
Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games ________ in Beijing in 2008.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    to hold
  4. D.
    to be held

         LONDON--British Foreign Secretary(外交大臣) David Miliband said on Wednesday that boycotting the Beijing Olympic Games is not the right path to take.

    “We are ever excited about prospects for the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing,” Milihand said in an interview With Chinese reporters in London before his visit to China.

    “Everything we have seen and read suggests that preparations are proceeding(进展)in an excellent way. We very much look forward to a very successful Olympics, successful for China and successful for the world. We certainly believe that boycotts are not a right way.”he said.

    “China has big responsibilities around the world. We are looking forward to working with the Chinese government to ensure the values of stability, security(安全) and social justice. And only today I spoke with Yang (Chinese Foreign Minister) about our joint work that could help the situation in Darfur. And the Chinese envoy (特使)  to Darfur is in London today, that sort of engagement is the right way to go and boycotts are not the right way,” Miliband said.

    “The prime minister (Gordon Brown) is determined to represent the whole of the country with his attendance to the Games,”he added.

    Miliband expressed his high regard to the bilateral (双边的) relations between Britain and China. “I can't think about a time that our relations are stronger, that is symbolized by the visit of the prime minister to China last month but also by cultural events like China now going on in Britain.”

    British people are fascinated by the changes and improvements going on in China, and are trying to build bridges between the two nations, the foreign secretary said.

    “Both our countries are challenged by the facts of globalization. Economic and social changes are producing challenges for both the societies, challenges about security and stability, challenges about justice, challenges about environment, and the theme of my visit is how our two countries can work together and learn from each other in adapting to these challenges,” the secretary told Chinese reporters.

1. We can learn from the passage that      .

    A. the British Foreign Secretary thinks highly of the bilateral(双边的) relations

    B. British people are not interested in China

    C. Britain should send the Prime Minister to attend the Beijing Olympic Games

    D. the British Foreign Secretary is now paying a visit to China

2. In the last paragraph, the foreign secretary wants to tell us that      .

A. Globalization is a challenge   

B. Both countries face many different challenges

    C. Britain wants to work together with China to face challenges

    D. Britain wants to learn from China to face challenges

3. The best title of this passage is________.

    A. China and Britain enjoy a good relationship

    B. Boycotts of Olympics are not the right way

    C. Beijing Olympic Games will be successful

D. Foreign Secretary speaks highly of China

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