

Researchers are now using three-dimensional, or 3D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists. The heart doctors can use the models to better help patients before an operation.

Surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart in close detail. But no two human hearts are alike. This led Matthew Bramlet to create exact heart models from those images. Dr. Bramlet is a pediatric or children's heart expert at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He says the 3-D models show information he cannot get any other way.

A 3-D printer uses images from a digital display to create a physical model of a human heart. Matthew Bramlet says doctors can use the model, in his words, "to understand the anatomy(解剖) for the first time."

Pictures from medical tests like CAT scan or MRI are sent to a 3-D printer to create a heart in a plaster or clay form. The printer then constructs the heart, thin layer by thin layer. Dr. Bramlet says the model matches the real heart in every detail.

Dr. Bramlet has built model hearts for different kinds of heart operations. All of the operations were successful. In his first case, digital images showed only one tiny hole in a baby's heart. But, the 3-D printed model showed several defects or problems that the baby was born with. Dr. Bramlet says those defects could not be seen easily in the images. The heart surgeon was able to change the type of surgery for the patient based on the 3-D model. He added that 3-D heart models saves time during heart operations.

Matthew Bramlet continues to research the technology. He is working with the National Institutes of Health to build a 3-D library that includes heart models and images that others can use.

【1】Researchers use three-dimensional, or 3D printing to__________.

A. create models of the human heart

B. help heart specialists

C. make the painting more concrete

D. research human heart

【2】The reason why Matthew Bramlet created exact heart models is that________.

A. no two human hearts are alike

B. surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart

C. he created exact heart models from digital images

D. 3D painting is popular

【3】What does the underlined word mean__________?

A. failure to win or to realize a goal

B. a change or changed state

C. the protection of something

D. a fault in someone or something

【4】How does a 3D model form__________?

A. a 3-D printer uses images from a digital display

B. doctors can use the model to understand the anatomy

C. pictures are sent to a 3-D printer, the printer then constructs the heart, thin layer by thin layer

D. the model matches the real heart in every detail

【5】What's the main idea of the passage_________?

A. the use of 3D painting in medical care

B. what is 3D painting

C. how 3D painting works

D. the research of 3D painting technology








【1B 细节理解题。根据第to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists. The heart doctors can use the models to better help patients可知,使用3D技术来打印心脏模型是为了帮助医生更好地帮助病人。

【2A 细节理解题。根据第二段But no two human hearts are alike. This led Matthew Bramlet to create exact heart models from those images.可知,没有两个人的心脏是完全一样的,这促使Matthew Bramlet产生了创造心脏模型的念头

【3D 猜测词意题。根据”one tiny hole in a baby's heart...the 3-D printed model showed several defects or problems that the baby was born with.”医生通过3D打印技术发现婴儿的心脏有几处先天性缺陷,划线词与problems并列

【4C 细节理解题。根据第四段Pictures...are sent to a 3-D printer to create a heart in a plaster or clay form. The printer then constructs the heart, thin layer by thin layer.可知,来自CAT和MRI的照片发送到3D打印机中,打印机使用这些照片来制作心脏模型。B、C与题意无关。

【5A 主旨大意题。根据第一段Researchers are now using three-dimensional, or 3D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists.和第二段the 3-D models show information he cannot get any other way与第三段doctors can use the model to understand the anatomy(解剖) for the first time及第四段the model matches the real heart in every detail可知文章主要讲的是3D打印技术在医学上的使用


【题目】Dolphins call out the specific names of loved ones when they become separated, a study findsOther than humans, they are the only animals known to do this, according to the studyThe big difference with dolphins is that these communications consist of whistles(鸣叫), not words

Earlier research found that dolphins have a “signature whistle” that would be somewhat like human shouting, “Hey everybody! I’m an adult healthy male named George, and I mean you no harm

The new finding is that dolphins also say the names of certain other dolphins“Animals produced copies of the same sound when they were separated from a close partnerThis supports our belief that dolphins copy another animal’s signature whistle when they want to reunite with that animal,” Stephanie King, who led the study, says

King and her colleagues collected acoustic(声音的)data from wild dolphins around Sarasota Bay, Florida, from 1984 to 2009The researchers also studied four adult male dolphinshousedat the Seas Aquarium, also in Florida

Those males are adults that keepers named Calvin, Khyber, Malabar and Ranier, all of whom, as well as all of the wild ones, developed their own signature whistles that served as names in communication with other dolphins

“A dolphin uses its signature whistle to broadcast its identity and announce its presenceThe signature whistles allow animals to identify one another over long distances and allow animals to recognize one another and to join up with each other,” King explains“Dolphin whistles can be heard up to 20km away, depending on water depth and whistle frequency(频率).

The researchers said dolphins copy the signature whistles of loved ones, such as a mother, when the two are separatedThese “names” are always used in positive situations, and are only directed toward loved ones

While researchers are often unwilling to apply the word language to non-human communications, dolphins clearly have a very complex communication system

1The underlined word “housed” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_________”

A. raised B. saved C. discovered D. hunted

2Which of the following plays a part in whether dolphin whistles can be heard over a distance?

A. The dolphin’s identity

B. The water temperature

C. The whistle frequency

D. The dolphin’s age

3When do dolphins copy the signature whistles of loved ones?

A. When there is a fight

B. When their keeper comes

C. When they are apart

D. When they are hungry

4Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A magazine about scientific advances

B. A website about various animals

C. A report on animal acoustics

D. An essay about the relationship between humans and animals

【题目】My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door“Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out the doorBrandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again“Go away!” I shouted

Brandy’s owner had died about a month earlierThe woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behindFor weeks, she’d been wandering around the neighborhood

It wasn’t that I disliked dogs or anything like thatI just didn’t think about them very muchI never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with AdamThen the phone rangI went inside to take the callWhen I came back, Adam was goneI searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public poolNo trace of himI was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband

Police searched the neighborhoodSuddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking“It’s coming from the woods,” one of my neighbors saidWe followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleepBrandy was beside him, leaning(倚靠)against him to keep him away from the edgeWhen I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quicklyShe must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our houseShe hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time I’d driven her away

“Come on, girl,” I said“This is your home now” Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the doorShe’d done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it She’d certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever hadWhat a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

1What is the correct order for the events in the story about Brandy?

aShe was left behind by her owner’s family

bShe stepped into the woman’s house

cShe appeared at the woman’s front door

dShe stayed beside the woman’s son for hours

A. d, a, b, c B. a, c, b, d

C. c, d, b, a D. a, c, d, b

2What did the woman do when she first saw Brandy?

A. She gave her some food

B. She drove her away

C. She took her home

D. She said thank you to her

3Why did the woman call the police?

A. Her son was lost

B. Brandy was gone

C. Brandy appeared in her yard

D. She got a scary call

4How were they able to know that the woman’s son was near the cliff?

A. By searching the neighborhood

B. By hearing a dog barking

C. By following a dog’s footsteps

D. By hearing her son’s crying

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