
15.Some work remains to be done.Wait for twenty more minutes,and I will/can accompany you to the supermarkets.(accompany)

分析 我还有点工作没完成.再等20分钟,我就陪你逛超市.

解答 答案:and I will/can accompany.考查 accompany的用法.and I will/can accompany是Wait for twenty more minutes的并列句,accompany sb to do sth表示"陪伴某人做某事".

点评 考查汉译英.
1.陪伴:accompany sb.to spl.(陪某人去某地)
例如:Lighting usually accompanies thunder.(闪电通常伴有雷声)
A be accompanied by B(B补充A,A附有B)
例如:The text is accompanied by illustration.(正文附有插图)
4.给.伴奏(表被动):sb be accompanied
例如:The singer is accompanied on the piano by her sister.(女歌手由她姐姐钢琴伴奏)
5.伴奏(表主动):sb accompany
例如:She accompanies well.(她伴奏地很好)

16.Blind imitation is self-destruction.To those who do not recognize their own unique worth,imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strength,imitation is unacceptable.
In the early stages of skill or character development,imitation is helpful.When I first learned to cook,I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes.But soon I grew bored.Why follow someone else's way of cooking when I could create my own?Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child's bicycle; they help you get going,but once you find your own balance,you fly faster and farther without relying on them.
In daily life,imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地)hold poor role models.If,as a child,you observed people whose lives were bad,you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did.If you do not make strong choices for yourself,you will get the results of the weak choices of others.
In the field of entertainment,our culture praises and admires celebrities.Those stars look great on screen.But when they step off screen,their personal lives may be disastrous.If you are going to follow someone,focus on their talent,not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.
Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique.Think of the movies,books,teachers,and friends that have affected you most deeply.They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration not desperation.The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them,but by those who do what has been done inside them.Creative people have an endless resource of ideas.The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.
Study your role models,accept the gifts they have given,and leave behind what does not serve you.Then you can say,"I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors'tragedies and declare victory,and know that they are cheering me on."

28.Imitation proves useful when youC.
A.know you are unique
B.lose the balance of life
C.begin to learn something new
D.get tired of routine practice
29.To avoid the bad result of imitation,we shouldB.
A.forget daily fear and pain
B.choose the right role models
C.ask others for decisions
D.stay away from stars
30.According to the author,the world moves on because of those who areB.
A.desperate to influence others with their knowledge
B.ready to turn their original ideas into reality
C.eager to discover what their ancestors did
D.willing to accept others'ideas
31.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?A
A.To highlight the importance of creativity.
B.To criticize the characters of role models.
C.To compare imitation with creation.
D.To explain the meaning of success.
10.Social networking isn't only for the under 40s.More than 25 percent of Americans 50 years and older stay connected using sites such as Facebook,MySpace and Twitter,according to new research.
"The latest data tells us that more and more social networking is becoming a part of everyday life for Americans 50 plus,"said Kevin Donnellan,the chief communications officer at AARP,which released the report.
Nearly a quarter of older Americans are on Facebook and 73 percent said they use it to stay in touch with relatives,but not just their children and grandchildren."They are using the Internet to keep up with the world and the people who are important to them,"said Jean Koppen,the author of the report.She added that older adults are also on Facebook to stay connected,not only with their family,but with their friends and those in the same age group.Almost 50 percent of older adults were introduced to the social networking sites by a family member,mainly a child or grandchil d."Just under one-fifth of adults aged 50 and older say they do not use the Internet,"according to the report.
The findings are based on a telephone survey of 1,863 adults.In addition to keeping up on Facebook and Twitter older adults are aware of the latest technology.Eighty-three percent had heard about the Apple iPad and 11 percent intended to buy one.
Despite the popularity of the Internet among the over 50s,they still mostly go to print newspapers and magazines for news.Only one percent said they followed blogs.
25.What is the main idea of the text?C
A.Social networking isn't for the under 40s in the U.S.A.
B.American old people's way of life is quite fashionable.
C.Social networking is becoming popular among older Americans.
D.Facebook,MySpace and Twitter are the most popular websites in the US.
26.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.85% of Americans 50 plus choose the Internet over print media.
B.About 460 people in the telephone survey often use Facebook.
C.About 20% of adults aged 50 plus have access to the Internet.
D.Three quarters of the people surveyed got to know the Internet through their family.
27.From the text,it can be concluded thatA.
A.many older Americans are open-minded about new developments
B.Kevin Donnellan approves of this change among older Americans
C.Young people should introduce their elders to new technology
D.In a high tech age it is difficult to avoid social networking
28.Where does the text probably come from?B
A.A novel.
B.A newspaper.
C.A technology guide.
D.A student's research paper.
7.Ways to Improve Your Luck
Some people have all the luck!Or does it just seem that way?Why did your co-worker get that big promotion while you were overlooked?Why do some of us seem to experience these lucky things more than others and how can you improve your luck?(16)D
What You Tell Yourself Matters!
Do you know that people who are lucky tell themselves they're lucky?Has your own self-talk been filled with less-than-lucky talk?Do you say things like:"I'm just not a lucky person."or"Good things never happen to me?"(17)C They say things like---"This setback is only temporary.I know things will turn around."or"Things have a way of working out for me."
Expect and Acknowledge Your Good Luck.
(18)G Research suggests keeping a"good luck journal"helps people become even luckier.Did someone bring you coffee at work today?Did you find a random quarter on the street?Did your husband or wife do something nice for you today?Did your child get a good grade at school?Write them down!(19)A Begin to notice all the good that comes to you.
Do Something New and Different.
Make contact with people.Take risks.People who try new things are much more open to luck and good fortune than those who don't.This doesn't mean you have to quit your job or take up skydiving!It could be as simple as starting a conversation with a stranger,taking a class in an unfamiliar subject,learning some words and phrases in a foreign language,or trying a new ethnic restaurant.(20)F And this greater openness can help promote chance opportunities in their lives.

A.All of these things count.
B.You will never forget your lucky friends.
C.Lucky people generally expect good fortune.
D.Here are ideas that researchers tell us about luck.
E.A lucky person generally receive good fortune in the future.
F.Lucky people score much higher on openness than unlucky people.
G.You probably have many more lucky things happening in your life than you think.
5.Jack Armstrong sat up in the secondhand hospital bed that had been placed into a corner of his home in Cleveland.Jack had been in the military for five years when the war in the Middle East started.He'd survived his first tour in Afghanistan and earned a Purple Heart.After that he'd experienced several tours of duty in Iraq,one of which included the destruction of his Humvee while he was still inside.That injury had won him his second Purple.And he had a Bronze Star on top of that for rescuing three fellow soldiers and nearly getting killed in the process.After all that,here he was,dying fast in his house in Ohio.
His goal was simple:just hang on until Christmas.He sucked greedily on the oxygen coming from the line in his nose.Jack knew that one day soon it would be turned off because he'd be dead.Before Thanksgiving he was certain he would last another month.Now Jack was not sure he could make another day.
But he would.
"I have to,"he thought to himself.
"Jack,Jack honey?"
His wife Lizzie was bending down in front of him.She was still beautiful,though her looks had taken on a fragile edge.There were dark circles under her eyes and recently stamped worry lines on her face.Jack was the one dying,but in a way she was too.
His youngest child,Mike,toddled in and climbed on his dad's lap,resting his head against father's chest.Jack slowly slid his arm around his two-year-old son.Little fat fingers grasped his forearm,and warm breath touched his skin.It fell like the sharp point of needles,but Jack simply gritted (咬紧牙关) his teeth and didn't move his arm because there wouldn't be many more of these embraces.He slowly turned his head and looked out of the window,where the snow was steadily falling.It was truly beautiful.
He took his wife's hand.
"Christmas,"Jack said in a breathless voice."I'll be there."
"Promise?"said Lizzie,her voice beginning to break.

24.What made Jack win his highest military award?C
A.Surviving his Afghanistan tour.
B.Driving a damaged Humvee.
C.Saving his fellow soldiers.
D.Being in the military for five years.
25.What did the author mean by saying that Jack's wife,Lizzie was dying?B
A.She was full of regrets.
B.She experienced worry and sadness.
C.She suffered the same disease.
D.She was defeated by life.
26.How did Jack feel when Mike grasped his forearm?C
27.What does the whole passage mainly tells us about?B
A.Jack's survival in several wars.
B.Jack's struggle against the illness.
C.Jack's family's strong love for him.
D.Jack's faith in medical treatment.

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