
2.How happy we are!The holiday we have been looking forward ______ at last.(  )
A.to has comeB.to have comeC.to having comeD.has come

分析 考查定语从句,句意:我们多开心啊!我们一直盼望的假期终于来了.

解答 答案A,本句主语为the holiday,所以谓语用has come或comes.the holiday后跟定语从句we have been looking forward to.所以选A.

点评 look forward to一定我看一下to 的宾语是谁.

12.In 1996,John Jones made an unusual discovery.He had just enlarged a piece of paper money for a friend-a Confederate bank note,money issued (发行) by banks in Southern States of America during the Civil War.When he was face to face with the picture,he couldn't believe his eyes:slaves happily picking cotton in their master's fields.
Jones grew up in South Carolina.He had heard painful stories of slavery from his greatgrandmother.The picture on the money did not match the history of African American slaves that he'd heard all his life."I had never seen that type of picture on money before,"he said.
Jones wondered why slaves looked so happy.He started doing research.
Searching for and finding the answers to his questions changed his life.During two years'search,Jones found more than 120 different bills.He discovered that the bills had several things in common.They showed slaves working in jobs related to farming.Many of them showed healthy and smiling slaves at work.None of the bills showed the hardships of slavery.
Jones wanted to share what he had learned."I wanted other people to see what I had seen,"he said.He decided to make large paintings of the pictures on the money.After three years of work,Jones had painted more than 80 slavery scenes (场景).He paired each painting with the money on which the picture appeared."The Color of Money"-an exhibit (展览) of his work-has toured the country.
Jones'paintings tell an important story about the South 150years ago.He likes to repeat the saying"The story is on the money."In this case,the saying happens to be true.

32.How did Jones feel when he saw the picture on the money?D
33.Why did Jones do research on the money?C
A.He had never heard of Confederate money.
B.He wanted to learn about American history through it.
C.It showed slaves quite different from those in his mind.
D.His greatgrandmother told him some unusual stories about it.
34.What did Jones find?A
A.The difficulty of slaves was never shown on the bills.
B.About 120 different bills were issued during the Civil War.
C.Slaves lived a harder life than he thought.
D.Slaves worked long hours on farms.
35.What's the best title for the text?A
A.Money Tells a Story
B.Confederate Money
C.African American Slaves
D.John Jones Changes America.
7.Since 1985,Johnny Jennings,86,has been selling newspapers and magazines to a recycling center with his son to raise his savings account.By the time Jennings'only child was 17,he stopped joining his father,but the money they made covered the down payment for his first home years later.
Even though his son is all grown up now,Jennings hasn't slowed down his efforts.In fact,he's turned his recycling money into something bigger.
Jennings visits local churches and businesses to collect paper,which he brings to a recycling center for money.But instead of putting those earnings in his own bank account,he sends every dollar to Georgia Baptist Children's Homes & Family Ministries.Once a year,he'11give the organization a check somewhere between﹩10,000 and﹩35,000.By 2016,that reaches﹩400,000.
Jennings devoted himself to helping Georgia Baptist Children's Homes&Family Ministries after his first visit there when he was 18."When we went to leave,these three little boys grabbed me by the knees and said,‘Will you be my daddy?'"Jennings told TODAY."And I said I'll do what I can.That took my heart,right there."
These days,Jennings'recycling has turned into a community effort.After he's made his own rounds recycling paper from businesses and churches,he'11find more items waiting for him at home.Community members drop off other recyclables at his house so he can sell them,along with books,food,clothes,and other items to give away.
Recycling centers typically pay just one-half to three cents per pound of paper,but Jennings'visits have added up big time.In 2016 alone,he sold more than 400,000 pounds of paper and 51,000 aluminum cans,and collected more than 32,000 pennies.Over the course of 32 years he's recycled more than 9.8 million pounds of paper,saving all estimated 79,000 trees in the process."He is the last of a dying breed(种类),"wrote Jennings'friend in a Facebook post."Our generation and the ones to follow could learn a lot from Mr.Jennings."
Jennings says he'll continue raising money for charity as long as his health allows."If you got it to give,give it away,"he told CNN.

24.What is Georgia Baptist Children's Homes & Family Ministries?C
A.An ordinary kindergarten.
B.A center for children without fathers.
C.A charity organization.
D.A temporary shelter for lost children.
25.What made Jennings decide to devote to helping Georgia Baptist Children's Homes?D
A.His selflessness.
B.His loneliness.
C.His wealth from recycling.
D.His sympathy for the children.
26.What do we know about Jennings from the passage?C
A.He has planted 79,000 trees in the process.
B.He is the only one to do the recycling in the community.
C.He collects and sells other things besides paper.
D.He broke up with his son because he refused to help him.
27.What the friend wrote in the Facebook suggests thatD.
A.Jennings is too old to do the recycling
B.Jennings is seldom respected these days
C.people should draw a lesson from what Jennings did
D.people should treasure the value of Jennings'deeds.
13.There is a unique charm of having female friends.They can make you feel at the top of the world.(71)B  They can be very angry for hours,but the love they show to a friend overshadows all these small matters.With a woman,friendship can be really rewarding if you are true to each other.A woman can give you love and at the same time make you feel guilty if you break her trust.(72)F 
With a woman,you can share everything under the sun.Each and every conversation,no matter how silly it is,will be interesting.(73)CThey can comfort you when you get hurt and have pure fun when it comes to spending quality time.Sometimes,even their only presence can cheer you up in a boring day.
(74)GIf you feel too bored and need to share your feelings with someone,you'd better choose a female friend and tell her everything.You will be surprised to find how gentle your friend can be.Not only will she listen to you patiently but also offer practical advice.
(75)EMen don't pay enough attention to each other's emotions.But women know what words to use to make a person feel well.If you find a true female friend,consider yourself lucky and happy.

A.Man and woman have much in common.
B.On the other hand,they are easy to change their moods.
C.Women friends always share their happiness and sorrow.
D.According to a survey,it is not easy for one to make female friends.
E.Female friendship is different from male friendship in many aspects.
F.The friendship with women is very strong and it cannot be broken easily.
G.Medical research shows that having female friends can actually help you beat stress.

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