
14.Everyone in the city is sure to benefit from the new shopping mall _____ next year.(  )
A.to be completedB.having completed

分析 这座城市的每一个人肯定将受益于明年完工的新购物中心.

解答 答案A.
分析句子结构可知,"_____ next year"是作名词"the new shopping mall"的后置定语,根据关键词"next year"可知,此处只能用不定式表示将来发生的事情,"mall"是"complete"的动作承受者,应该用被动形式,因此用"to be completed"作后置定语,故选A.

点评 本题考查非谓语动词用法.解答此类题目首先要读懂句意分析句子结构,判断分词在句中所作的成分,若分词与所修饰的名词是主动关系则用doing,被动关系用done,表将来用to do.


I am not a girl who will scream “Hello” across the street if I see someone familiar, nor will I meet with a complete stranger and begin a conversation. Instead, I will just laugh lightly. I would rather the other person spoke while I listen attentively. I can’t face the fact that I’m such a girl.

After a week---long vacation, we the tenth grade students returned to school. I reached the center of the hallway where my friend was waiting for me. Coming across a bulletin(公告), I saw some letters—Poetry Slam(诗歌朗诵赛). I told my friend how interesting the event sounded. I had heard of the event before, but I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Soon my friend and I , along with twenty other brave ones, planned to take part in the poetry slam.

When the day finally arrived, I still thought I couldn’t do this. As the lights dimmed(变暗), students all sat down. I crossed my arms over my chest as my feet shook. Poets, seated in the first two rows, all held their heads high and were practicing words for he poetry slam.

“Next is Katrina with Unspoken.” Shocked back into reality, I couldn’t move. I had to gather courage and remember I had chosen what to say, how to say it, and most importantly why I was saying it.

Taking a deep breath and looking at an unfamiliar crowd, I began. “Words can’t replace fear. One can’t live with sentences alone.” Words began jumping into the minds of others.

That was my voice jumping into the ears of those who cared. Yes, I spoke and they finally listened-there is no greater reward than pouring your heart out to those who will gently hold it. Slowly but surely, my nerves turned into courage. From now on I can refer to myself as a shy, but not so quiet, girl.

1.From Paragraph 1 we can know that the author is ________.

A. brave B. smart

C. shy D. lonely

2.Why did the author go to the center of the hallway?

A. To meet her friend

B. To look at the bulletin

C. To join in the poetry slam

D. To tell her friend of the poetry slam

3.How did the author feel at the beginning of the poetry slam?

A. Hopeful B. Nervous

C. Excited D. Confident

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. The author is crazy about poetry

B. The audience praised her highly

C. No rewards were offered to the winners

D. The author changed a lot after the poetry slam

6.Yo-Yo Ma is one of the most gifted cellists (大提琴手) in the world today.He is known internationally for not only the many classical pieces he performs but also his willingness to think outside of the box musically.
Yo-Yo Ma has recorded over 75albums; many of them strictly considered classical in arrangement,while others differ greatly from classical music.He's worked with musicians like Bobby Mcferrin and Sting,and explored musical forms that range from traditional Chinese music to bluegrass.His musical explorations,including the scoring or performance in numerous films,have won Ma many awards and honors.
Born to Chinese immigrant parents in Paris in 1955,Yo-Yo Ma was already a gifted musician by the time his family moved to the U.S.,when he was seven.One of his first performances where he was much noted was a 1962performance for U.S.President John F.Kennedy.Ma was certainly a genius,appearing on television by the time he was eight and performing with numerous orchestras through his teens.
Like many young extraordinary musicians,Yo-Yo Ma's educational path included the study at the distinguished Juilliard School of Music.Unlike geniuses that stay on a singular path,Ma felt that he wanted to expand his education by taking a traditional liberal arts course at first Columbia and then Harvard University,where he received his bachelor's degree in 1976.He wasn't always certain that he should continue to pursue his career as a cellist,and refers to hearing the work of Pablo Casals,the famous Spanish cellist,as inspiration to continue his studies and performance.
By the early 1980s,Yo-Yo Ma had become internationally known.He also began to express considerable interest in the possibilities of musical education for children.To that end,he made appearances on Sesame Street and other shows targeted at children.
In 1998,Ma started the Silk Road Project,which promotes cooperation among artists,including musicians from around the world.His devotion to bringing together the various cultures represented by the ancient Silk Road is expressed in Ma's political attitude of peace through music.In 2006,the UN Secretary General Kofi Anan named Ma a Peace Ambassador.

66.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Yo-Yo Ma?A.
A.He has explored a wide range of musical forms.
B.He wasn't well-known in the U.S.until the 1980s.
C.He is famous only for the classical pieces he performs.
D.He was determined to become a cellist since childhood.
67.Whose work has had an influence on Ma in deciding to pursue a career as a cellist?C.
A.Bobby McFerrin's.  B.Kofi Anan's.  C.Pablo Casals'.  D.Sting's.
68.Through the Silk Road Project,Yo-Yo Ma intended toB.
A.continue his studies while performing with musicians all around the world
B.bring together many different cultures represented by the ancient Silk Road
C.become a UN Peace Ambassador by expressing his political attitude of peace
D.promote musical education for children in the countries along the ancient Silk Road
69.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?D.
A.To Be Known as Early as Possible
B.Growth Process of a Peace Ambassador
C.University Education:Key Factor to Yo-Yo Ma's Success
D.A Talented Musician with Sense of Social Responsibility.

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