
The latest fashion in the kitchen is the food steamer.All the stores are selling them;everyone wants one.Steaming is one of the simplest and healthiest ways of cooking food.However,that cooking time is usually longer than with other methods.In case you’re thinking of buying a steamer,I’ve done a survey about the steamers available on the market to help you decide which will suit you best.

Folding Steamer

The simplest and least expensive is the folding stainless-steel(不锈钢)version.

Advantages:This is a good,basic design which sits inside a variety of different shapes of pans with the water under it;a ring in the centre allows for easy lifting and it's easy to clean.

Disadvantages:It only holds small dishes.Also,if you put too much water in the pan,it will boil up through the vegetables and they will be watery.If you put too little water in and let it get dry,you will burn the pan and get strange-smelling vegetables.

Steaming Pan

This is a three-layered black Teflon-coated version with a lid and two double-handled steamers,which sits on the oven ring.The brand I bought is called Nutritious Living.

Advantages:This is an excellent steamer, lightweight,easy to clean,and of all the steamers I’ve tried,this cooks the fastest.Fish and chicken can be cooked on the bottom with rice or vegetables on the top.It’s easier to store.

Disadvantages:Water can boil away until the pan is dry,but if you make sure you fill the pan up to the suggested level and do not overcook the food,this should not happen.You cannot see the food cooking from the top.It doesn’t supply a dish for cooking rice.

For serious users of steamers,I recommend having one of each version.If you just want to try it,get the folding stainless-steel type.

1.The food steamer is popular with people because ________________.

A.it can save time and money

B.food can be cooked simply and healthily

C.it is easy to clean and store

D.it is available in any store

2.Which of the following is true about the folding steamers?

A.They are cheap and easy to use.

B.They are difficult to clean.

C. They can hold all kinds of dishes.

D.You can put little water in the pan.

3.When you use the steaming pan,_________

A.you can overcook the food

B.you can only cook rice

C.you feel it’s heavy to carry

D.you should pour proper amount of water



1.She described all the things she had to do ?one was to make her bed ?from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked,probably thinking I'd been raised by wolves in a forest.2.

Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years ?and nothing bad had happened.“And you know what?”she said.“I don't dry my dishes anymore,either.”

3.One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect.This story shows an important principle (原理) about managing time:No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade?offs.The problem is,many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.4.

So what is the solution?There's an easy way.Decide what you want in your life,and put that first.On a daily basis,that should include regular meals,enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise,leisure,friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life.5.The choice is yours:whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers .Fill more of your time with want?to?dos instead of have?to?dos.

A.This woman had made two major breakthroughs (突破).

B.Above all,you needn't do anything for yourself regularly.

C.They put everyone else's needs ahead of their own.

D.However,she went along with my idea.

E.Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

F.The point is to do something for yourself every day.

G.A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.



We are humans,and we all make mistakes. The mistakes that we make are not usually on purpose,whether it is breaking a vase,or not completing a task. 1. This article will provide you with ideas as to what to do once a mistake has been made.

Admit that you make a mistake as soon as you discover it. Delaying it longer will only make you feel worse,or may drive you toward making the wrong decision to try and cover it up.

2. Do not play the“blame game".Most people are smart enough to realize that this is just a poor attempt to protect yourself. Perhaps you gave a task to another person and it was never completed. But is it really the entire fault of the person you gave the task to or is it partially your fault for not following up? Keep this in mind before placing the blame on someone else.

3. Maybe you broke your mother's favorite vase,or even forgot a friend's birthday. Just an apology can sometimes be viewed as a“quick fix",and apologizing and asking to be forgiven gives the person opportunity to forgive you.

Offer some compensation(补偿)for loss,damage,or injury caused. 4. By doing this,it may soften the blow to the person we've disappointed.

Learn from your mistakes. In the case of a job or a task,write a“to-do" list with the deadline before leaving the meeting. As for forgetting a birthday,put the birthday on an electronic calendar for next year.

Do better next time. 5.We should try to understand what happened and try to make sure that it won't happen again.

A. Take responsibility.

B. Never repeat your mistakes.

C. Apologize and ask for forgiveness.

D. People’s faith in us can reduce quickly.

E. So sometimes it is necessary to write a letter to say sorry.

F. But not everyone knows how to admit making a mistake.

G. Offer to immediately complete the late task or pay for the vase.


Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” 1. I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary. 2. However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.

_3. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using them to get your message across. But to talk to someone in English, as quickly and well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn’t matter. 4.

The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All the hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.

Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive(主动的) language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. 5.

A. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes.

B. They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.

C. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.

D. However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”!

E. The second reason lies in the reluctance (不愿) of using what has just been learned.

F. The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

G. If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

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