
15.Toronto is a big and beautiful city,which has developed from a relative unknown place over the past half century to the centre of culture,trade and communication in Canada.
With its colorful ethnic(种族的)mix,rich history and breathtaking buildings,Toronto offers non-stop adventures to the tourists.To get a sense of how big,various and magical Toronto is,the best place to start is the CN Tower,the tallest free-standing(无支撑物的)building in the world.From this point,visitors can get a bird's-eye view of the city's amazing scenery and unique geography.
In addition to being an important center of culture,trade and communication in Canada,Toronto is also a major multi-ethnic city.It has a population of over 4.5maillion,and its citizens come from countries around the world and from all manner of ethnic backgrounds.Every day,in most places of the city,a hundred different languages can be heard on the streets,from Hindi to Greek to French.This,perhaps,explains why former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said that Canada is really more mosaic(马赛克,镶嵌图案) of cultures and languages than a melting pot.
Street signs in Toronto are mostly in English.Weekly and daily newspapers are published in various languages,and the city hosts successful international film festival each September.It is also home to a popular baseball team,the Toronto Blue Jays.Toronto has something for everyone.

56.The author wrote this passage toC.
A.tell us how Toronto develops from the past   
B.introduce some famous sights of Toronto
C.draw more tourists to Toronto              
D.introduce something about Canada
57.What can we know from the passage?B
A.Toronto is in the centre of Canada.
B.From the top of the CN Tower,we can see the whole Toronto.
C.The street signs in Toronto are all written in English.
D.Toronto is a city with a history of half a century.
58.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.Toronto hosts baseball games every year.
B.Newspapers in Canada aren't published only in English.
C.We can see people of every colour in Toronto.
D.Toronto hosts an international film festival every year.
59.The underlined sentence means different cultures and languages in Canada.D
A.have developed a lot
B.can be easily seen by foreigners
C.have been well mixed together
D.still keep their own characteristics
60.How does the author like Toronto?A
A.The city is worth visiting.
B.It's just a common city in Canada.
C.There are too many foreigners in the city.
D.There aren't many places of interest to visit.

分析 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读.主要介绍了加拿大多伦多的特色.多伦多是加拿大的贸易和文化交流中心,此篇文章是为了吸引人们去多伦多旅游.

解答 56-60 CBADA
56.C.判断作者意图题.纵览全文并根据"Toronto has something for everyone."可知文章主要介绍了加拿大多伦多的特色.目的是为了吸引人们去多伦多旅游.故选C..
57.B.推理判断题.根据"From this point,visitors can get a bird's-eye view of the city's amazing scenery and unique geography."可知从CN塔的顶部我们可以看到整个多伦多.故选B..
58.A.细节理解题.根据"It is also home to a popular baseball team,the Toronto Blue Jays."可知多路多是一支很出名的棒球队the Toronto Blue Jays的基地,而且多伦多每年举办一次棒球运动会.故选A.
59.D.推理判断题.根据"explains why former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said that Canada is really more mosaic(马赛克,镶嵌图案) of cultures and languages than a melting pot."与其说她是文化和语言的熔炉,不如说它是马赛克式的镶嵌图案,可知此句话是在说明在多伦多国语言和文化都保持着自己的独立性.故选D.
60.A.判断作者态度题.纵览全文并根据"Toronto has something for everyone."可知文章主要介绍了加拿大多伦多的特色和美好,所以作者对多伦多是很欣赏的.故选A.

点评 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读.主要介绍了加拿大多伦多的特色.此类题型主要考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.细节理解题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,所以在做细节理解题时要结合原文和提干有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,再结合选项选出正确答案.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.在做判断作者态度、意图题时,考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点和态度.

5.There are many Spanish gossip(八卦)magazines being published around the world.If your Spanish is good enough,these magazines will offer a lively look into the private moments of the beautiful,rich and famous,and provide entertainment and at the same time,help you practice your Spanish.
Diez Minutos:The magazine is a classic Spanish gossip feast with daily news based on many stories of love,separation,divorce and death.The two main parts are headlined"love"and"partners".They also have an online version of the magazine for serious gossip addicts.
Hola:It is Spain's top weekly magazine and the leader of the gossip world.It contains many pictures and a round-up of well-known and less well-known nobles and people in show business.Apart from edited highlights from the present and past issues,there is a report of the week and photo of the week.There is also a French version called OhLa!
Revista CUORE:As the third best-selling gossip magazine in Spain,it is mainly aimed at younger teenage readers who look not only for current celebrity (名流) gossip,but also for fashion and TV news.It uses a lot of oral terms.
Revista SEMANA:It is a Spanish magazine covering the latest news on the famous in Spain and Hollywood.It also offers its readers information on fashion,beauty,cooking and travel.
Revista CARAS:It is a magazine published in various countries of Latin America.It is also exported to certain parts of the United States,bringing together strange and wonderful news from around the world and the famous Latin community.

24.What does the first paragraph tell us about Spanish gossip magazines?C
a.Types b.Publishers c.Functions d.Origins
25.What's the purpose of the passage?D
A.To promote Spanish magazines.
B.To teach Spanish-learning methods.
C.To provide entertainment for readers.
D.To recommend Spanish gossip magazines.
26.Which of the following also has a French version?A
B.Diez Minutos.
C.Revista CUORE.
D.Revista SEMANA.
27.How many of the magazines mentioned in the text can be read on the Internet?A

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