
     I usually do well on the exams,so my classmates often ask 76.on→in
me what secrets they have.Here are some tips that I may tell   77.they→I
them.First of all,prepare the exams.Give yourself at least    78.prepare后加for
a week or two to review that you have leamt in the past.79.that→what
Second,take break while studying.Physical activity             80.break前加a
helps you relax,makes you think better and clear your           81.clear→clears
mind.Third,tell yourself to keep calmly during the exams.82.calmly→calm
It helps you reduce pressure and gets you ready for exams.83.√
Fourth,arrive at early for the exams so that you won't be       84.去掉at
in a hurry.This also gives you enough time to relax after an exam.85.after→before.

分析 文章大意:本文主要是作者给同学们的一些关于考试的建议.首先,为考试做好充分的准备,其次学习中途要休息,第三,考试期间保持镇静,最后,考试的时候早点进入考场,以免匆忙.

解答 I usually do well onthe exams,so my classmates often ask                 76. in
me what secrets they have.Here are some tips that I may tell             77. I
them.First of all,prepare∧the exams.Give yourself at least           78.for
a week or two to review thatyou have leamt in the past.79. what
Second,take∧break while studying.Physical activity                       80.a  
helps you relax,makes you think better andclearyour                         81.clears
mind.Third,tell yourself to keep calmly during the exams.82.calm
It helps you reduce pressure and gets you ready for exams.83.√
Fourth,arrive at early for the exams so that you won't be                   84.at
in a hurry.This also gives you enough time to relax afteran exam.85.before

76.on→in  考查介词搭配. do well in…"在…做得好"是固定短语.
77.they→I  考查人称代词. 由前面的ask me可知,宾语从句的主语应是I.78.prepare后加for  考查介词搭配."为…做准备"用prepare for,prepare后接准备的内容或事物.
79.that→what 考查宾语从句.  review后的宾语从句的引导词需要在从句中作learn的宾语,表示事物,故用what.
80.break前加a  考查冠词. take a break是固定短语,意为"暂停,休息".
81.clear→clears  考查谓语动词形式.and连接三个并列的动词,故clear的形式应与前面的helps,makes一致.
82.calmly→calm  考查形容词.keep 是系动词,后面用形容词作表语.
84.去掉at   考查介词搭配.arrive后没有宾语,不需要搭配任何介词.
85.after→before 考查连词. 根据上下文语境可知,此处表示"考试前",故用before.

点评 改错题要注意代词,连词以及词性、人称的转化.
做好短文改错题,可以从以下三方面去考虑:1.快速阅读短文,如抓住中心思想,从整体上对短文有个了解. 2.充分运用语言的基础知识,从句型结构、词的变化、词类选择、词的搭配、习惯用法出发,进行分析判断,尽快找出错误在何处. 3.重视整体和语境,从上下文关系中找出表达连接关系或逻辑关系的词或词组,判断是递进关系还是转折关系,是因果关系还是让步关系.

6.It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night.The morning after the storm,though,was beautiful:blue skies,warm air and a calm,inviting sea touching the shore gently.
    My father realised it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing,but I decided to go all the same.I'm so glad I did.
    On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible destruction on the coast,but the harbour itself was in fairly good shape.After all,it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny channel to the sea.As we got on board,we noticed two big humps (脊背) in the distance.
    On approaching them,we saw it was a mother whale with her baby.We couldn't believe it--there aren't any whales along the coast here.The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay,in which the still water was so badly polluted that nothing could survive.
    The little baby whale-actually as big as our boat-was obviously stuck and could not move.The mother dived under the water and came up suddenly,making big whirlpools (漩涡) and waves."She's trying to help her baby,but on the wrong side,"my father said.At this point,my father moved our boat in a semicircle to the other side and,heading the boat towards the baby whale,pushed it gently.With our several gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappeared under water.Then it swam up right beside its mum.They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay channel.Slowly,they let us lead them,sometimes rising from the water right beside us to breathe--and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes.Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight from the sea,the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.
    In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes,but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half.That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day.Nearly four decades later,I still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.

51.The author says"I'm so glad I did."(in Para.2)becauseC.
A.he witnessed the whole process of fishing
B.he enjoyed the beauty of the calm sea
C.he experienced the rescue of the whales
D.he spent the weekend with his family
52.The harbour survived the storm owing toB.
A.the shape of the harbour
B.the arms of the bay
C.the still water in the channel
D.the long coast line
53.The mother whale failed to help her baby becauseD.
A.she had stayed in the polluted water for too long
B.the whirlpools she had made were not big enough
C.she had no other whales around to turn to for help
D.the waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction
54.What is the theme of the story?A
A.Saving lives brings people a sense of happiness.
B.Fishing provides excitement for children.
C.It's necessary to live in harmony with animals.
D.It's vital to protect the environment.
3.Science can't explain the power of pets,but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack,reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.
  Any owner will tall you how much joy a pet brings.For some,an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife.A 2002study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people-half of them pet owners-while they performed 5minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water.Subjects completed the tasks alone,with a husband/wife,a close friend or with a pet.People with pets did it best.Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates.With pets in the room,people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions.It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets,says Allen,who thinks it may be because pets don't judge.
  A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56people without pets were put on a diet program.On average,people lost about I1pounds,or 5% of their body weight.Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12pounds,more than 15% of their body weight.Dog owners didn't lose any more weight than those without dogs but,say researchers,got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs-and found it worth doing.

67.What does the text mainly discuss?A
A.What pets bring to their owners.
B.How pets help people calm down.
C.People's opinions of keeping pets.
D.Pet's value in medical research.
68.We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well ifA
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has less stress of work
C.he often does mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
69.According to Allen,why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?C
A.They have lower blood pressure.
B.They become more patient.
C.They are less nervous.
D.They are in higher spirits.
70.The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports thatA
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful.
10.Kids'health:Four steps for fighting stress
Everybody gets stressed from time to time.(71)CSome ways of dealing with stress-like screaming or hitting someone-don't solve(解决)much.But other ways,like talking to someone you trust,can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:
(1)Get support.When you need help,reach out to the people who care about you.Talk to a trusted adult,such as a parent or other relatives.(72)FThey might have had similar problems,such as dealing with a test,or the death of a beloved pet.
(2)Don't take it out on yourself.Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves.Oh,dear,that's not a good idea.Remember that there are always people to help you.Don't take it out on yourself.(73)A
(3)Try to solve the problem.After you're calm and you have support from adults and friends,it's time to get down to business.(74)EEven if you can't solve it all,you can solve a piece of it.
(4)Be positive.Most stress is temporary (暂时的).Remember stress does go away,especially when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it.
These steps aren't magic,but they do work.And if you can stay positive as you make
(5)your way through a tough time,you'll help yourself feel better even faster.(75)D

A.Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.
B.Notice your friends'feelings and find a way to help them.
C.Different people feel stress in different ways.
D.Ah,it feels so good when the stress is gone.
E.You need to figure out what the problem is.
F.And don't forget about your friends.
G.Then,find a way to calm down.
20.Las Vegas cab driver Gerardo Gamboa thought someone must have left a bag of   chocolates in the back seat of his vehicle,but it turned out to be$300,000 in cold hard cash.
    Now,Gamboa is winning honors for honesty after turning in the money he found Monday.The money was returned to an unidentified poker player working in a club.Yellow Checker Star Transportation named Gamboa its driver of the year and rewarded him with$l,000 and a dinner for two at a restaurant.
    A message left Wednesday to interview Gamboa at the cab company wasn't immediately   returned.
    Gamboa told the Las Vegas Review-Journal he had another passenger by the time he   began wondering what kind of chocolates were in the brown paper bag.He cast a glance inside   the bag at a traffic light.
"I told my passenger,‘You are my witness on this,'"the 13-year taxi driver told the Las     Vegas Sun,"and then immediately called my company."
    Gamboa took the six bunches of$100 bills to the company's main office,where Las     Vegas police and the club officials returned it to the poker player.
    Gamboa saidthemangave him a$5 tip after a trip from the Cosmopolitan Resort to the     Palms Place Tower,and Gamboa then drove to the Bellagio Resort,where a doorman helping a passenger into the car noticed the bag.
    It took several hours to check the identity of the owner and return the cash.He took     Gamboa's information,but didn't leave a reward.
"If he doesn't give me anything,that's OK,"Gamboa told the Sun."I'm not waiting for any kind of return.I just wanted to do the right thing,and I appreciate what the company did for me."

46.Who proved the driver found$300.000?B
B.A passenger.
C.The poker player.
D.The police.
47.How much money was there in every bunch on average?D
48.What's the proper order of the events according to the text?A
a.The driver turned in the money.
b.The poker player got out of the taxi.   
c.The driver found a large sum of money in the bag.
d.The driver was interviewed by the Las Vegas Sun.
e.A doorman helping a passenger into the car saw the bag.
49.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.The driver will ask the poker player for$l,000.
B.It was 3 days before the poker player got back the money.
C.The driver meant to keep back the money at first.
D.The driver feels he should return the lost money.
50.Which of the following can be used to describe the driver?A
A.Honest and helpful.            
B.Clever and careful.
C.Understanding and generous.    
D.Determined and responsible.

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