I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the front door£®Everything were in a terrible mess£ºthe books were lying on the floor but the drawers were open£®Realizing that my house had been broken in£¬I telephoned the police at once£®They had told me to keep calm and not to touch anything£®Then I decided take a look around at what had been stolen£®The TV was still there and so did the computers£®Everything in my bedroom seemed to be complete untouched£®I was confusing as nothing was missing£®Suddenly£¬there was a knock at the door and my sister was standing there with his naughty boy£®Oh£¬I could guess all which had happened£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁË×÷Õ߻ؼҿ´µ½µÄһĻ£ºÑÛÇ°Ò»ÍÅÔ㣺Êé±¾ÈöÔÚµØÉÏ£¬³éÌëÒ²¿ª×Å£®µ±ËûÒâʶµ½¿ÉÄܼÒÀï½øÁËС͵ºó¾ÍÁ¢¿Ì´òµç»°±¨Á˾¯£®¾¯²ì¸æËßËû²»ÒªÆÆ»µÏÖ³¡£®µ«×÷Õß»¹ÊǾö¶¨ÏÈ¿´Ò»ÏÂÓÐʲô¶«Î÷±»ÍµÁË£®µçÊÓµçÄÔ¶¼»¹ÔÚÄÇÀÎÔÊÒÀïµÄ¶«Î÷¿´ÆðÀ´Ò²Ã»¶¯¹ý£®Ê²Ã´¶«Î÷¶¼Ã»¶ª£¬ÕâÈÃ×÷Õ߸е½Òɻ󣮺öÈ»ÓÐÈËÇÃÃÅ£¬µ±×÷Õß¿´µ½½ã½ãºÍËýÌÔÆøµÄ¶ù×ÓÕ¾ÔÚÄÇÀïʱ¾ÍÒ»ÏÂ×ÓÃ÷°×·¢ÉúÁËʲôÊÂÁË£¡

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2£®but¸ÄΪand£»¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê£¬but±íʾתÕÛ£¬andÁ¬½ÓÁ½¸ö²¢Áгɷ֣¬ÕâÀï"the books were lying on the floor"ºÍ"the drawers were open"ÊDz¢Áеģ¬
3£®in¸ÄΪinto£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£¬break intoÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"ÆÆÃŶøÈë"£®
5£®decided ºóÃæ¼Óto£»¿¼²é²»¶¨Ê½£¬¾ö¶¨×öijÊÂÓÃdecided to do£®
6£®did ¸ÄΪwere£»¿¼²é¿¼²é²¢ÁнṹÖеÄÇ°ºóÒ»Ö£¬and Á¬½Ó²¢Áгɷ֣¬andÇ°ÃæÓõÄÊÇbe¶¯´Êwas£¬ËùÒÔºóÃæÓ¦¸ÃÓÃwere£®ÕâÀïÊǵ¹×°½á¹¹£®
8£®confusing ¸ÄΪconfused£»¿¼²é·Ö´Ê×÷ÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê×÷ÐÎÈÝ´Êͨ³£ÐÞÊÎÎ±íʾÊÂÎïµÄÐÔÖÊ£¬¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê×÷ÐÎÈÝ´Êͨ³£ÐÞÊÎÈË£¬±íʾÈËÎïµÄÐÄÀí״̬£®ÕâÀïÐÞÊεÄÊÇI£¬ËùÒÔÓÃconfused£®
9£®his¸ÄΪher£»¿¼²éÎïÖ÷´ú´ÊµÄÓ÷¨£¬ÕâÀïµÄÎïÖ÷´ú´ÊÓ¦ÓëÇ°ÃæµÄmy sister±£³ÖÒ»Ö£®

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14£®Gemma Spofforth has chosen to swim on to the 2012Olympics after a troubled ten months£®
The 23-year-old former Portsmouth Northsea swimmer first questioned her future around the time of last October's Commonwealth Games£®
More doubts followed when she failed to defeat her world 100meters backstroke title in Shanghai last weekend when she had been suffering from the sickness£®
Away from the pool£¬her father's partner died in March£¬just three and a half years after Spofforth's mother passed away£®
After finishing 13th in the 50meters backstroke yesterday£¬she said£¬"Last night£¬there was a really big decision for me-whether I should give up because this year hasn't been fun£¬2009was maybe my time£®
But I decided it's 100per cent commitment from here on in£¬get fit and get ready for next year£®
It was a huge decision to make overnight£®A lot of thought went into it£¬I didn't get much sleep£®I came down this morning£¬had a relatively good race£¬got through and realized that this is where I want to be£®
Next year is the one and I am only going to do it if I really want to do it£¬and if I have one inkling £¨°µÊ¾£© over the next couple of weeks it's not right for me then I will quit£®I talked to my couch Martyn Wilby a couple of times£®I talked to him this morning£®
He said to me£¬¡®If you come to me and say you're not sure you want to swim then that's it£¬you're done£®You can only do this sport if you are 100percent invested and this year hasn't been 100percent for me£®'"
I went back to our hometown with my parents during the National Day holidays£®We spent three hours on the train after a bus took us to the small village£®
My grandparents were so glad to see us back home that they prepare a lot of delicious food£®We had big dinner with some relatives lived nearby£®Later£¬my grandfather showed us around the village£®To our great surprised£¬great changes have been taken place during the last few years£®A lot of two-storeyed houses have been built but young trees have been planted£®The remote village has taken a completely new look£®
It is clearly that the life of common people is getting better and better£¬that made us very pleased£®
1£®Do many people you know drive a car£¿How do you get a license to drive a car in your hometown£¿Read the following handbook and you will find out how to get a learner License and how to drive safely in Australia£®
About your Learner License
To prepare new and young drivers for the complex task of driving£¬all learner driver applicants must successfully complete a special"Road Ready"course to qualify for their Licenses£®
About the Road Ready Course
In the Road Ready course£¬you will take part in exercises to help raise awareness of the complexities of safe driving£®You will be assessed on your level of participation and understanding of the topics£®The final stage of the course is computerized£¬multiple choice road rules knowledge test£®
The course is conducted over several sessions and takes up to 15 hours to complete£®
Obtaining a Learner License
Any person aged 15 years and 9 months or more may apply for a Learner License to drive a car£® The Learner License is valid for 24 months but must be held for a minimum of six months£®The driver must attain the age of 17 years before attempting a practical driving test£®
To obtain a Learner License an applicant must£º
•Provide proof of identity£¬age and residence£®
•Complete and pass a Road Ready course£®
•Pass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practices£®
•Pass an eyesight test£®
When driving£¬learner drivers must be accompanied by a person holding a FULL license£®Learner plates must be displayed on the front and the back of the vehicle while it is being driven by the learner£®
Drive and Survive£¬Avoid Driver Fatigue £¨Æ£ÀÍ£©
Driving when you are fatigued can be deadly£®30% of single vehicle crashes in country areas involve a fatigued driver£®
For long trips over 2 hours£º
•Have plenty of rest breaks at least every two hours£®Have a coffee break or walk around and stretch your muscles£®
•Stay somewhere overnight if it's a really long distance£®
•Don't drive when you would normally be asleep£®
•Get a good night's sleep before the trip£®
•Share the driving£®
•Take a passenger who will chat and keep you alert£®
•Don't drink and drive£®Before and during the trip eat properly£¬avoid any alcohol and don't take medicine that may cause tiredness£®
•When you feel sleepy£¬stop and sleep£®
Remember that you can become drowsy £¨»è»èÓû˯£© even on short trips£®If you have been working or partying hard£¬avoid driving if possible£®
60£®According to the handbook£¬to get a Learner License in Australia£¬an applicant must do the following EXCEPTC£®
  A£®finish and pass a Road Ready course
  B£®pass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practices
  C£®provide proof of identity£¬marriage and educational background
  D£®take an eyesight test and meet the requirements
61£®When driving£¬learner driversD£®
  A£®can drive by themselves on the roads with light traffic
  B£®have to display their Learner Licenses on the front and the back of their cars
  C£®must be accompanied by either of their parents
  D£®can't drive alone without being accompanied by a person with a full license
62£®If a driver has to take a two-day trip£¬which suggestions will you give him£¿B
a£®Take a rest break every 2 hours£®
b£®Ask someone else to go with him so that they can take turns to drive without stopping£®
c£®Start out at 3 in the morning in order to avoid rush hours£®
d£®Stay somewhere overnight£®
e£®Get a good night's sleep before the trip£®
  A£®abd         B£®ade                   C£®bce          D£®bcd
63£®Where does this text probably come from£¿D
A£®A tourist guide book
B£®A news report 
C£®A science text book         
D£®A popular magazine£®
8£®There is a lot of talk these days about how kids should be interested in science£®Here's an area of science for everyone£¬and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist£®
Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh£¬58pages£¬ages 9-12
Seeing a picture or a model of a dinosaur£¬do you wonder how anybody knows what they look like£¿After all£¬nobody has seen a living dinosaur£®This book explains how scientists and artists work together to re-create dinosaurs£®As scientific discoveries have been made£¬the models have changed£®Scientific tests may one day expose what a dinosaur's coloring was£¬but now artists have to use their imagination to determine how these huge creatures looked£®
Beyond the Solar System by Mary Kay Carson£¬128pages£¬ages 10-13
This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space exploration-thousands of years ago£¬when people began star observation-and forward to today's search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way£®Along with history lessons£¬readers get 21activities£¬such as making a black hole and creating a model of Albert Einstein's universe using a T-shirt£®The activities are perfect for cold winter days£®
Ultimate Bugopedia by Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich£¬272pages£¬ages 7and older
If you're always on the lookout for butterflies£¬this book is for you£®Hundreds of color photos of common and unusual insects fill this hardcover£®There are fascinating stories related to the photos£®For example£¬do you know an insect feeds on the tears of Asian cattle£¿There's a question-and-answer section with an insect scientist and advice on how to help preserve endangered insects£®
Journey Into the Invisible by Christine Schlitt£¬80pages£¬ages 9-12
If you use a magnifying£¨·Å´óµÄ£©glass£¬you know a leaf looks quite different£®This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watched with this amazing scientific tool£®The bacteria in your mouth£¬when magnified 20£¬000times£¬look a bit like swimming pool noodles£®Fascinating photos are paired with suggestions about how to learn about the world around you£¬just by looking a little closer£®

59£®Kids interested in pre-historical animals might readD£®
A£®Ultimate Bugopedia
B£®Beyond the Solar System
C£®Journey Into the Invisible
D£®Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled
60£®Beyond the Solar System is mainly aboutA£®
A£®space exploration                  B£®the Milky Way
C£®history lessons                    D£®Albert Einstein's universe
61£®From the passage£¬we can learn thatC£®
A£®butterflies are fond of the tears of Asian cattle
B£®scientists have discovered the dinosaur's coloring
C£®microscopes can present you with an amazing world
D£®man has explored the black hole for thousands of years
62£®The main purpose of the passage is toD£®
A£®compare features of different books
B£®inspire people to become scientists
C£®teach children some knowledge of science
D£®recommend new science books to children£®
=2  Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶à×Å£¨´ÓµÚ11´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö£®
In China£¬people and giant pandas had been living together for thousands of years£®But China's human population has been great growing£®More population means more land is needed for farming£®It also mean more forests are cut for wood to build and heat houses£®Loss of habitat in lowland areas has forced pandas live only in the mountains£®The most damaged result of development has been that it has divided the panda's habitat into little islands of forest£®Today£¬many panda are isolated in these small sections of forest£¬because of they will cross into areas which people live£®The result is that the giant pandas can connect with one another to mate and have babies£®
Besides£¬to our relief£¬there is still some good news that people are trying to help the giant pandas by creating protected areas£®
8£®Our grand China tour will show you a different China!
    But you are required to present a US passport when entering China£®For some imlportant information on how to apply for a passport£¬see the following forms£®
¡ïYou have never been issued a US passport or
¡ïYou are under aged 16 0r
¡ïYou were under 16 when your previous passport was issued or
¡ïYour most recent US passport was issued more than l 5 years ago or
¡ïYour most recent US passport was lost or stolen or
¡ïYour name has changed since your previous US passport was issued£®
NOTE£ºIf the above statements do not apply to you£¬you can apply for a US passport by mail!
    Read and understand Steps l and 2 before leaving this page£®
STEP l£ºComplete and Print Form DS-1l
¡ïIf completing Form DS-II  online£¬print the completed form using'black ink on one sided
¡ïlf completing Form DS-II  by hand£¬make sure that all the information is complete and
correct£®The form should be filled in black ink£®Do so legibly or the application processing timemay be delayed£®
NOTE£ºForm DS-II  can be obtained from your local Passport Agency£¬
    STEP 2£ºSubmit Completed Form in Person
You must submit Form DS-II and other required documents in person at a Passport
Agency£¬Form DS-11 may not be submitted by mail£®
You should make an appointment to be seen at a Passport Agency only if£º
¡ïThe US passport is needed in less than 2 weeks for international travel£®'
¡ïThe US passport is needed within 4 weeks to obtain a foreign visa£®
  Call the National Passport Information Center to make an£®appointment or visit a Passport
   If you are overseas and need to apply for or renew your US passport£¬please follow the
instructions in Tips for Americans Traveling Abroad£®

36£®What is most probably talked about before this passage£¿B
A£®International travel information£®
B£®An introduction to a journey to China£®
C£®The great chaIloes happenjng in China£¬
D£®Matters needed to be dealt with after going to China£®
37£®You can apply for a US passport by mail if youC£®
A£®have never had a US passport before
B£®got your'most recent US passport 17 years ago
C£®were I7 when you received your previous passport
D£®changed your name after getting your passport last time
38£®Before'submitting Form  DS-Il£¬you shouldA
A£®fill in all information on the form
B£®fill the form in either black or blue ink
C£®print the form on both sides of the paper
D£®connect the local agency by telephone first
39£®Ifyou want to get the passport within halfa£®month£¬you shouldD£®
A£®not Day a visit to Passport Agency
B£®be an adult of more than 18 years old
C£®offer to present your foreign visa to a Passport Agency
D£®call the National Passport Information Center or visit a Passport Agency
40£®What does the underlined word"Iegibly"mean in English£¿A
17£®Summer Rain
 The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones£®We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long£¬hot days£®All of winter£¬with its cloudy days and bitter cold£¬we dream of those endless days at the beach£¬lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun£®And then£¬summer comes£¬and it rains£®
 As a child£¬I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying£®It wasn't fair£®We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather£®
 On those rainy summer days£¬I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside£¬staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage£®I was an only child£¬so there was no one else to play with£®My father worked from home£¬so I was not truly alone£¬but he could not actively play with me since he was at work£®It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around£®I'd drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day£®
 As an adult£¬though£¬my opinion of summer rain has changed£®When you have to work every day£¬summer is not as exciting£®Everything seems dull£®Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different£®I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter£®When summer comes£¬I hate how hot it is£®And then I look forward to the rain£¬because the rain brings with it a cold front£¬which makes me comfortable£®Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer£¬but summer rain today means positively beautiful-and considerably cooler-weather tomorrow£®
56£®When the author was a child£¬heA£®
A£®hated rainy days        
B£®liked staying indoors
C£®preferred cooler weather    
D£®dreamed on summer days
57£®We can learn from the passage that the authorA£®
A£®had no brothers or sisters    
B£® was often left alone at home
C£®could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter  
D£®preferred reading to playing outside
58£®As an adult£¬the author views summer rain differently becauseB£®
A£®he knows it won't last long
B£®rain makes the weather cooler
C£®his summer holiday is very short
D£®he can better deal with his downtime£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
