
【题目】What parents do will cast a ____ for the children and help them to see what they will be and what they will do in the future.




考查名词辨析及固定搭配。句意:父母所做的一切将为孩子们树立一个愿景,帮助他们明白他们将来会成为什么样的人,他们将来会做什么。A. glance 扫视,瞥一眼;B. doubt怀疑;C. vision视力,视野;D. shadow阴影,昏暗处。此句是说父母所做的一切会让孩子们有一个好的愿望,帮助孩子们明白他们会成为什么样的人,会做什么。“cast a vision for...”为固定搭配,意为“青睐,使......抱有好的愿望,给......一个愿景”。故选C


【题目】 Increasingly, Americans are becoming their own doctors, by going online to diagnose their symptoms, order home health tests or medical devices, or even self-treat their illnesses with drugs from Internet pharmacies (药店).Some avoid doctors because of the high cost of medical care, especially if they lack health insurance. Or they may stay away because they find it embarrassing to discuss their weight, smoking, alcohol consumption or couch potato habits. Patients may also fear what they might learn about their health, or they distrust physicians because of negative experiences in the past. But playing doctor can also be a deadly game.

Every day, more than six million Americas turn to the Internet for medical answers—most of them aren't nearly sceptical enough of what they find. A 2002 survey by the Pew Internet & American life Project found that 72 percent of those surveyed believe all or most of what they read on health websites. They shouldn't look up " headache," and the chances of finding reliable and complete information, free from a motivation for commercial gain, are only one in ten, reports an April 2005 Brown Medical School study. Of the 169 websites the researchers rated, only 16 are scored as "high quality.” Recent studies have found faulty facts about all sorts of other disorders, causing one research team to warn that a large amount of incomplete, inaccurate and even dangerous information exists on the Internet.

The problem is that most people don't know the safe way to surf the Web. "They use a search engine like Google, get 18 trillion choices and start clicking. But that's risky, because almost anybody can put up a site that looks authoritative (权威的)so it's hard to know if what you’re reading is reasonable or not,” says Dr. Sarah Bass from the National Cancer Institute.

1According to the text, an increasing number of Americans .

A.are suffering from mental disorders

B.turn to Internet pharmacies for help

C.like to play deadly games with doctors

D.are sceptical about surfing medical websites

2Why do some Americans stay away from doctors?

A.They find medical devices easy to operate.

B.They prefer to be diagnosed online by doctors.

C.They are afraid to face the truth of their health.

D.They are afraid to misuse their health insurance.

3What can we learn according to the study of Brown Medical School?

A.More than 6 million Americans distrust doctors.

B.Only 1/10 of medical websites aim to make a profit.

C.About 1/10 of the websites surveyed are of high quality.

D.72% of health websites offer incomplete and faulty facts.

4Which of the following is the author's main argument?

A.It's cheap to self-treat your own illness.

B.It's embarrassing to discuss your bad habits.

C.It's reasonable to look up a medical website.

D.It's dangerous to be your own doctor.


Communication roadblocks are very common. They occur when two people talk in such a way that neither one feels understood.1However, there are several ways to help individuals overcome roadblocks.

Soften the startup. One of the skills to overcome communication roadblocks is to begin a conversation by starting with something positive, expressing appreciation and taking responsibility for thoughts and feelings.2For example, 'I want to stay more involved in making decisions about money' rather than 'You never include me in financial decisions. '

Make and receive repair attempts. Another important skill in overcoming communication roadblocks is learning to make and receive repair attempts. They are efforts to prevent an increasingly negative interaction from going any further.3This is important because when conflicts appear, we often experience stress that can affect our ability to think and reason, which can lead to communication roadblocks. Taking time away from the conflict to calm down can help us be more prepared to discuss the issue.

4Overcoming communication roadblocks requires each partner to take turns being the speaker and the listener so that each has a chance to express themselves effectively. The goal is not to solve a particular problem, but rather to have a safe and meaningful discussion and to understand each other's point of view, which may lead to more effective communication.

Dealing with communication roadblocks can take large amounts of mental, emotional, and physical energy. But learning and using a few simple skills can increase positive communication with others.5

A.Use effective speaking and listening skills.

B.Deal with roadblocks in communicating with partners.

C.Sometimes we can take a break or make efforts to calm the situation.

D.They are not good for effective communication and often deepen the conflicts.

E.The opportunities for personal and relationship growth are well worth the effort.

F.In addition, starting the message in the first person can promote positive communication.

G.Recognizing roadblocks and trying to communicate effectively help positive interactions.

【题目】 Now, you may be thinking, “Oh my goodness, how do I start to get better sleep? 1” Well, beyond avoiding the damaging and harmful impact of alcohol and caffeine on sleep, and if you’re struggling with sleep at night, avoiding naps during the day, I have two pieces of advice for you.

The first is regularity. Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, no matter whether it’s the weekday or the weekend. Regularity is king, and it will anchor your sleep and improve the quantity and the quality of that sleep.

2 Your body needs to drop its core temperature by about two to three degrees Fahrenheit (华氏) to initiate sleep and then to stay asleep, and it’s the reason you will always find it easier to fall asleep in a room that’s too cold than too hot. So aim for a bedroom temperature of around 65 degrees, or about 18 degrees Celsius (摄氏度). 3

And then finally, in taking a step back, then, what is the mission-critical statement here? Well, I think it may be this: sleep, unfortunately, is not an optional lifestyle luxury. 4 It is your life-support system, and it is Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality (长生不老). And the decrease of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a disastrous impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children. 5 And it’s fast becoming one of the greatest public health challenges that we face in the 21st century.

A.Is it a good idea to stay up?

B.The second is keep it cool.

C.It’s a silent sleep loss disease.

D.Sleep is a biological necessity.

E.What are your tips for good sleep?

F.That’s going to be the best option for the sleep of most people.

G.You can’t update your memory if you don’t have enough sleep.

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