







Dear Mike,

I want to thank you again of having me in your home for the summer holidays. I returned to my village after moving away so long and it was really delighted to see most of my old friends again. I told my parents and all my friend here what a great time I had. I found very interesting to ride a horse down a river. I also enjoyed the evenings we spent them together. But I can't forget the good food you cook for me. It was wonderful. I wish you two can come to my home some time soon. Father and Mother look forward to see you. Maybe you could come during a winter holidays. My uncle Ben will also come back for Christmas with us. I’m sure we'll have a wonderful time together.

With best wishes.

Yours truly,



Stilton Cheese Rolling

May Day is a traditional day for celebrations, but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans. Teams of four, dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes , roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course. On the way, they must not kick or throw their cheese, or go into their competitors' lane. Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly, but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones). All the competitors arc served with beer or port wine, the traditional accompaniment for Stilton cheese.

Fiery Foods Festival—The Hottest Festival on Earth

Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. They come from as far away as Australia, the Caribbean and China, but they all share a common addiction—food that is not just spicy ,but hot enough to make your mouth burn, your head spin and your eyes water. Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three clays every March. You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepper—officially the hottest pepper in the world—or any one of the thousands of products that are on show. But one thing's for sure—if you don't like the feeling of a burning tongue, this festival isn't for you!

La Tomatina—The World's Biggest Food Fight

On the last Wednesday of every August, the Spanish town of Bunol hosts Ea Tomatina—the world's largest food fight. A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week's events. The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoes—official fight-starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd.

The battle lasts little more than half an hour, in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves, runs, or fights back. Then everyone heads down to the river to make friends again—and for a much-needed wash!

1.In the Stilton cheese rolling competition, competitors on each team must .

A. wear various formal clothes

B. roll a wooden cheese in their own lane

C. kick or throw their cheese

D. use a real cheese weighing about four kilos

2.Where is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival held?

A. In New Mexico. B. In the Caribbean.

C. In Australia. D. In China.

3.The celebration of La Tomatina lasts .

A. three days B. seven days 0

C. less than three days D. more than seven days

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The chief prize for the Stilton cheese rolling competition is beer or port wine.

B. More than 10,000 Chinese take pail in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

C. Thousands of spicy foods are on show in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

D. An exciting tomato battle takes place at the beginning of La Tomatina.



In my class, there was a really weak-looking guy. I don’t know if his name was Vit or Wit. I will him as Wit in this story of mine. He was a pale, thin guy. Not only his build looked weak, the way he was also weak. He walked slowly but he tried to stay off of everyone’s way. The friends in my class, Jean and Ingrid, would him. Truth to be told, I them as well. We did things like taking his stuff, like his pens and pencils, and them somewhere in the school.

Wit was also really of insects, even butterfly. Jean, Ingrid, and I often put beetle on his clothes and he would run around, trying to it off. There were many beetles in the school so that was the insect we used to scare him with. Other insects such as butterfly were hard to so we pretty much gave up on it. We would often take the when Wit was off-guard and put the insects on him. it was on him, he would run around or jump about. He was too scared to it and pull it off.

Suddenly one day, we were by the school. When I walked into the room, Wit’s mother, as well as Ingrid’s mother, Jean’s father, and mine were in the room silently. Wit’s mother said that Wit went home and the sandbag shouting “Jean!!! Ingrid!!! Archer!!!” every day. I wanted to laugh but didn’t with all the she was putting on us .She asked many things, including things I had no idea about such as “Who put Wit’s bag in the girl toilet?” Apparently, it was Jean who did it. Jean seemed to have bullied Wit quite a lot and got quite a(n) from Wit’s and her own mother.

I think it should have been quite guilty for to see us scolded by the parents. However , we decided to stop bullying Wit and be friendly to him.

1.A. briefly B. abruptly C. actually D. constantly

2.A. think of B. focus on C. laugh at D. refer to

3.A. acted B. operated C. attacked D. responded

4.A. get close to B. look up to C. get tired of D. make fun of

5.A. betrayed B. joined C. teased D. rejected

6.A. hid B. distributed C. threw D. preserved

7.A. fond B. scared C. cautious D. ashamed

8.A. see B. set C. shake D. take

9.A. only B. acute C. main D. rare

10.A. find B. recognize C. raise D. capture

11.A. chance B. risk C. trouble D. order

12.A. While B. Though C. Once D. Unless

13.A. attach B. touch C. sniff D. defend

14.A. picked out B. called in C. spied on D. kicked off

15.A. staring B. sighing C. sitting D. weeping

16.A. carried B. threw C. filled D. hit

17.A. nearly B. hardly C. merely D. approximately

18.A. burden B. pressure C. duty D. doubt

19.A. forgiving B. understanding C. praising D. scolding

20.A. Ingrid B. Jean C. Wit D. Mother


Guide to Stockholm University Library Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment.Zones The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.

Computers You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi specially prepared for notebook computers, you can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

Group-study places If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps.

There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Storage of Study Material The library has lockers for students to store course literature. When you have obtained at least 40 credits(学分), you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a year’s rental period.

Rules to be Followed Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

1.The library’s upper floor is mainly for students to .

A. read in a quiet place

B. have group discussions

C. take comfortable seats

D. get their computers fixed

2.Library computers on the ground floor __________.

A. help students with their field experiments

B. are for those who want to access the wi-fi

C. contain software necessary for schoolwork

D. are mostly used for filling out application forms

3.What condition should be met to book a group-study room?

A. Group must consist of 8 people.

B. One should have an active University account.

C. Three-hour use per day is the minimum.

D. Applicants must mark the room on the map.

4.A student can rent a locker in the library if he ____________.

A. has earned the required credits

B. attends certain course

C. has nowhere to put his books

D. can afford the rental fee

5.What should NOT be brought into the library?

A. Mobile phones. B. Orange juice.

C. Candy. D. Sandwiches.



Here are tips for a successful speech from a professional speechwriter:

No speech should last more than 20 minutes. 1. The Sermon on the Mount, a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus, for example, lasted hardly more than three minutes.

Focus on one topic. We’re human and tend to have lots of thoughts, opinions and ideas. You have to make proper selection. 2. Include and expand only those that explain and support your viewpoint(观点).

3. It’s important to remember that your words must be hearable and understandable the first time out.

Humour is vital. 4. Ronald Reagan always wanted to joke at the start of a speech because he needed the quick victory of laughter. It helped him relax. It also helped the audience relax.

Don’t forget to say thanks. You should always, at the beginning of the speech, thank the person who invited you and introduced you. 5. While you’re doing it, the audience gets a chance to daydream and settle down. They’re going to daydream at some point anyway, and it may as well be before you get to the heart of your remarks.

A. Choose your words carefully.

B. And saying thanks at the beginning has a practical purpose.

C. First you have to work out what you’re going to say.

D. Every speech needs it, and you need it, too, probably at the beginning.

E. Stick to one subject-the future of the soccer club, for example.

F. This process takes time, so start once you begin thinking about the speech.

G. The more important the message is, the less time it requires to say it.

You can love them or hate them, but no matter which tourist destination you visit, chances are you'll see someone with their head buried in a Lonely Planet guidebook.

Lonely Planet is one of the world's largest travel guide brands, publishing more than 500 different guides in eight languages. The popular brand also produces television shows, websites and podcasts (播客) all devoted to travel.

Some people praise Lonely Planet books because they make traveling easy and affordable. They also save time and make sure you don't miss the best things.

They also provide the reviews of hostels, hotels, restaurants and ticket information about your destination.

This can be great if you're a nervous traveler, or if you haven't traveled by yourself before. If you're in a country where you don't speak the language, sometimes there's nothing better than getting into a taxi and opening up a guidebook. You simply point to a map that directs the taxi driver to a hostel that's cheap and clean, with friendly staff and cold beer.

But others criticize Lonely Planet and other travel guide publishers like them. They say guidebooks take the fun and spontaneity (自发性) out of traveling, and that part of the enjoyment of travel comes from the fact that anything can happen. They also regret that if you follow a guidebook, you'll end up doing the same thing and having the same experience as everyone else. You might end up seeing the same group of people over and over, because everyone is reading the same book and following the same route.

Another criticism of travel guides is that they have a large impact on local communities. For example, some locals devote their lives to behaving in ways that attract tourists. They pretend to live a traditional lifestyle, wear traditional clothes and live in traditional houses in order to attract the tourist dollar.

1.The Lonely Planet guidebook can bring you the following advantages EXCEPT that _____.

A. you can speak a foreign language when opening a guidebook

B. you can easily find a nice place to stay in a strange city

C. it provides lots of useful information about your destination

D. it can help you save time and money when traveling

2.People criticize the guidebook because ________.

A. it is not as useful as most travelers expect

B. tourist destinations will be crowded if everyone follows the same route

C. travelers may not get the chance to have unexpected adventures

D. local people keep modern lifestyles under its influence

3.What do we know about the Lonely Planet guidebook from the text?

A. It's a world-famous brand only producing guidebooks for travelers.

B. It's very useful to a person who's nervous about touring an unfamiliar place.

C. It's very useful to a tourist who likes to repeat others' experiences.

D. It is loved by all travelers because of the convenience it brings to travelers.

4. Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (①-⑦ stand for

Paragraph l-Paragraph 7 )

Explore Australia’s Top End on a Northern Territory camping tour through Kakadu, Katherine Gorge and Litchfield national parks. This five-day-tour to the Top End’s three most popular national parks takes you hiking to waterfalls, swimming in rock pools and spotting crocodiles on a private wildlife cruise. Experience the Top End’s unique culture, spend evenings around the campfire and sleep under the stars at private campsites in a traditional Australian bedroll or a permanent safari tent. This small-group tour is limited to 16 people, ensuring a personalized experience with your guide, and operates seasonally from May to November.

Additional Information:

● Confirmation will be received at time of booking.

● There is a possibility of cancellation after confirming if there are not enough passengers to meet requirements. In the event of this occurring, you will be offered an alternative or full refund(退款).

● A moderate amount of walking is involved.

● Minimum age is 5 years.

● Please restrict luggage to 22 lbs (10kg). Excess luggage can be stored at your Darwin accommodation.

● Please bring hat, sunscreen, water bottle. (1.5 liters), walking shoes/boots and swimsuit.

● Take insect-resisting measures.

● All camping equipment provided including sleeping bag, pillow, pillow case, towel and sheet.

1.The tour is most suitable for______.

A. an old couple celebrating their gold wedding

B. a new father with his twin baby girls aged 2

C. a photographer who enjoys outdoor activities.

D. an art student enthusiastic about ancient architecture.

2.In which case can you get a full refund?

A. You cancel 20days before the scheduled lime of the tour.

B. You refuse the alternative tour when yours is canceled.

C. You give up half way through tour due to the amount of walk.

D. You are not content with the service provided.

3.To enjoy the tour, you should bring _______with you.

A. as much luggage as you can

B. a comfortable sleeping bag for camping

C. a private safari tent and a pillow

D. a spray(喷剂) that keeps the insects away.

Assistant Professor, Musical Theatre Dance

Wichita State University seeks a full-time, 9-month assistant professor, beginning in August. Applicants are required to have a degree in dance area, teaching experience at a professional or college level, ability to direct and teach stage movement. The salary depends on qualifications and experience.

For complete information visit http://finearts.wichita.edu.

Full Professor in Theatre and Dance

The Department of Theatre & Dance at the University of California at San Diego (http://www-theatre.uscd.edu) is seeking an experienced theatre artist in lighting design. Applicants must work for us for at least one year. Significant professional experience is required. This position is expected to teach at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

A review of applications will start on June 1st. Application deadline: September 1st.

Technical Director in Performing and Fine Arts

DeSales University’s Performing and Fine Arts Department seeks a highly skilled, professional technical director. The position is a 10-month staff position with the possibility of summer employment with the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. Professional experience is required; MFA is preferred.

Please email materials to john.bell@desales.edu. Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Assistant Director— Media Resources Center

Maryland Institute College of Art is seeking an Assistant Director of Media Resources Center in the Academic Affairs Division.

Qualifications for the position include a degree in Art History or related fields with knowledge of art and design history, library experience, excellent interpersonal and communication skills and familiarity with photoshop and scanning.

A review of applications will begin immediately; job announcements will remain open until the position is filled. Applicants are required to work for us at least 11 months. They can send emails to jobs@mica.edu. The salary differs depending on your experience. Please include your desired salary in your application letter.

1.What ad may an applicant pay close attention to if he/she has 9.5-month free time?

A. Technical Director in Performing and Fine Arts.

B. Assistant Director— Media Resources Center.

C. Assistant Professor, Musical Theatre Dance.

D. Full Professor in Theatre and Dance.

2.Which can you apply to if you have excellent interpersonal and communication skills?

A. Maryland Institute College of Art.

B. The University of California.

C. DeSales University.

D. Wichita State University.

3.What can we learn from the advertisements?

A. All the job announcements will remain open until the positions are filled.

B. All the reviews of applications will begin immediately.

C. All the jobs mentioned above promise a good salary.

D. All the jobs mentioned in the text require experience.

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