
【题目】90后出生的学生,思想特殊、行为方式和价值观令人担忧。假如你是一名90后出生的学生刘林,请根据下表中所提供信息以"Do trust us-a generation born in the 90s"为题写一篇英语演讲稿,以消除人们的忧虑。







Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”.

Living in an environment full of fierce competition, we, a generation born in the 90s, are faced with more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed. Under these circumstances, we are developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern.

They worry we care too much about ourselves and are unwilling to cooperate with others, which makes it hard for us to achieve success in whatever we do. Besides, they consider us as lacking in perseverance, and this is what it takes to do any job well. Without it, we may easily give up in time of difficulty. They are also concerned that we are so eager to win instant fame that we follow fashion blindly, which will in turn ruin our values and future.

However, we, a generation born in the 90s, have our own advantages despite some weaknesses. Firstly, we have the courage to meet challenges and take risks, which helps realize our dreams. In addition, we are quick-minded and creative. We can do our work more efficiently. Of course, we still need to learn more from those experienced. Please do trust us!

Thank you for your listening!



【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如Living in an environment full of fierce competition, we, a generation born in the 90s, are faced with more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed.动词ing作伴随状语和插入定语从句;Under these circumstances, we are developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern.和They are also concerned that we are so eager to win instant fame that we follow fashion blindly, which will in turn ruin our values and future.是非限制性定语从句;and this is what it takes to do any job well.是表语从句等。此外,文章还使用了大量短语be faced with , Under these circumstances , be unwilling to, cooperate with, make…hard for … to do,lack in,in time of, be eager to do, have the courage to do, take risks等,另外Besides, However, Firstly, In addition, Of course等的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。




【1】__ They provide him wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent drought and floods.

2___ In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers.

Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this.3 __ So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear.

4__ The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, and also hold the soil.5___ But where there are no trees, the rainfalls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

A. Trees are useful to man in three very important ways.

B. This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees.

C. They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees.

D. If there were n more trees, something terrible would happen.

E. This prevent the soil from being washed away.

F. However, a lot of trees are being cut down.

G. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third of these services is the most important.

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