
【题目】下图是学校英语网站的新增部分栏目,网站负责人Mr. Black就此向同学们征询意见。假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示用英语给Mr. Black写E-mail。







Dear Mr. Black,




Best wishes.


Li Hua


Dear Mr. Black,

How are you doing?

I’m glad that there will be some new columns in our English website. Of the four columns, I have higher expectation to Todays World. As you know, todays world is a changing world. Well become outdated if we turn deaf ear to it. From the new column Todays World we can learn what’s going on around the world. It can also enrich our knowledge of the latest science and technology.

As to suggestion, I would appreciate it if there are some English-learning columns in the website. Most of my classmates are eager to learn English well, but short of learning chances after class. I hope our website can do something about it.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


试题分析:考查半开放性作文。半开放性作文留给考生发挥的空间比较大。一般只提供一个话题或一个图片,要求考生合理地进行想象。考生在写作时,需要做到以下几点:第一、认真审题,把握所有信息。第二、确定体裁,把握行文格式。第三、罗列提纲,思考表达方式。第四、 组织语言,展开写作。 写作时,运用熟悉的英语词汇、句型等;要尽量运用多样化的句式,注意长短句的结合、简单句和复合句的结合;要注意上下文的衔接,过渡要自然。第五、 认真检查,查漏补缺。 本篇文章需要分两段,一段写最喜欢的栏目及理由、还有一段写自己的意见或建议。还需要选择恰当的连接词,使文章更连贯。

【亮点说明】本篇习作要点齐全、结构紧凑,而且使用了大量的短语,如have higher expectation to、turn deaf ear to、the latest science and technology、would appreciate it if等等,使得文章语言更加连贯,意思更明确。此外,文章还运用了多种句式和结构,比如As you know, todays world is a changing world.是定语从句,还有we can learn what’s going on around the world.是宾语从句。


【题目】Thousands of objects have been on display in The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, including the 1903 Wright Flyer, Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch. In addition to our exhibition galleries, you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium, Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater, and the Public Observatory on the east end. There are many things to do at the Museum in DC. We offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults. We also have scheduled lectures and events throughout the year.

Hours & Admission: Open every day except December 25. Admission is free.

Regular Hours: 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pm

Extended Hours: 10: 00 am to 7: 30 pm

December 26—30, 2014.

March 30—April 20, 2015.

Fridays and Saturdays, April 24—May 16, 2015.

May 17—September 7, 2015.


Limit the Number of Bags: All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry. The fewer items you bring inside the Museum, the faster your entry. Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items, which include pocket knives and tripods (三脚架). Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum, so please leave them at home or in your car.

No Food and Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum. You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court, not in the Museum. Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the National Mall.

Please Take Photos: You are welcome to take photos for personal use. However, tripods and monopods (单脚架) are not permitted without approval.

First Aid: The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty. Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.

Visit the Welcome Center:

At our Welcome Center in the South Lobby, staff and volunteers can answer any questions you have during your visit.

Open 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pm

Phone: 202-633-2214

E-mail: NASM-Visitor Services@ si.edu

1According to the passage, the National Air and Space Museum is a museum _______.

A. where only adults can take part in activities

B. which anyone can visit without buying tickets

C. where one can touch anything that he likes

D. which anyone can visit without time limits

【2】 If you plan to visit the Museum at 6: 00 pm, it is possible on _______.

A. December 24, 2014 B. March 1, 2015

C. July 6, 2015 D. September 15, 2015

【3】 The purpose of this passage is to _______.

A. make an advertisement for the museum

B. encourage adults to bring their children there

C. show what is on display in the museum

D. attract people to explore the universe

【题目】Coconut oil has become popular as healthier oil in cooking, cleaning and even as part of a natural beauty product. At room temperature except in warmer climates, it hardens, but naturally becomes liquid as the temperature rises. 【1】

Healthy fat is an important part of the diet, and coconut oil is one source of the healthy fat. Coconut oil is also nature’s richest source of medium-chain fatty acids (脂肪酸). This oil’s health benefits include, but are not limited to, improving heart health, helping chemical reactions on our body, keeping a healthy weight, helping weight loss and supporting the immune system. 2

Coconut oil is all-natural and does not contain the chemicals you will find in most shampoos and body washes. It is a wonderful body wash that can be applied directly to your skin to keep your skin wet. 3 Using it in your mouth for twenty minutes is a much better method of cleaning the entire mouth and removing bacteria.

Strong chemical cleaners are not safe or healthy for you, your family or the environment. ______4 It can be used to clean and shine furniture or leather. You can even use coconut oil as a spot remover.

5 Do you use it for cooking, cleaning or as a natural beauty product?

A. It can also take the place of mouth-wash.

B. Instead, clean with greener methods, like coconut oil.

C. There are a number of health benefits of using this oil in your daily life.

D. How do you use coconut oil in everyday life?

E. Coconut oil removes more bacteria.

F. So you can replace most of your cooking oils with coconut oil for better health.

G. It can change our immune system.



Optimism is a concept closely related to happiness. It is about not giving up when the going gets tough. Yet when the going is good, having optimism means you expect the good continue. It is about having hope and always believing that things will improve. Being an optimist puts you in a good position to deal with situations and difficulties in life.

Generally Speaking

Optimists believe bad things are temporary. Bad things occur sometimes but do not last. For example, your boss shouting at you on a Monday does not mean he or she will shout at your for the rest of your working life. An optimist has an awareness that bad things do occur in life, but that they will be able to get up again.

Bad events are not your fault. For example, the terrible weather conditions made it hart to win the game. It is easy to criticize yourself unfairly for such a thing. Yet, constant self-criticism can damage your self-esteem. If you are able to look for other reasons for problems, you tend to like yourself better. Of course, you also have to be responsible for your actions.

Optimists confine bad events to one particular situation. For example, just because you forgot a birthday, it does not mean that you will forget about it all your life. You just happened to forget that. Optimists dont over-dramatise(夸张)a situation.

How is optimism beneficial?

Physical Health

There are good health reasons to be optimistic. Research indicates that optimists have stronger immune systems, making them less at risk of illness. They are less likely to die of a heart attack. Other research indicates that an optimistic attitude means you can recover faster from an operation. Optimists have less stress, which prevents many stress-related health problems, and it is also suggested that they live longer.

Mental Health

Optimism can be a great confidence booster(支持者), since it can give you a feeling of control in your life. It can enhance your overall well-being. Research indicates that optimists suffer from less depression. Optimism can prevent you feeling helpless, which is an important cause of depression. Optimists have been shown to be more successful in all areas of life, including work, sports and relationships.

The 【1】_____ of optimism

It has2______ with happiness and it is about not giving up, having hope and believing that the good things will continue.

Generally speaking

Bad things occur sometimes but they are 3______ .

Be responsible for your actions but do not 4______ yourself unfairly for bad events.

5_____ bad events as particular situations and never over-dramatise them.

The 6______ of optimism

Physical health

Optimists have stronger immune systems, making them have lower risk of illness.

Optimists are less likely to die of a heart attack.

Optimists can 7______ faster from an operation.

Optimists have less stress and stress-related health problems.

Optimists live a longer life.

Mental health

Optimists have a feeling of control in their life.

Optimists live 8_____.

Optimists have less feeling of helpless, which can cause9_____.

Optimists get more【10______ in all areas of life, such as work, sports and relationships.

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