

My name is Wang Gang. Last summer, I went to a coastal city called Brisbane in Australia on an exchange(交换) program. I stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their daughter Joan. They lived in a big house close to the . I like that area very much, because there is a cinema, a swimming pool and a .

I got along very well with Joan. We shared many interests. Almost every day, we went swimming in the swimming pool. Sometimes we swam in the sea if the was nice. We went to the zoo and I really seeing those wild animals and the ones. I saw those cute koalas and kangaroos, but I didn't get close to them people said actually koalas were not as gentle as they . They might bite people. We also went to the cinema a couple of times and I really liked the films there.

We visited Sydney on a sunny day. Brisbane is about 1 000 kilometres from Sydney, so it's not a short distance. , we went there by plane. The journey by plane was quite fast and________ and it took us only two hours to get there. When I got the plane, I was so excited to see this modern city. The next day, we visited the famous Sydney Opera House. It was amazing!

The in Sydney was absolutely beautiful and the food there was well-cooked. My favourite was sea fish. The Smiths were very nice to me. They even ________ me to some very expensive lobster(龙虾). That was the first time I ________lobster, and I ________ say it was really delicious.

The whole trip was very enjoyable ________ the last day. We planned to go boating on the sea. However, it rained the whole day. We ________ in the hotel that day and chatted. In the end, we decided to go back to Brisbane by ________ , because the ticket was cheaper and also we could enjoy the scenery outside the train windows.

On the whole, I really had a great time in Australia. It was a ________ trip. I'd like to go back there again!

1.A. cave B. seaside C. river D. farm

2.A. school B. park C. garden D. zoo

3.A. similar B. intelligent C. patient D. unreliable

4.A. diploma B. nuisance C. facility D. weather

5.A. admitted B. avoided C. enjoyed D. considered

6.A. abandoned B. trained C. injured D. killed

7.A. because B. unless C. while D. once

8.A. sounded B. looked C. touched D. smelt

9.A. far B. in C. around D. away

10.A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. However D. Meanwhile

11.A. comfortable B. disappointing C. boring D. astonishing

12.A. on B. over C. up D. off

13.A. discipline B. diamond C. scenery D. summary

14.A. brought B. allowed C. hesitated D. treated

15.A. ate B. eat C. had eaten D. was eating

16.A. must B. shall C. may D. might

17.A. beside B. besides C. except D. for

18.A. floated B. contacted C. spent D. remained

19.A. bus B. train C. ship D. plane

20.A. brilliant B. enthusiastic C. energetic D. annoying



A. Be totally engaged.

B. Structure your free time.

C. Learn to enjoy your work.

D. Concentrate on one activity.

E. Avoid working with unhappy colleagues.

F. Look for a job where you have some control.

Five Simplification Steps to Experiencing Happiness

Happiness is never a permanent condition; it is made up of individual conditions that give rise to happiness. The Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls this condition “flow”: becoming so absorbed in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. You cannot manufacture happiness — but you can prepare the soil for happiness to grow. Researchers have found the following five qualifications in their studies of happy people.

1.______ Your working environment has a major influence on your experience of happiness. If you are surrounded by staff who grumble and have a negative attitude, it will be much more difficult for you to experience flow than it would be on a harmonious team. Identify clearly which people in your working environment suffer from chronic unhappiness and might infect you with it on an unconscious level. Keep a greater distance from those people or ask for a transfer.

2.____ People who have to devote their attention to several activities at once are unable to get into the flow. You will be able to experience those moments of happiness only when you engage in an activity with your whole being.

3._____ People who experience flow have managed to turn the restrictions of their working environment into opportunities. They see themselves as the criterion (标准) for their quality. Recognition from others or money they earn recede into the background. Among the people who Csikszentmihalyi discovered to be experiencing the greatest degree of happiness, there was a very simple worker in a steel mill who was popular with everyone on account of his specialized knowledge and willingness to help.

4.______ People who feel like victims and don’t live but “are lived” lose their ability to enjoy themselves even if their work is exemplary. So change your job, even if the new one doesn’t pay as well or is less prestigious (有声望的) . People who find happiness in their work will work so well that sooner or later they will profit, even on the level of money and prestige.

5.______ Astonishingly, work is easier to enjoy than free time. Working life includes goals, rules, and challenges. On the other hand, free time is unstructured and it takes effort to organize it in such a way as to make it enjoyable. So don’t be reluctant to plan your free time and structure it deliberately. People who don’t waste their free time have a more positive awareness of life; they live longer and they are less often sick. However, people who spend their time at work looking forward eagerly to going home and to the weekend seldom experience flow. Only 18% of all those questioned by Csikszentmihalyi experienced flow in the context of free time, and in almost all cases where they did, it was in the context of an organized hobby.

Our body clock, or natural body rhythm, influences our energy and alertness. Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of the day when we best perform specific tasks.

The reality, however, is that most of us organize the time around work demands, school deadlines, commuting or social events. Doing whatever the body feels like doing is a luxury in today’s fast-paced modern society.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying. Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits. Disrupting our natural body rhythm, on the other hand, has been linked to problems such as depression, obesity, or headache, says Steve Key, a biology professor.

When the body clock can synchronize (使…同步) the rhythms of its natural processes, it “gives us an advantage in daily life”, says Key.

According to him, when it comes to cognitive (认知的) work, most adults perform best in the late morning. As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday, our memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve.

However, he adds, our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter. Most of us are more easily distracted (分心) between noon and 4 pm.

Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm, making that a good time for a nap.

Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers. For most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.

When choosing a time of the day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can improve results. Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm, says Michael Smolensky, a professor of biomedical engineering.

Of course, not everyone’s body clock is the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.

1.If we know our natural body rhythm well, we can ______.

A. find out the suitable time to do specific tasks

B. organize our time around work demands

C. do whatever our body feels like doing

D. be sure to be healthy

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Our alertness is influenced by our natural body rhythm.

B. Doing whatever your body feels like is very difficult in our modern society.

C. Obeying our body clock is good for our health.

D. Disrupting our natural body rhythm can lead to obesity.

3.Inspiration to solve a difficult problem will most probably come to us______.

A. when we get up in the morning

B. when we are tired in the evening

C. when we are full of energy in the late morning

D. when we are asleep at night

4. Which of the following can be the suitable title for the passage?

A. What is natural body rhythm?

B. Natural body rhythm is good for us.

C. natural body rhythm and health

D. The latest research about natural body rhythm.


Building Trust in a Relationship Again

Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences, 1. Trust is a risk. But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been victims of betrayal. Whether we’ve been suffer from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore. 2. It’s understandable, but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.

3. Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.

4. If you’ve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, we’ll have our trust tested or violated.

You didn’t lose “everything”. Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 5. Instead, it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.

A. Learn to really trust yourself.

B. It is putting confidence in someone.

C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.

D. Remember that you can expect the best in return.

E. Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened.

F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.

G. They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again.

Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer. The training I received, though excellent, didn't tell me how it was to work with a real student, however. When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.

My first student Marie was a 44-year-old single mother of three children. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule, she told me it would not help because she couldn't read it. She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket because she couldn't always remember what she needed. Also, she could only recognize items by sight, so if the product had a different label, she would not recognize it as the product she wanted.

As we worked together, learning how to read built Marie’s self-confidence. She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket. After this successful trip, she reported how self-confident she felt. At the end of the program, she began helping her youngest son, Tony, a shy first grader, with his reading. I found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before.

As a literacy volunteer, I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others. In fact, I may have learned more from the experience than Marie did.

1.What did the writer do last summer?

A. She worked in the supermarket.

B. She helped someone to learn to read.

C. She helped some single mothers.

D. She was trained by a literacy volunteer.

2.Why didn't Marie go to the supermarket by bus at first?

A. Because she liked to walk to the supermarket.

B. Because she didn't have a bus schedule.

C. Because she couldn't afford the bus ticket.

D. Because she couldn't find the right bus.

3.How did Marie use to find the goods she wanted in the supermarket?

A. She knew where the goods were in the supermarket.

B. She asked others to take her to the right place.

C. She managed to find the goods by their looks.

D. She remembered the names of the goods.

4.Which of the statements is TRUE about Marie?

A. She could do many things she had not been able to before.

B. She was able to read stories with the help of her son.

C. She decided to continue her studies in school.

D. She helped to build up my self-confidence.

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