

On a sunny day a shepherd (牧羊人) walked with his two hungry sheep along a winding country path. He managed to have them two tied to each other just in case they should go separated. It was quite a long time before they arrived at a place where there was merely a small amount of fresh grass on each side of the path. Both of the sheep were so hungry that they hurried to the grass but in the separate direction as the picture showed. Unfortunately the rope fastening them was not long enough. No matter how hard they struggled, neither was able to reach the grass in front of them.

The shepherd was about to help them when he was surprised to find that one of them should voluntarily abandon the struggle, and went along with the other. Consequently, together the two sheep enjoyed the fresh grass on one side happily, and then the grass on the other.










【答案】Possible version:

The fable shares with readers a story about two sheep, both of whom choose cooperation rather than competition in order to have access to the fresh grass of different sides.

As a matter of fact, the fable mirrors that different attitudes may bring about different results. As an old saying goes, union means power. A chopstick breaks easily, while a bunch of them does not. Cooperation is therefore the best policy in any case because it can lead to a win-win situation, where both sides can gain benefit by virtue of joint efforts.

In my daily life, I often cooperate with my classmates when playing basketball, taking part in running races or going in for community-service activities. I learn a lot from my classmates and friends by following their advice. Meanwhile, I also do my part to help them in return. It is teamwork that helps us secure numerous victories.

【解析】本文是一篇图画类作文。1. 用约30个单词概括漫画中的主要内容;要囊括人物、事件,范文中使用了许多高级词汇shares with ,rather than,have access toboth of whom choose cooperation rather than competition in order to……定语从句,以提高文章的档次

2. 用约120个单词,就此则寓言谈谈你的想法,

考生在成文时应注意:合理发挥想象力,使文章的表达自然,丰满。文章的写作要点要齐全: (1) 从这则寓言中,你获得了哪些启示? the fable mirrors that…(2)结合该寓言给你的启示,谈谈你在生活中是如何做的。In my daily life, I often cooperate with,…注意文章的人称:以第一人称为主。时态:一般现在时。注意使用高级词汇mirrorbring aboutlead tocooperate withMeanwhile, in return和句型,以提高文章的档次;恰当使用一些连词、插入语,使文章表达自然,流畅。注意次数:80—120之间。

【范文亮点】①Cooperation is therefore the best policy in any case because it can lead to a win-win situation, where both sides can gain benefit by virtue of joint efforts. 定语从句;②I often cooperate with my classmates when playing basketball, taking part in running races or going in for community-service activities.非谓语动词结构;③It is teamwork that helps us secure numerous victories.强调句。


【题目】2017 was an influential year for artificial intelligence (人工智能), not just in terms of the advancement of the technology itself, but also for the development of our understanding of AI’s impact on our society.

When we talk about AI, often we focus on the belief that it is going to take away certain types of jobs. However, we often ignore the fact that this technology will also slowly spread into most of our lives.

Thanks to the development of AI, we are on the highway of IA, (human) intelligence augmentation (增强). Despite the great steps we’ve made in AI development and will continue to make in 2018, we are still years away from AI fully replacing human jobs. However, we are much closer to seeing the impact of AI spread into almost every job and the growth in human intelligence.

Take a doctor for example: AI will soon be able to detect and diagnose common diseases more quickly and accurately than humans. Now, doctors can spend more of their time explaining the possible diagnoses, communicating with patients and developing unique, reliable treatment plans that are most effective for each specific patient.

However, AI is so powerful and its adoption will only accelerate as it begins to help our work and allow us to focus on the parts of our job that are most important. But part of why AI is so attractive is also why it’s so dangerous. That is, that same power allows AI that are making incorrect decisions to do so with greater speed and impact than humans have ever had.

This is why, as AI becomes more useful in 2018, it will also become more closely examined. 2018 will be the year when companies purchasing AI products don’t just ask about the power of AI—they will make sure that it is tested carefully in advance, minimizing their potential unexpected impact.

1What does the author suggest in the first two paragraphs?

A. Many jobs should be replaced by AI in the future.

B. People should think more about the impact of AI.

C. AI is too abstract for ordinary people to understand.

D. People care little about the development of AI.

2The author takes the example of “the doctor” to explain that .

A. AI always makes right decisions

B. doctors will lose their jobs very soon

C. human intelligence grows with AI

D. humans are no better than AI in medicine

3What will be the focus about AI in 2018 according to the author’s prediction?

A. The safety of AI. B. The possibility of replacing humans.

C. Cost reduction. D. Power augmentation.

4What is the author’s attitude towards AI?

A. Indifferent. B. Negative.

C. Doubtful. D. Objective.

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