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Dear Mr. Smith,

I’ve read your advertisement for an assistant teacher for a children’s winter camp.








Li Hua


I was driving home from the gym with my children. It was approaching bed time.

“ My legs hurt, I can’t walk to the car.” said my son, William. Then be sat on the ground regardless of whatever we said.

“Maybe you just need a banana? They’re good for tired bones.” his sister, Meredith, persuaded him in a wise way.

This was the first time I had heard of the banana’s miracle(神奇的) cure for achy bones. It distracted(使分心) William and we were able to make it to the car. His wish for bone relief brought him energy and he persisted(坚持) the entire ride home. Upon arrival, he struggled out of the car and slowly went up 3 steps into the house. While he took his ”medicine”, we arrived on a suitable diagnosis (诊断) for his “illness” ---a serious case of Banana Bone. He was probably just over—tired. He had a long day and played hard in the Adventure Room at the gym. Thankfully we kept some bananas in the fridge, and hugs and kisses were given as a booster (辅助药剂) , which gave him the courage to walk upstairs to sleep.

Banana Bone sounds like something I’ve had before. The aching hasn’t been in my bones so much as in my head and my heart. I think it’s a condition related to stress, lack of rest and stretching of one’s abilities. Perhaps you’re experienced it too. It is about long days facing challenges or pressing against the edges of your own ability without any hope.

That’s when you realize Banana Bone doesn’t have to be a physical illness. It can be mental. It can drive emotion. It means you can choose it or you can choose against it. It’s not real. It’ s your reaction to what’s real. I know, it’ s still not easy. But it’ s part of “growing up”. We must have the courage to overcome it and I believe we can make it﹗

My advice to you? Eat a banana and go to bed. You’ll feel a lot better and be your fresh self in the morning.

1.People need the same kind of “banana” as William did when they_____.

A. feel puzzled over choices

B. are under a stressful condition

C. find it hard to make changes

D. hold on to the wrong things

2.What attitude does the author think we should have towards “Banana Bone” ?

A. Respectful.

B. Supportive.

C. Fearless.

D. Doubtful.

3.When you are suffering “Banana Bone”, you had better______________.

A. distract and refresh yourself

B. stop and wait for a better chance

C. break down your old habits and give up

D. ask doctors for clear guidance

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Bone Made of Banana

B. My Daughter’s Trick

C. Miracle Banana

D. Banana Bone

Why do we read poetry? First obvious one: because we enjoy it. The only other reason is for academic purposes, and that's not why this is here.

Many of us read poetry simply because we often feel depressed and hopelessly lost, and in poetry we see how beautiful and strange everything is. So in that way poetry calms our anxiety.

There are many different kinds of poems. They are not all calming. Some poems make me anxious, angry, scared, and sad, which is why I value them. As a reader, I want a full meal, not just dessert. I want the sweet and the bitter. Often, I read poetry when I'm already relaxed. In fact, I read more when I'm not stressed out.

Here are the main reasons I respond to poetry, as far as I can tell. Metrical(格律的) poems are about setting up rules and then bending them. Usually, this is done by setting up a rhythm and then violating it or almost violating it. And then returning to it again. This satisfies my desire for order and also my desire for testing boundaries.

Poetry plays with language and often slams words together in surprising ways, which is thrilling the way food can be when the chef has paired ingredients you never thought would taste good together but somehow do.

Many poems are dense. Words mean two or three things at once and lots of suggestions are packed between the lines. This is intellectually inspiring and it allows me to read the same poem over and over always finding new things in it.

And, of course, there's the subject matter. It interests me just as it would if the same subject was explored in a story or essay. Not all poems interest me in this way, but then not all stories and essays do, either.

1.What kind of poems does the author probably enjoy reading?

A. Academic poems. B. Valuable poems.

C. Poems that calm readers down. D. Poems that arouse feelings.

2.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Setting up a rhythm. B. Poetry. C. Violating rules. D. Rhythm.

3.Why does poetry appeal to the author'?

A. It plays with words. B. It sounds surprising.

C. It is rich in meaning. D. It is filled with new ideas.

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. The author doesn't like all the essays. B. Reading poems requires patience.

C. The subject counts a lot to the author. D. Writing poems is similar to cooking.

We are often warned by our teacher not to waste precious time, because time _______ will never return. I think it quite _______. What does time look like? Nobody knows for we can’t see it or _______ it and no amount of money can ________it. Time is abstract, so we have to _______ about it.

Time passes very quickly. Some students say they don’t have _______ time to review all their lessons. It is because they don’t know how to make _______ of their time. They waste it in going to theatres, cinemas and parks, and doing _______ things. Why do we study every day? Why do we________? Why do most people would rather ________ buses instead of walking? The ________ is very simple. We wish to save time because time is ________.

Today we are living in the 21st century. We look upon time as ________. When a person dies, his life ________. Since life is short, we must ________ our time and energy to our study so that we may be able to ________ the people well in the future. Laziness is the ________ of time, for it does not only bring us failure but also ________ us other harm. If it is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today and not ________ it until tomorrow.

Remember that time is much more ________ than money.

1.A. lost B. found C. expected D. made

2.A. false B. true C. abstract D. valuable

3.A. get B. have C. see D. touch

4.A. find B. buy C. sense D. realize

5.A. worry B. discuss C. advise D. think

6.A. enough B. little C. valuable D. useful

7.A. up B. light C. use D. fun

8.A. other B. another C. some D. any

9.A. drink B. eat C. think D. work

10.A. borrow B. get C. make D. take

11.A. question B. answer C. problem D. method

12.A. valueless B. precious C. endless D. fast

13.A. money B. life C. gold D. water

14.A. comes to B. begins C. ends D. lives

15.A. waste B. devote C. put D. value

16.A. ask B. remember C. save D. serve

17.A. friend B. maker C. mother D. thief

18.A. brings B. does C. takes D. sends

19.A. leave B. forget C. remain D. stay

20.A. useful B. cheap C. heavy D. valuable

A new study suggests that washing dishes by hand is healthier than using a dishwasher.

Nobody likes doing the dishes, but it turns out that doing this task might pay off in an unexpected way. According to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher might prevent the development of allergies (过敏).

Researchers in Sweden surveyed the parents of 1,029 children aged 7 and 8. They discovered that children whose families hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less likely to have allergies.

Earlier research has shown that dishes washed by machine are cleaner than those washed by hand. So why would kids who eat with slightly dirtier plates be better when it comes to preventing allergies? One explanation is based on a theory known as the “hygiene hypothesis,” which says the reason why kids develop allergies is that their environment is actually too clean. Your immune system keeps you healthy by fighting germs like viruses and bacteria. But when you have allergies, it overreacts and tries to fight ordinary things like pollen(花粉) or certain foods.

Being exposed to germs, especially early in life is good training for the immune system, says the lead author of the study, Dr. Bill Hesselmar of Queen Silvia Hospital in Sweden. “You stimulate the immune system in various ways and it becomes tolerant.”

This study shows that while using the dishwasher might be easier, the old-fashioned method of cleaning up could be better for your health.

1.What is the benefit of washing dishes by hand?

A. Hand-washed dishes are cleaner than those washed by machine.

B. Washing dishes by hand is easier than washing by machine

C. Washing dishes by hand costs less time than washing by machine

D. Washing dishes by hand might reduce the chance of developing allergies

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. bacteria B. germs

C. the immune system D. allergy

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Using a dishwasher can prevent us from having allergies.

B. Exposure to germs early in life may improve kids’ immune system.

C. Our immune system can only fight bacteria and viruses.

D. Children should use dirty plates when they have meals.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The clean environment accounts for kids’ developing allergies.

B. Whether parents should wash dishes by hand or use a dishwasher.

C. Washing dishes by hand may prevent kids from getting allergies.

D. What “hygiene hypothesis” is and how our immune system works.

One winter nine years ago, I volunteered at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles, _______meals for people. There I met Albert, who said he liked my _______. “Want to see mine?” he asked, lifting his_______. He was barefoot. He said he had been hoping to get a pair but had never made it. I felt a _______feeling in my stomach.

The next day, _______, I went to buy socks-about $10 _______. That next morning, I_______my alarm for 5 a.m. and drove to the local park, a common destination for_______people.

It was still_______out. I took out a bag of socks and ________a group of men, standing around a tree, ________with cold. When I handed each of them a pair of socks, they looked confused at first, ________my motives(动机), but took them.

An hour later, I ________ all the socks. Most people were sleeping. I felt like Santa. When they would ________, they would find a very meaningful ________.

Every week I'll hand out many socks. If I'm away for________a week, I will bring socks with me and hand them out to the homeless in other states and countries.

In the past years, this has become my________. It's addictive, I suppose, and it's incredibly satisfying to help make some people's ________a little bit easier. Part of me hopes to see Albert out there, but ________I don't, I'd like to think one of the pairs will________him.

1.A. preparing B. giving C. donating D. buying

2.A. car B. meals C. socks D. help

3.A. leg B. arm C. hand D. head

4.A. magical B. sinking C. comforting D. surprising

5.A. finally B. in addition C. however D. after work

6.A. money B. worth C. value D. worthy

7.A. made B. placed C. set D. fixed

8.A. merciless B. sleepless C. jobless D. homeless

9.A. dark B. rainy C. quiet D. windy

10.A. signaled to B. shouted at C. headed for D. waved at

11.A. trembling B. smiling C. jumping D. sleeping

12.A. proving B. inquiring C. demanding D. questioning

13.A. took off B. took out C. gave off D. gave out

14.A. sit up B. wake up C. rise up D. set up

15.A. meat B. present C. act D. kindness

16.A. less than B. other than C. more than D. rather than

17.A. habit B. task C. past-time D. entertainment

18.A. winter B. lives C. families D. difficulties

19.A. unless B. until C. even if D. as if

20.A. suit B. fit C. match D. find

Parents , the most selfless people on Earth are the biggest reason for your existence. However, we often____ to appreciate(感激) their efforts. And by the time we realize this, it's ____ late. So, don't wait for any _____day to say sweet things to your parents and tell them how _____you're for whatever they've done for you.

First,____you often forget to call your parents and _____them how much you miss them, they may often feel you're not making any_____to stay in touch with them.

Second, you should hug them. You can't possibly _____whatever they've done for you, but this small gesture(姿势) will______make them feel special.

Third, let your emotions out in time, because you_____know, there might not be a tomorrow to express your____. We all have been mean to our ____at times, and have said things that _____them deeply. If so, all you can do is apologize(道歉) from the bottom of your ____.

Finally, _____them to know that they're the real superheroes in your life. You can never ____them enough. They've always been your____to move forward. They taught you all the small and big things about life. They always _____ you to work hard and become a successful person in life. Even though you may have_____ in a race or failed in an exam, they were and still are your number one____ . So, express yourself before your parents before it’s too late.

1.A. fall B. fail C. want D. wait

2.A. very B. rather C. fairly D. too

3.A. good B. wonderful C. special D. beautiful

4.A. lucky B. grateful C. sorry D. regretful

5.A. when B. since C. unless D. if

6.A. ask B. inform C. tell D. find

7.A. mistakes B. will C. dream D. efforts

8.A. give back B. send back C. give away D. put away

9.A. surely B. luckily C. sincerely D. entirely

10.A. ever B. never C. hardly D. almost

11.A. love B. regret C. worry D. happiness

12.A. teachers B. friends C. parents D. classmates

13.A. inspire B. move C. hurt D. discourage

14.A. soul B. mind C. brain D. heart

15.A. get B. let C. bet D. set

16.A. believe B. thank C. apologize D. know

17.A. advantage B. hope C. strength D. bank

18.A. needed B. asked C. forced D. encouraged

19.A. won B. lost C. competed D. succeeded

20.A. fans B. heroes C. Examples D. teachers

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