
When I was superintendent of schools in Palo Alto, California, Polly Tyner, the president of our board of trustees(董事会), wrote a letter that was printed in the Palo Alto Times. Polly's son, Jim, had great difficulty in school. He was classified as educationally handicapped and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers. But Jim was a happy kid with a great smile that lit up the room. His parents acknowledged his academic difficulties, but always tried to help him see his strengths so that he could walk with pride. Shortly after Jim finished high school, he was killed in a motorcycle accident. After his death, his mother submitted this letter to the newspaper.

Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident on Friday night. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known I would have said, "Jim, I love you and I'm so very proud of you."

I would have taken the time to count the many blessings he brought to the lives of the many who loved him. I would have taken time to appreciate his beautiful smile, the sound of his laughter, his genuine love of people.

When you put all the good attributes on the scale(天平) and you try to balance all the irritating traits such as the radio which was always too loud, the haircut that wasn't to our liking, the dirty socks under the bed, etc., the irritations don't amount to much.

I won't get another chance to tell my son all I would have wanted him to hear, but, other parents, you do have a chance. Tell your young people what you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last conversation. The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He called me to say, "Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you. Got to go to work. Bye." He gave me something to treasure forever.

If there is any purpose at all to Jim's death, maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to have people, especially families, take the time to let each other know just how much we care.

You may never have another chance. Do it today!

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Jim?

A. He was a boy handicapped and needed lots of patience.

B. He was an optimistic child and was sincere and kind to others.

C. He found a job after his graduation from high school.

D. He held a positive attitude to life despite his great difficulty in learning.

2.The letter submitted by Jim’s mother is intended to____________.

A. be in memory of her son who died at an early age

B. appeal to people to pay attention to road safety

C. remind people to cherish their friends and families

D. show the great sorrow when parents lost their child

3.The underlined word “traits” in the fourth paragraph probably means___________.

A. portraits B. Qualities C. arguments D. habits

4.The passage is most probably entitled__________.

A. A Heart-broken Story B. Memories About Jim

C. Great Parental Love D. Do It Today


C What historical site impresses you most? I’ve always been fascinated by the pyramids in Egypt.A few years ago I braved a long queue and climbed through a narrow passage to reach the main chamber deep inside one of them.Like millions of other tourists, I marveled (赞叹) at stone-walled rooms full of the magic of this ancient civilization.

But popularity might be the destruction of such archaeological treasures.Take Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings for example.It lay untouched for more than 3,000 years until the British archaeologist Howard Carter uncovered it in 1922.Now more than 1,000 people a day walk through it.

But as more and more people visit, the temperature and humidity inside the tomb change.As a result, the beautifully decorated plaster is coming away from the rock.

In order to preserve its heritage, a replica (复制品) of the monument is being opened about 1 kilometer away from the actual burial site.Specialists have recorded every detail of Tutankhamun’s tomb and used the data to recreate it.

Adam Lowe from the organization behind the project says the copy is identical to the original.He believes visitors will want to become part of the force that protects it rather than a force that is leading to its destruction.So they won’t mind seeing a replica.

But for historian Tom Holland, a copy is still a copy.He believes that although preservation is important, there is something unique about places like Tutankhamun’s tomb.He says it was built by people who believed in the world of the spirits, the dead and the supernatural.You don’t have to believe in a god or gods to feel a place is consecrated (使圣化) and has a particular quality that can’t be reproduced.

What about you? Would you visit a replica of a monument rather than the original to help preserve it?

1.What may account for the destruction of some archaeological treasures like Tutankhamun’s tomb?

A.Climate change.




2.What measures have been taken to preserve the heritage of Tutankhamun’s tomb?

A.Decorating the monument again.

B.Building a replica of the monument.

C.Limiting the number of visitors.

D.Moving the tomb away from the actual site.

3.The underlined word “identical” is closest in meaning to ________.





4.Historian Tom Holland may hold the opinion that ________.

A.some unique ancient places can’t simply be replaced by replicas

B.visitors are advised to see replicas because preservation is first

C.ancient civilizations are consecrated and can’t be redecorated

D.visitors to ancient civilizations must believe in a god or gods

Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine on October 5 for her discoveries concerning a novel treatment against Malaria(疟疾). This is the first Nobel Prize given to a Chinese scientist for work carried out within China.

Tu shared the prize with Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan, who were honored for their revolutionary anti-roundworm treatment. 84-year-old Tu is awarded this prize for her contribution to cutting the death rate of malaria, reducing patients’ suffering and promoting mankind’s health. Although she received several medical awards in the past, the 2015 Nobel Prize is definitely the most privilege reward that recognizes Tu’s dedication and perseverance in discovering artemisinin(青蒿素), the key drug that battles malaria-friendly parasites(寄生虫).

However, her route to the honor has been anything but traditional. She won the Nobel Prize for medicine, but she doesn’t have a medical degree or a PhD. In China, she is even being called the “three-noes” winner: no medical degree, no doctorate, and she’s never worked overseas. No wonder her success has stirred China’s national pride and helped promote confidence of native Chinese scientists.

The fact that Tu has none of these three backgrounds reminds us that science should be more accessible to all. One shall be able to become a scientist no matter what kind of background he or she comes from, as long as one dives into scientific research. There have been discussions on people who really love science but are never able to achieve much during their whole life. Their contributions can never be ignored. They work so hard to prove the wrong way so that the future researchers will be closer to the right one.

As the first Chinese mainland Nobel Prize Winner of natural science award, Tu’s record-breaking winning also serves as a reminder to those who are too eager for instant success. Science is never about instant success. Tu spent decades on scientific research before its value is officially acknowledged. There is no way to measure how much one devotes to science and compare it with how much reward he or she may get.

1. It can be concluded from the text that ______.

A. Tu worked home and abroad to conduct her research

B. Tu got the Nobel Prize for her anti-roundworm treatment

C. The Nobel Prize is the first award to recognize her work

D. Her discovery of artemisinin has helped to cut Malaria death rate

2.The author seems to agree that a person who is more likely to become a scientist is the one with _____.

A. a sense of national pride

B. Relevant academic knowledge

C. a desire to achieve success

D. enthusiasm for scientific research

3. In writing the passage, the author intends to ___________.

A. inform readers of the news and make comments

B. discourage the pursuit of instant success in science

C. remind readers of the principles of scientific research

D. praise the award winner and encourage scientific research


I was looking at a picture recently and noticed there are something different. The frame was________ . The overall picture still looked good but I couldn’t ________ whether or not changing the frame would make it better.

From this an interesting ________ came to mind. At times when I was ________ I would spend money on clothes. Maybe I spend it on other things as well.

Because I have a love for ________ , I thought I would feel good. However, the feeling was always ________ . Why? Because doing this didn’t ________ the real issue. What I needed to do was to pay attention to what was bothering me on the inside ________ trying to cover up my problems by making changes on the outside. I was changing the frame but the picture on the ________ was still the same.

We may change the ________ of our hair or even buy new clothes. There is nothing wrong with doing this ________ , but if it is being done for the wrong reasons, it may not ________ to how we really feel. If you ________ there is something wrong, try to change that; this way you will truly feel better on the inside. ________ time with family, having a conversation with a friend, or even letting your pen write your innermost feelings can ________ . Eventually, you will get true peace and joy inside. This way, not only will you be better able to ________ your life but also display colorful images of love for others.

So ________ necessary, don’t just change the frame. Change the picture. Getting a new picture may be ________ and may take time; however, with ________ it can be accomplished. In the end, playing your part in building a ________of even more fine art in this world would be worth it!

1.A. touched B. changed C. covered D. cleaned

2.A. decide B. discuss C. imagine D. answer

3.A. story B. thought C. message D. concept

4.A. high B. up C. down D. slow

5.A. food B. music C. architecture D. fashion

6.A. worthless B. priceless C. sensible D. momentary

7.A. break B. solve C. release D. confuse

8.A. instead of B. in case of C. because of D. in spite of

9.A. inside B. surface C. spot D. top

10.A. width B. color C. number D. structure

11.A. suddenly B. finally C. occasionally D. gradually

12.A. make a difference B. get through C. take a chance D. work out

13.A. wonder B. care C. sense D. appreciate

14.A. Devoting B. Spending C. Killing D. Affording

15.A. work B. happen C. return D. appear

16.A. lengthen B. share C. enjoy D. spare

17.A. unless B. although C. since D. when

18.A. convenient B. difficult C. simple D. necessary

19.A. help B. permission C. effort D. effect

20.A. temple B. place C. court D. museum

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