
If you’ve ever owned a chimney, you know that it can get pretty dirty. There’s a whole lot of soot(烟灰) that gets stuck on the inside. That stuff has to get cleaned, or you could have a serious fire risk. While nowadays we have easier ways of doing this dirty job, in the way back days somebody used to climb up the chimney and clean all that soot. And the thing is, not just anybody could do it.

You had to be really small to fit up in the chimney, so they used to give the task to kids – some as young as four or five years old. They worked for their boss known as a master-sweep. They were often covered in soot, and were very likely to get burned. They often developed what became known as soot wart, a form of cancer.

Are your unfairness bells ringing? William Blake’s certainly were. The physical dangers and widespread unfairness of the chimney-sweeping job really stuck in his throat, so much so that he wrote not one, but two poems called “The Chimney Sweeper”.

The first poem (the one we’re discussing here)was published in 1789 in a book called Songs of Innocence. These little poems took children and the joys of childhood innocence as their subject. As you’ve probably guessed by now, many of the poems in Songs of Innocence, like “The Chimney Sweeper”, are about the ways in which childhood innocence is destroyed by unkind old adults. For Blake, innocence is, in many ways, a total joke. It doesn’t exist, because it’s always taken away by the realistic world – chimney-sweeping, death, poverty, etc.

What does a five-year-old chimney sweeper in 18th-century England have to do with you? More than you might think. It is reported that 150 million kids are in child labor in developing countries. Many of them work long hours and face dangerous health risks. Like Blake’s chimney sweeper, these kids are not even given a chance at innocence because experience keeps getting in the way.

1.Which of the following can best describe the chimney-sweeping job?

A. Easy and interesting. B. Dirty and dangerous.

C. Pleasant and well-paid D. Challenging and creative.

2.Why did Blake write two poems called “The Chimney Sweeper”?

A. He was very interested in the job.

B. He had much experience in the job.

C. He considered the job very important.

D. He felt deeply sorry for the kid workers.

3.How did Blake look at the realistic world?

A. Thankfully B. Regretfully C. Doubtfully D. Negatively

4.In the last paragraph, the writer explains ________.

A. the realistic meaning of “The Chimney Sweeper”

B. the great influence of Blake’s Songs of Innocence

C. why child labor still exists in developing countries

D. why chimney-sweeping becomes unnecessary today


Honesty is the best policy, as the English saying goes. Unfortunately, honesty often leaves us when no one is watching, British psychologists reported last week.

Researchers at UK’s Newcastle University set up an experiment in their psychology department’s coffee room.

They set a kettle, with tea, coffee and milk on the counter and hung up a sign listing the price for drinks. People helping themselves to a cup of tea were supposed to put a few cents in the box nearby.

The scientists hung a poster above the money box, and changed each week between pictures of gazing eyes and pictures of flowers. The researchers found that staff paid 2.76 times more for their drinks when the image of the eyes was hung.

“We were shocked by the size of the effect,” said Gilbert Roberts, one of the researchers.

Eyes are known to be a powerful perceptual (知觉的) signal for humans, scientists say.

“Even though the eyes were not real, they still seemed to make people behave more honestly,” said Melissa Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study.

Researchers believe the effect throws light on our evolutionary past. It may arise from behavioral characteristics that developed when early humans formed social groups to strengthen their chances of survival. For social groups to work, individuals had to co-operate, rather than act selfishly. “There’s an argument that if nobody is watching us, it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we’re being watched we should behave better. So people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us,” Bateson said.

The new finding indicates that people have a striking response to eyes. That might be because eyes and faces send a strong biological signal we have evolved to respond to, Bateson said.

The finding could be put to practical use. For example, images of eyes could ensure ticket sales on public transport and improve surveillance(监视) systems to deter anti-social behavior.

1.In the experiment, a poster was hung above the money box to ________.

A. give a harmonious atmosphere

B. remind people the drinks were not free

C. prove the actual effect of different pictures

D. see how honest people are in different situations

2.From the result of the experiment, we can conclude that ________.

A. people might pay more for the drinks at the image of gazing eyes

B. people may be dishonest when no one is watching them

C. no one would pay for the drink unless they are told to

D. just a image of flowers is not enough to remind people to pay for a drink

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A. You're being watched!

B. Pay for your drink, please!

C. Mind your behavior in public!

D. Look out for electronic surveillance equipment!

4.Which of the following English proverbs can be best used at the beginning of the passage?

A. Once a thief, always a thief

B. Lies have short legs

C. Honest is the best policy

D. An honest look covers many faults

Everybody should have some level of first aid ability, because accidents and medical emergencies can happen anywhere at any time. St John First Aid courses give you the knowledge and confidence to provide effective first aid whenever it’s needed.

First Aid Level 1

Ideal(理想的) for anyone who wants to learn basic first aid or needs to renew their first aid qualification(资格).Courses can be held at St John or your workplace.

Fee: $162(includes GST)

Duration(持续时间):Eight hours

First Aid Level 2

Includes all course content from First Aid Level One, plus an additional half day. Ideal for special first aiders, health and safety managers and anyone who needs a first aid qualification.

Fee: $235(includes GST)

Duration: 12 hours

Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC)

Advanced training for first aiders who already hold unit standards 6400 and 6402. Ideal for people who require advanced first aid skills or a pre-hospital emergency care (PHEC) qualification for their work.

Fee: $635(includes GST)

Duration: Three days

Child First Aid

Idea for parents, grandparents and other family caregivers. A recognized qualification for childcare workers.

Fee: $65(includes GST)

Duration: Four hours

Outdoor First Aid

First aid response for accidents and medical emergencies in the wilderness. For groups of eight or more.

Duration: One to two days depending on experience

Sports First Aid

First aid response for common sporting injuries and medical emergencies. Includes ACC injury prevention advice.

Duration: Eight hours

1.If you want to learn basic first aid, you need to .

A. know a little first aid

B. take the course at St John

C. have a first aid qualification

D. spend 8 hours on the course

2.Pre-Hospital Emergency Care teaches people about .

A. first aid in childcare

B. basic emergency care

C. advanced first aid skills

D. injury prevention methods

3.If you are going to camp, which course should you choose beforehand?

A. Child First Aid B. Sports First Aid

C. First Aid Level 1 D. Outdoor First Aid

4.The main purpose of the text is to .

A. introduce the courses of first aid

B. teach people knowledge of first aid

C. change people’s attitude towards first aid

D. let people renew their first aid qualification

Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.


Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses

— Aged under 22

— At least high school graduate

— Good-looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women at least 1.65

— Those knowing foreign languages favoured

— Paid 1 600—2 200 dollars per month

One Secretary

— Aged under 30

— Female favoured

— Good at writing and skilled at computer

If interested, call 465-4768 or write to:

Mr. Jack Hundris

Room 0825, Fairmont Hotel

567 Wood Street, San Markers, 78003

Fax: 6954828



— Aged between 25 and 40

— With an experience of at least two years

— With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)

— Paid 3 000—4 000 dollars monthly

— With a practical knowledge of computer


— Basic education of 12 years or more

— Good at computer

— Paid 1 800—2 200 dollars monthly

Tel: 447-4398

Fax: 3485269

1.If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can just apply for the position as _______.

A. a secretary B. a waiter or waitress

C. an accountant D. a salesclerk

2.If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel, you _______.

A. have to be a woman and know foreign languages

B. should be a university graduate

C. have to be taller than 1.72 meters

D. should be younger than 30 years old

3.From the ads we can conclude that _______.

A. you’ll be better paid in Wilson Bookstore than in Fairmont Hotel

B. all the jobs offered require experience

C. the better education you’ve received, the more money you’ll make

D. if you want to be an accountant, you may call 465-4768

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two ______ systems on the whole.

The ______ of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River _____ the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own _____. Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture _____ went overseas to Japan, _____ into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same ______.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was ______ on the Mesopotamian Plain ---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known ______ the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also ______ waters. When the colonists(殖民者) of England _____ in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't _______ from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems _______ the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, ______ the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no _____ with the other.

1.A. connected B. separate C. ancient D. remote

2.A. preservation B. development C. resource D. origin

3.A. if B. until C. while D. as

4.A. styles B. habits C. ways D. means

5.A. hurriedly B. gradually C. unfortunately D. suddenly

6.A. made B. emerged C. mixed D. applied

7.A. culture B. nation C. influence D. system

8.A. brought up B. brought out C. brought about D. brought along

9.A. after B. as C. for D. of

10.A. crossed B. drunk C. swam D. plunged

11.A. touched down B. put down C. got down D. settled down

12.A. evolve B. judge C. distinguish D. rise

13.A. adds to B. results to C. turns to D. takes to

14.A. as to B. as for C. as a result of D. in spite of

15.A. impact B. difference C. connection D. familiarity

If you haven’t already, you too should switch to the latest eco-friendly, energy-efficient, energy-saving LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting. As the world becomes more focused on green issues, everyone should do their part in practicing energy efficiency, recycling, cutting down their CO2 emissions and much, much more. One of the most successful campaigns that started in Australia is the now world-famous“Earth Hour”. 2.2 million of Sydney’s residents turned off their lights for an hour in a mass attempt to save energy. The following year, the same idea was adopted by a whole host of different cities.

This is a great example of a campaign to promote eco-friendly options and energy efficiency. But while it clearly raises awareness, it is not a long-term solution to energy saving across the developed world. A long-term solution can be found in the form of switching to LED lighting rather than the traditional halogen lights(卤光灯) found in a typical home.

Put simply, LED lighting is the future of lighting. LED lamps use up only a fraction of the energy pared to that of regular lamps. They also produce a quality flicker-free light, and will last longer than a regular light with 50,000 hours being realistic. Not only are they longer lasting and more energy-efficient with no sacrifice in light quality, but they may quickly become a possible substitute (替代物) for regular lamps that have been previously installed by homes and businesses.

An ordinary 50 watt low-voltage halogen light on for 4 hours a day would cost $ 25 per year to run. With a life span of around 3,000 hours it will typically stop working at the two-year mark. compared with the regular one, an LED light of 50 watts operating for the same period will cost roughly $ 6 per year to run and last 50,000 hours. That means it won’t have to be replaced for 24 years! It really is a no brainer to switch to energy-saving LED lighting. Plus, you will be doing your bit for the environment by being more eco-friendly.

1.“Earth Hour”is held in the world every year in order to .

A.ask people to generate more energy for daily use

B.call on people to use less energy as much as possible

C.remind people to remember the days without lights

D.advise people to have a good rest after working hard

2. How should we save energy according to the author?

A.Raise public awareness.

B.Turn off the lights.

C.Hold“Earth Hour”.

D.Use LED lights.

3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that LED lamps .

A.are more expensive that regular ones

B.will take the place of regular lamps pletely

C.might be used by more homes in the future

D.use up more energy and give out more light

4.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph“no brainer”probably means a thing that .

A.needs no consideration.

B.needs deep study

C.changes with others

D.connects with others

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