- in area important for memory and problem solving.

“We’ve always believed that we can take the weekend to catch up and be fine,” says Sigrid Veasey, a researcher in University of Pennsylvania, but that may not be the case. When she stopped mice from sleeping for 3 days, they lost 25% to 30% of the neurons (神经元) important for focused attention---- and these remaining were damaged. What’s more, these brain cells never grew again.

Clearly, something important is happening while we sleep, but exactly what sleep does for the brain has been a mystery. That’s why scientists got excited when researchers at the university of Rochester Medical Center recently offered a new theory. While observing the brains of sleeping mice, they discovered a kind of brain-cleaning system that clears away neural waste, the buildup of which is connected with Alzheimer’s.

In another study, young healthy people whose sleep was limited to 7 hours per night for one week showed damaged brain function. Scarier is that with long-lasting short sleep, you may feel fully rested. When study subjects were limited to 4 hours of sleep for 5 days, they reported feeling very tired following the first night but they didn’t get any sleepier after that.

What’s more, a 15,000 –person study found that getting an average of less than 5 hours of sleep per night for several years resulted in a decrease in memory performance equal to the brain aging 2 years.

Have we persuaded you to turn in early tonight ? Excellent.

1.The text is mainly about _________.

A. how lack of sleep damages our brain.

B. why we feel rested without enough sleep.

C. how much sleep we should get every day.

D. Why we have trouble falling asleep sometimes.

2.Sigrid Veasey’s research shows that ________

A. lack of sleep doesn’t affect our attention.

B. damaged brain cells can not recover.

C. sleeping on weekends can make up for lost sleep.

D. most neurons will die if we sleep poorly for 3 days.

3.According to paragraph 5, after several days of short sleep people may feel _________.

A. tired B. sleepy

C. energetic D. angry

4.According to the 15,000-person study, lack of sleep may cause ___________.

A. heart trouble B. obesity

C. death D. memory loss

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