Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is on e extra heading which you do not need.

You’re probably most familiar with college dictionaries, often called abridged dictionaries. Although abridged means “shortened”, these dictionaries contain more than 150.000 entries and provide detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students and general users. College dictionaries also contain separate lists of abbreviations. Biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases. And tables of measures. Webster’s Ⅱ New Riverside University Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language are college dictionaries.

unabridged dictionaries contain as many as 500,000 entries and provide detailed definitions and extensive word histories (etymologies). These dictionaries, possibly in several volumes and mostly found in libraries, are excellent sources for scholarly inquiries. Unabridged dictionaries include the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Dictionary of the English Language.

A dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication, preferred spelling and pronunciation (some word have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation), and part-of-speech labels. Some entries also include plurals and capitalized forms. Synonyms, antonyms, and derivatives. Americanisms and etymologies may be provide along with usage notes, cross-references, and idioms.

If you prefer using the dictionary on a computer, you can obtain CD-ROM versions of many major dictionaries. In addition, you can access numerous dictionaries, such as WWWebster’s Dictionary, on the Internet. Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word (you even get help with spelling ) to see a definition, and sometimes even an illustration. Online dictionaries also offer additional features, such as word games. Language tips, and amusing facts about words. Some online dictionary services allow you to access numerous dictionaries, both general and specialized, in on search.

Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions. Such as the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.

It’s nearly noon on a Saturday and you can’t believe it: your teenager is still in bed, sleeping away. But before you wake him up---mumbling to yourself that you can’t believe what a lazybones he is---you should know that he probably needs all the zzzs he can get.

As much as nine hours of sleep a night, in fact. Furthermore, teens’ circadian rhythms (i.e., processes that occur once a day) mean that young people would rather stay up past midnight and rise after 9 a.m. The result? Many teens stay up late, drag themselves out of bed early for school and try to make up the sleep debt on the weekends---or in class!

“There’s a biological reason why teens stay up late and want to sleep late,” says Dr. Stan Kutcher, the Sun Life Chair of Adolescent Mental Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax. “Their natural sleep-wake cycle changes as part of the maturation process. And because of changes in their social activities, recovering from sleep debt is more problematic.”

Teens need extra sleep for several reasons. First, their brains are changing. “The brain is reorganizing itself, laying down new pathways. What we’re seeing is a relationship between brain redevelopment and an increased need for sleep,” says Kutcher. As well, growth hormones are released during sleep, so adequate sleep is crucial for adolescents’ physical development. In addition, everything adolescents have learned in school that day is being processed and locked into long-term memory during sleep. Sufficient sleep also plays a key role in overall physical health. The immune system, for example, needs deep sleep to become and remain robust(healthy).

Staying up late on school nights means that, on average, teens get between six and a half and seven hours of sleep a night---about two hours less than they need. As a result, many either doze off in class or have trouble concentrating. Some of the behavioural problems and irritability in teens can be linked directly to sleep deprivation(损失), Kutcher says.

Then there’s the breakfast issue. Dr. Carlyle Smith, a sleep researcher and a psychology professor at Trent University in Peterborough, Ont., adds that many teens simply cannot tolerate food when they first wake up, so skipping breakfast becomes another factor in reduced alertness in class. The most obvious solution to the teen sleep problem is to have school start later in the day, but initiatives(积极性) toward this across the country have gone nowhere, Smith says, mainly because of costs and resistance from school boards and teachers.

So for now, just sympathize with your teens. Encourage them to go to bed, if not early, then at least at a regular time, so they won’t develop insomnia from erratic(不稳定的) schedules. Warn them not to have too many caffeinated drinks before bed. And don’t let sleeping away the weekend become an issue to fight over. Schedule family activities to take place later in the day on weekends and let them sleep in. “If you want your kids to grow and remember stuff, let them sleep,” says Smith. “It’s not laziness. Their brains are working really, really hard.”

1.The word “zzzs” (Paragraph 1) most probably means __________.             B.sleep              D.blame

2.What causes teenagers to be less sleepy late at night and more sleepy early in the morning?

A.Caffeinated drinks.

B.Too much family activities.

C.Circadian rhythms.

D.Too much homework.

3.How many reason why teens need extra sleep are mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.Three.            B.Four.             C.Five.             D.Six.

4.One of the reasons why many teenagers fail to have better performances in class is that __________.

A.teenagers go to bed early and sleep late

B.teenagers stay up late and get up late

C.teenagers participate in too many social activities at night

D.teenagers skip breakfast because of sleeping in

5.The author wrote this article to __________.

A.advise parents to let sleeping teenagers lie

B.explain why teenagers often sleep late

C.state schools should start late in the day

D.warn teenagers not to drink coffee before bed



    I must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the easy carelessness of youth. But the words, Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years later, and ever since have been of great value to me.

    Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one of my lessons he asked how much practicing I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.

     "Do you practice in long stretches(一段时间), an hour at a time?"

     "I try to.”

     "Well, don't,” he exclaimed. “When you grow up, time won't come in long stretches. Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them five or ten before school, after lunch, between household tasks. Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life."

When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading, and committee meetings filled my days and evenings. For two years I got practically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time. Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said. During the next week I conducted an experiment. Whenever I had five minutes unoccupied, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a rather large manuscript(手稿)ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal(零碎的) method. Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, in every day there were idle moments which could be caught and put to use. I even took up piano--playing again, finding that the small intervals of the day provided sufficient time for both writing and piano practice.

    There is an important trick in this time--using formula: you must get into your work quickly. If you have but five minutes for writing, you can't afford to waste it in chewing your pencil. You must make your mental preparations beforehand, and concentrate on your task almost instantly when the time comes. Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.

     I admit I have never learnt how to let go easily at the end of the five or ten minutes. But life can be counted on to supply interruptions. Carl Walter has had a tremendous influence on my life. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.

1. What is the best title of this passage?

   A. Concentrate on Your Work                           B. A Little at a Time

C. How I Became a Writer                                        D. Good Advice

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long stretches.

B. Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer’s life since he became a student.

C. The writer didn't take the teacher's words to heart at first.

D. Rapid concentration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.

3. The underlined part "counted on" can he replaced by____.

A. enriched                B. concentrated              C. valued                   D. expected

4. We can infer that the writer           . 

    A. has new books published each year however busy his teaching is

    B. is always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavy

    C. has formed a bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novels

    D. makes mental preparations beforehand, so he’s devoted to work instantly




36. (Part One) Once your plants are growing you will need to keep them happy. How do you do this and what sorts of tools will you need? Plants need water and food, but when and in what sort of quantities? This module explains the cultivation techniques necessary to keep your plants in fine fettle. There are simple basic steps you can take to ensure you cut the right stem, at the right time, in the right place.

37. (Part two) Plants lose water through their leaves all the time. It is essential to ensure there is enough to replenish the roots, otherwise they will die. In warm weather water is lost from the soil by evaporation, so watering will need to be done more often.

38. (Part Three) To keep them growing healthily, plants absorb through their roots about 30 different nutrients and minerals dissolved in water.

39. (Part Four) Pruning is basically cutting off carefully selected parts of a plant to restrict its size, persuade it to grow in a particular shape, encouraging more fruit, flowers or stems, or to remove dead or diseased material. But pruning is neither difficult nor complicated; in fact a lot of it is applying common sense! You just have to follow a few guidelines and check in a book what kind of pruning the particular plant needs. The removal of dead, diseased, broken, crossing and crowded branches is often sufficient for many plants.

40. (Part Five) A spade is your basic digging implement; use it to make holes and to dig sandy or loamy soil. Fork is perfect for digging soil that’s stodgy, such as clay, or full of stones; moving and spreading organic matter; and breaking down clods of soil…


It tells us how to take care of our garden to make the plants and flowers fairly good.

It tells us that in order to grow well, plants also need all kinds of nutrition, and so how to feed the plants is also important.

That part tells gardeners how to do pruning that can remove the unneeded parts of many plants.

It tells the importance of watering in gardening, especially in hot summer seasons.

That part introduces the tools and different functions of various tools you may use in gardening.

This section presents where you can buy good seeds and it also offers the regular price for you.

有关章节                           主题内容  

36. Part One                to take care of garden

37. Part two to feed the plants

38. Part Three to prune

39. Part Four

D.the importance of watering

40. Part Five                      E. introduces different functions of tools

F. where you can buy good seeds


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