I will tell you about a boy I met£®The other Hay after school£¬I was walking down the sreet while I saw a boy riding a nice unicycle£®Which is like a bicycle with only one wheels£®Dressing in pink from head to toe£¬he was singing a song which was sounded like a kid's song£®I thought he must be total crazy£®Just then£¬a lady dropped 20-dollar bill on the ground£¬but he didn't realize it and star-ted to milk away£®The boy in pink picked out the money and gave it bark to her£®After that£¬he rode on but soon disappearpd before the lady could thank him£®How a strange and good guy!
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½â´ð I will tell you about a boy I met£®The other Hay after school£¬I was walking down the sreet while I saw a boy riding a nice unicycle£®Which is like a bicycle with only one wheels£®Dressing in pink from head to toe£¬he was singing a song which was sounded like a kid's song£®I thought he must be total crazy£®Just then£¬a lady dropped¡Ä20-dollar bill on the ground£¬but he didn't realize it and star-ted to milk away£®The boy in pink picked out the money and gave it bark to her£®After that£¬he rode on but soon disappearpd before the lady could thank him£®How a strange and good guy!
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