
1.In autumn,the days are shorter and the temperature ______.

2.It’s already midnight.Who ________ so much noise outside?

3.—What a mess your room is!

—Sorry.I ______ it up right now.

4.He _______ his hand into the air to get my attention and soon I noticed him.

5.─Why are you in such a hurry?

─My father’s car _______ down on the way.I have to go to help him.


How to love your parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are.1.

2.A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world. Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend.3.

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot.4.Forgiveness is the key. Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them.5.Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

A. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

B. Here are some ways to love your parents.

C. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

D. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.

E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.

F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

G. Tell them you love them every morning.

September is a difficult month for all students as they return to continue their education, but for high school and university green hands, it is not just the heavy study tasks they need to follow. They will also go through military(军事的) training, which aims to help students improve their health and help them adapt to college life. The Ministry(部) of Education requires that universities should carry out at least 14 days' military training for freshmen(新生).

Hou Zhengfang, an education expert, questioned the benefits of military training. “It does little to improve students' physical health over only two weeks' time,” she said. “Maybe some disaster prevention training, such as earthquake survival or escaping from fires, would be of greater benefit.”

A freshman who fainted(晕倒) during training said that many students, especially girls, are unwilling to train in direct sunshine. “For me, military training is physically challenging and even damages my health,” said the 19-year-old.

Although Chu Jinjing, a Tsinghua University freshman, did feel some discomfort while training in the heat, the 18-year-old did recognize the benefits of military training. “By going through this tough(艰难的) training, I've become more independent and determined,” said Chu. “I have also managed to make a lot of friends.”

Wang Hui from Xi'an Jiaotong University sees the advantages of military training besides character building. “From senior high school to college, we join military training to start a new journey,” said Wang. “I would feel a bit incomplete without it.”

1.Hou Zhengfang might advise the Ministry of Education to ________.

A. cut students' heavy study tasks

B. introduce other trainings for students

C. encourage students to work out

D. shorten the time of military training

2.Chu Jinjing and Wang Hui mentioned all the benefits of military training EXCEPT ___.

A. developing friendship

B. improving students' health

C. building character

D. preparing students for college

3.According to the passage, what is the author's attitude towards military training?

A. He supports it very much.

B. He is strongly against it.

C. He doesn't express his own opinions.

D. He thinks it's good for his health.

Nobody likes doing the dishes, but it turns out that doing this daily task might pay off in an unexpected way. According to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher might prevent the development of allergies.

Researchers in Sweden surveyed the parents of 1,029 children ages 7 and 8. They discovered that children whose families hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less likely to have allergies.

Earlier research has shown that dishes washed by machine are cleaner than those washed by hand. So why would kids who eat off slightly dirtier plates be better off when we talk about preventing allergies? One explanation is based on a theory known as the “hygiene hypothesis (卫生假说),” which says the reason why kids develop allergies is that their surroundings are actually too clean.

Your immune (免疫) system keeps you healthy by fighting germs (病菌) like bacteria and viruses. But when you have allergies, it overreacts and tries to fight ordinary things like pollen (花粉) or certain foods.

Being exposed to germs, particularly early in life, is good training for the immune system, says the lead author of the study, Dr. Bill Hesselmar of Queen Silvia Hospital in Sweden. “You excite the immune system in various ways and it becomes tolerant.”

This study shows that while using the dishwasher might be easier, the old-fashioned method of cleaning up could be better for your health.

1.What’s the advantage of washing dishes by hand?

A. Hand-washed dishes are much cleaner.

B. It encourages people to do housework.

C. It helps prevent allergies.

D. Dishes are easier to wash.

2.What can we know about the theory of the “hygiene hypothesis”?

A. There is no harm done if kids live in a slightly dirty place.

B. There is no need to keep the surroundings clean.

C. It’s better for kids to use clean plates to keep healthy.

D. It’s wise to use a dishwasher to prevent allergies.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Pollen. B. The immune system.

C. The germ. D. A certain food.

4.What’s the result when our immune system becomes tolerant?

A. It’ll overreact to the foods we eat.

B. It’ll lead to the development of allergies.

C. It’ll make germs in our body more active.

D. It’ll prevent allergies and keep us healthy.

So many of us hold on to little complaints that may have come from an argument, a misunderstanding, the way we were raised, or some other painful events. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.

A friend of mine, recently told me that she hadn't spoken to her son in almost three years. She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldn't speak to him again unless he called first. When I suggested that she be the one to reach out, she said, “I can't do that. He's the one who should apologize.” After a little gentle encouragement, however, she did decide to be the first one to reach out. To her amazement, her son was grateful for her willingness to call and offered an apology of his own. As is usually the case when someone takes the chance and reaches out, everyone wins.

Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn “small stuff(问题)” into really “big stuff” in our minds. We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let go, and reach out. Let other people be right. This doesn't mean that you're wrong. Everything will be fine. You'll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right.

You'll also notice that, as you reach out and let others be “right,” they will become less defensive and more loving toward you. They might even reach back. But, if for some reason they don't, that's okay too. You'll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving world, and certainly you'll be more peaceful yourself.

1.The underlined word “rekindle” in Paragraph 1 probably means “________”.

A. recover B. develop

C. accept D. replace

2.In the author's opinion, we hold on to our anger often because we think ________.

A. we can turn small issues into big ones

B. our positions are higher than others

C. our own opinions matter most

D. others will be less defensive

3.The best thing to do after a quarrel is to ______.

A. let go of our own rights

B. realize that you are wrong

C. expect others to give in

D. apologize to others first

In many countries, schools have long summer holidays, with shorter holidays in between. However, a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break. Instead of three school terms, it says, there should be five eight-week terms. And there should be just four weeks off in the summer, with a two-week break between the other terms.

Sonia Montero has two children at primary school and works full-time. She supports the idea. “The kids,” she says, “have much longer holidays than me and I can’t afford to take several weeks off work, so I need someone to take care of them. But nobody wants the work in the summer months — they all have holidays of their own.”

Not surprisingly, some young people disagree. Student Jason Panos says “It’s a stupid idea. I would hate staying at school in the summer. It’s unfair, too. The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young, but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer. The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here, but they don’t forget everything they’ve learnt in a few months.”

Nadia Salib agrees. “Sure,” she says, “the first week at school after the summer is never easy, but you soon get back into it. The real problem round here is that kids get bored after so many weeks out of school, and then some of them start causing trouble. But the answer is to give them something to do, not make everyone stay in school longer.”

1.Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays?

A. She doesn’t get any summer holidays in her job.

B. She is worried that her children will forget what they’ve learnt.

C. She can’t afford to pay someone to look after her children.

D. She can’t get anyone to look after her children in summer.

2.What does Jason say about long summer holidays?

A. They can help children forget about school.

B. Schools in other countries don’t have them.

C. These days many older people have them too.

D. They have little influence on children’s education.

3.What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays?

A. They would like to spend more time at school.

B. Long holidays are very bad for their education.

C. They need something to do to enrich themselves.

D. Long holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble.

4.Which of the following statements best explains the text?

A. It has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened.

B. Students are angry that school holidays have been changed.

C. Some people want to change school holidays but not everyone agrees.

D. Teenagers are worried that they will be busy during summer holidays.

Fun doesn’t have to be expensive

Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone has much money to spend. Here are some free or cheap ways to enjoy yourself.

Get outside

Going outside in good weather can be a lot of fun, especially if you go with a friend. 1.

If you live in a city, you can go window-shopping. Or you can explore an old part of town and admire the buildings.

Try a hobby

While you’re out, take pictures of things you find. Planning and taking pictures can make you aware of the beauty all around you. Photographic equipment can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. You probably already own a camera or a cell phone that can take pictures. Other creative hobbies can also be done with basic materials. 2.

Find an event

Libraries often hold free public events. 3. And while you’re there, borrow a book or movie for free. Museums and universities also hold free events.

If you can’t find a free event, you can volunteer at an event that requires tickets. People who organize concerts and plays need help. 4. Sometimes they reward volunteers with free tickets.

Meet a friend

Relationships are often the best things in life. 5. Invite a friend for a walk, an event or a time working on your hobby. Hosting doesn’t have to be difficult. If your friend comes in the afternoon, you don’t have to serve a meal. You can sit and talk, play board games or card games or watch a movie.

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. Stop by one to find out what’s going on.

C. Hike or bicycle on a nearby path or in a park

D. Whatever you do, find someone to share it with.

E. It’s a good idea to stay at home to watch a movie

F. You could set up or take down chairs or greet visitors.

G. Drawing and writing require nothing more than a pencil and paper.

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