
14.---Did you receive the letter the next day?
---No.Somehow,it was three weeks__________ I received it.(  )

分析 -第二天你收到信了吗?

解答 答案:D
题干中是否定回答,表示第二天没有收到信,说明是三天后收到信的;since从…开始,when当…时候,that连词,before之前;it was+时间段+before从句,表示"多久以后才…".故选D.

点评 本题考查句型搭配.it is+时间段+before从句,表示多久以后才,不久就…学习时,要注意掌握.

2.Designed as a gift book or family souvenir,this beautiful hardcover has a traditional connection with Christmas virtues (美德).Each virtue is discussed in a short article and then followed by four to five all-new heart-touching stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul.Each section ends with a one-page suggestion for how to start your own holiday tradition,from baking cookies to charity ideas,which reflects the spirit of the virtue.
With the amusing description of life and heart-warming tales about eats,each touching story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers'Soul celebrates the special bond we share with our eats.
The Real Dear Friends explores the classic puzzles which every child aged 9-19 faces:friends--making them,keeping them,fighting with them,losing them,helping them and competing with them.And there are no lectures here; this is the straight talk from teens that young readers love.
This is a book that covers problems for girls only!Chicken Soup for Girls'Soul is a book by girls,for girls,where readers can find encouragement,support and positive advice when facing the challenges of being a pre-teen girl.
The heart-warming stories and photographs in Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers celebrate and catch the loving moments spent together with family:the joyful surprise of becoming a grandma,the amazing times when young children teach them lessons about life and living.
56.What do you know about Chicken Soup for the Soul?C.
A.It tells how to celebrate Christmas      
B.It is designed for girls only
C.It contains many short stories           
D.It is a book mainly on bakery
57.If you are a pet lover,which book might interest you most?B.
A.Chicken Soup for the Soul                 
B.Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers'Soul
C.The Real Dear Friends                 
D. Chicken Soup for Girls'Soul
58.The Real Dear Friends appeals to young readers because itA..tells the real experience of teenagers
B.has a beautiful hardcover which teens like most
C.covers touching lectures by famous authors
D.gives suggestions on how to defeat their friends
59.The feature of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers lies inD
A.some useful suggestions on traditional cooking
B.encouragement and support from family members
C.some experiences of teens in different regions
D.a perfect combination of warm stories and photos.
6.In the 1990s,when an area of Brazilian rainforest the size of Belgium was cut down every year,Brazil was the world's environmental villain(反派角色) and the Amazonian jungle the image of everything that was going wrong in green places.Now,the Amazon ought to be the image of what is going right.Government figures show that deforestation fell by 70% in the Brazilian Amazon region during the past decade.If clearances had continued at their rate in 2005,an extra 3.2billion tonnes of carbon dioxide would have been put into the atmosphere.That is an amount equal to a year's emissions from the European Union.Arguably,then,Brazil is now the world leader in addressing climate change.
But how did it break the vicious cycle(恶性循环)?The answer,according to a paper is that there was no silver bullet but instead a three-stage process in which bans,better governance in frontier areas and consumer pressure on companies worked.
The first stage ran from the mid-1990s to 2004.This was when the government put its efforts into bans and restrictions.The Brazilian Forest Code said that,on every farm in the Amazon,80% of the land had to be set aside as a forest reserve.As the study observes,this share was so high that the code could not be followed-or enforced.This was the period of the worst deforestation.Soybean prices were high and there was a vast expansion of soybean farming on the south-eastern border of the rainforest.
During the second stage,which ran from 2005to 2009,the government tried to boost its ability to police the Amazon.Brazil's president made stopping deforestation a priority,which resulted in better co-operation between different bits of the government.The area in which farming was banned was increased from a sixth to nearly half of the forest.
The third stage,which began in 2009,was a test of whether a system of restrictions could survive as soybean expansion continued.The government shifted its focus from farms to counties (each state has scores of these).Farmers in the 36counties with the worst deforestation rates were banned from getting cheap credit until those rates fell.
By any standards,Brazil's Amazon policy has been a success,made the more remarkable because it relied on restrictions rather than rewards,which might have been expected to have worked better.Over the period of the study,Brazil also turned itself into a farming superpower,so the country has shown it is possible to get a huge increase in food output without destroying the forest.Moreover,the policies so far have been successful among commercial farmers who care about the law and respond to market pressures.Most remaining deforestation is by small holders who care rather less about these things,so the government faces the problem of persuading them to change their ways,too.Deforestation has been slowed,but not yet stopped.

73.Brazil is considered to play a leading role in dealing with climate change becauseC.
A.it has rainforest as large as Belgium
B.it has cut down too much rainforest
C.it has taken action to reduce deforestation
D.it sent 3.2billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air
74.The underlined phrase"silver bullet"in Paragraph 2most probably refers toB.
A.a powerful weapon       B.an effective solution
C.an intelligent device   D.a golden opportunity
75.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?D
A.80% of the farmland was allowed for farming in the 1st stage.
B.Soybean prices went up where farming land was expanded.
C.The government hired more policemen in the Amazon area.
D.The government enlarged its range of supervision in the 3rd stage.
76.What can we infer from the last paragraph?C
A.Brazil has successfully eliminated deforestation.
B.All the farmers care much about forest protection.
C.Small farm holders are a headache for the Brazilian government.
D.Both the food output and the forest in Brazil have greatly increased.
77.What can be the best title of the passage?A
A.Cutting Down on Cutting Down
B.Brazil,the World Leader in Farming
C.Restrictions Outperforming Rewards
D.Former Awareness Working Wonders.
10.The earth is dying before us yet we sit and watch.If the TV or the game system breaks,we run off to the stores to get it fixed immediately no matter what the cost.Why aren't we willing to fix our earth?Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live?Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?
The earth is our home and cannot be replaced.We must take care of it.We have come up with so much technology that limits us instead of helping us.Take that game system we run to repair.What does it do?It occupies kids'time!The earth has already given kids plenty of entertainment in the forms of fields and hills,forests and plains,water and land.However,instead of using what the earth has given us,and helping kids by giving them exercise as they run around,we decide to ruin kids'minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help in any way!
We have already messed up this world,we have ruined the air,water,and animals that it has so willingly provided for us.We need to stop this destruction of life and bring back the world we had before.It will not be easy,but everybody can help!What about something as simple as turning the lights off when you leave a room?Recycling what can be recycled?Picking up litter?Donating money to an environmental organization?None of these things are very hard.We can't just always say,"Oh,the earth is a mess.Ah,well,those big companies that are polluting so much can stop and fix it."Instead,we need to help out.It's not only those big companies; it's everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!

32.Why does the author mention televisions and game systems in Paragraph 1A?
A.To make people better aware of the urgency to the protection of the earth.
B.To explore the great harm done to the earth by too much technology waste.
C.To show the relationship between overuse of those things with early death.
D.To remind people to spend less on them and use the saved money in a wiser way.
33.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the authorC.
A.thinks we must take care of our irreplaceable home-----the earth
B.thinks running around in fields occupies too much of kids'time
C.takes an extremely negative attitude to things like game systems
D.takes it for granted that technology gives kids plenty of entertainment
34.We can clearly feel that the author wrote this passage with deepB
35.What is the main purpose of the passageD?
A.To criticize those big companies that ruin the earth
B.To ask people to save kids from the harm done by pollution.
C.To give kids plenty of entertainment in a clean environment
D.To call on people to stop ruining the earth.
11.What would you do to reduce the chance of dying of cancer?How far would you go if you had a 70to 90percent chance of contracting bowel--and your uncle,mother,father,and two of your brothers had died from it?
Lynne Fisher decided she would do almost anything.So,even though she showed no signs of cancer at all,Fisher,51,a former mental health worker,agreed to undergo what might sound like a radical surgery:doctors removed nearly her whole colon(结肠) and rerouted her small intestine(肠) to perform the functions of her large intestine.
The side effects were horrific,she said.For a year,Fisher struggled to control her bowel movements.She fought depression,and she hated her large scars and the 28staples that had been left in her body.Her Multiple Sclerosis returned.The woman she shared a hospital room with--who'd had a similar surgery--did not survive.
"When you're in it,it's like a dark tunnel,"she told ABC News in a long phone conversation about her medical history.
But then,one day,she realized the surgery had helped saved her life.And since then,she's never looked back.
"What's a year out of your life compared to dying?"  the 51-year-old said from her home in central England."I get to watch my dogs grow up,my children grow up,my grandchild,I get to see my cherry blossoms in the tree,I get to see the sun shining in the morning,I get to go on holiday--I get to see life."
Genes that cause breast cancer have been discussed widely for years.But less well known is Lynch syndrome,the gene mutation that Fisher and her much of her family inherited.
Roughly one in 370people has Lynch syndrome,according to Lynch Syndrome International,an organization dedicated to helping people with Lynch syndrome and those who treat them.It's unclear how many Americans choose to have the surgery that Fisher had:prophylactic subtotal colectomy,which doctors describe as a major surgery that,while elective,can often save lives.

36.Why did Lynne Fisher decide to remove nearly her whole colon?C
A.Because she has already had a cancer.
B.Because she thought the colon was useless.
C.Because she was afraid of dying of bowel cancer someday.
D.Because her doctor persuaded her to do that.
37.According to the passage,what is NOT true about the surgery undergone by Lynne Fisher?A
A.It is only a very simple and easy surgery.
B.It can bring about some terrible side effects.
C.It's possible for one to die of the surgery.
D.It takes one maybe a year to recover from the surgery.
38.What can we learn from the underlined sentence?C
A.Lynne Fisher really regretted what she had done.
B.Lynne Fisher thought it was not worth a year to have the surgery.
C.Compared to death,the suffering during the year was worthwhile.
D.Lynne Fisher spent a painful year in recovering from the surgery.
39.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A
A.About 0.27% people have Lynch syndrome now in America.
B.We can tell exactly how many people have had the surgery.
C.Lynch Syndrome International helps people with Lynch syndrome only.
D.People with Lynch syndrome will be forced to have the surgery.
40.The main purpose of the passage is toD.
A.persuade people with Lynch syndrome to have a surgery
B.introduce Lynne Fisher and the disease she developed
C.tell us something about the Lynch syndrome and its effect on our health
D.introduce Lynch syndrome to us and tell us that a surgery can save lives.

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