


A Love Note To My Mom

When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling _____________in your life. Little did I know you were ___________ every penny you earned to go to ___________ school.

I cannot thank you enough for ___________ you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework. I wanted into the dining room where you were buried ___________ piles of law books. I was ___________ .Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for ___________ ?When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’t know Moms _____________ be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”

As young as I was ,that statement kept ___________ in my ears. I watched as you faced the ___________ of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a ___________and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted just watching you ___________ .With your words of wisdom in my ___________ mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world ___________ .I set out to live my life filled with ___________ ,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.

Your words became my motto. I ___________found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) ___________ one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I’ll try that.”

Encouraged by your ___________ , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and ___________ meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’m ___________ it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

1.A.found B.play C.kept D.provided

2.A.saving B.making C.donating D.receiving

3.A.business B.fashion C.law D.medical

4.A.what B.that C.which D.where

5.A.at B.to C.upon D.under

6.A.amused B.worried C.puzzled D.disappointed

7.A.roles B.tests C.positions D.shows

8.A.must B.ought to C.need D.could

9.A.ringing B.blowing C.falling D.beating

10.A.choices B.chances C.challenges D.changes

11.A.professor B.doctor C.reporter D.model

12.A.in danger B.in action C.in trouble D.in charge

13.A.weak B.powerful C.youthful D.empty

14.A.came back B.closed down C.went by D.opened up

15.A.hope B.hardship C.harmony D.sadness

16.A.constantly B.shortly C.hardly D.nearly

17.A.and B.but C.or D.for

18.A.description B.statement C.praise D.introduction

19.A.secretly B.curiously C.carelessly D.eagerly

20.A.doing B.considering C.correcting D.Reading


One day I was waiting in line to check out at Wal-Mart. Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line, my thoughts were on speed, nothing more. The line I was standing in wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier.

There stood a man in his seventies. Of average build, he wore glasses and a nice smile. I thought, “Well, he’s an old guy and it probably takes him a little longer to get the chores done.”

For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before he began scanning the items they were purchasing. Sure, his words were the usual, “How’s it going?” But he did something different—he actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and engage them in brief conversation.

I thought it was strange, but I guess I had grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a robotic conversational habit. After a while, you don’t give any thought to the question and just mumble something back. I could say, “I just found out I have six months to live,’’ and someone would reply, “Have a great day!’’

This old cashier had my attention. He seemed genuine (真诚的)about wanting to know how people were feeling. And after giving them the change, the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. “I sure want to thank you for shopping here today, ’’he told them. “You will have a great day. Bye-bye.”

The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless. There were smiles and some shy grins (露齿而笑).All had been touched by his simple gesture in a place they never expected.

1.The author glanced at the cashier because of ______ .

A. the look of the old cashier

B. the slow speed of the checkout line

C. the smile on the cashier’s face

D. the long line of customers

2. In the fourth paragraph, the author intends to tell us ______ .

A. people usually have robotic conversations

B. no one cared about his health

C. people are not friendly to each other

D. he was suffering from a serious disease

3.What is special about the old cashier according to the author? He ______ .

A. worked hard at his old age

B. had usual conversations with customers

C. gave customers the right change

D. listened to people attentively

4.How did the customers probably feel after meeting the old cashier?

A. Quite ashamed of themselves.

B. Completely puzzled.

C. Unexpectedly moved.

D. Curious but happy

BEIJING — Rising smartphone star Xiaomi is moving upmarket and taking aim at Apple's iPhone. The Chinese maker known for low-priced phones on Thursday unveiled (发布) a new model that Chairman Jun Lei said is comparable to Apple's iPhone 6 but thinner, lighter and much cheaper. The phone starts at 2, 299 yuan ($375), less than half the 5,288 yuan ($ 865) price of an iPhone 6 in China.

Xiaomi, founded in 2010, passed South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. in the second quarter of last year as the best-selling smartphone brand in China by number of phones sold. The company is expanding into India and other developing markets but has yet to announce plans to enter the United States or Europe.

Xiaomi "is a respected brand that already has an Apple-like following" in China, said analyst Brian Blair, who tracks mobile device makers at Rosenblatt Securities. Apple is still a relatively small player in China, selling about 45 million iPhones there last year, Blair estimates, but will continue to grow.

"Apple is very much a premium (高端的) brand," said Blair. "The company that's more at risk is Samsung, which has been losing share in that market."

Privately held (私人控股的) Xiaomi said last year's sales tripled to 61. 1 million phones and revenue (收益) more than doubled to 74. 3 billion yuan ($12.2 billion). The company, based in Beijing, recently completed a round of fundraising from investors that it said valued Xiaomi at $ 45 billion, making it one of the world's most valuable technology brands.

Xiaomi ran into legal trouble in India in December after a court blocked sales while it hears a complaint by Sweden's LM Ericcson that the Chinese company violated its patents(专利).

In a blog post earlier this month, Lei called the case a "rite of passage" (成年礼) for a young company.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Xiaomi sold more cellphones than Samsung in 2010 in China.

B. Compared to Xiaomi, Apple's iPhone 6 is thinner and lighter.

C. Low-price is Xiaomi's advantage over Apple's iPhones.

D. The company is expanding into the United States or Europe.

2.What can be inferred from the passage according to Brian Blair?

A. More than 45 million iPhones will be sold this year.

B. Xiaomi can beat Apple in the market of China.

C. He thinks Xiaomi is superior to Apple.

D. Samsung will be closed for losing share in the market.

3.How is the 5th paragraph developed?

A. By giving examples.

B. By analyzing cause and effect.

C. By providing data.

D. By making comparisons.

4.What's the attitude of Jun Lei towards the case of Xiaomi in India?

A. Negative. B. Satisfied. C. Positive. D. Doubtful.



The Power of a Note

On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier(Ohio) Leader Enterprise, I didn’t get a lot of fan mail, _______ a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning seemed _______ to me.

When I opened it, I read: “A nice piece of writing on the Tigers. Please _______the good work.” It was _______ by Don Wolfe, the sports editor. Because I was a teenager (being paid for 15 cents a column inch ), his words couldn’t have been more _______. I kept the letter in my desk drawer _______it got rag-eared. Whenever I_______whether I had the ability to be a writer, I would reread Don’s note and feel _______ again.

Later, when I got to know him, I learned that Don made a_______ of writing a quick, encouraging word to people in _______. “When I made others feel good about _______ ,” he told me, “I feel good too.”

Not _______ , he had a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie. When he died last year at 75, the paper was _______ with calls and letters from people who had been recipients of his _______ words.

_______the years, I’ve tried to copy the example of Don and other friends_______ care enough to write uplifting comments, because I think they are on to something important. In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such _______ bring warmth and reassurance. We all need a push from time to time, and a few lines of _______ have been known to turn around a day, even a life.

Be _______ with your praise. Superlatives like “greatest” “smartest” “prettiest” make us all feel good. Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the _______ of dreams fulfilled.

1.A. so B. because C. for D. since

2.A. interesting B. strange C. joyful D. important

3.A. take up B. pick up C. bring up D. keep up

4.A. played B. passed C. signed D. tested

5.A. inspiring B. moving C. disappointing D. depressing

6.A. if B. until C. as D. while

7.A. felt B. thought C. wondered D. doubted

8.A. confident B. calm C. upset D. embarrassed

9.A. difference B. habit C. fortune D. wish

10.A. different places B. other fields C. all walks of life D. all kinds of uniforms

11.A. me B. him C. myself D. themselves

12.A. surprisingly B. fearfully C. truthfully D. safely

13.A. covered B. filled C. flooded D. connected

14.A. up-to-date B. spirit-lifting C. sharp D. remarkable

15.A. Over B. On C. After D. From

16.A. they B. what C. which D. who

17.A. books B. newspapers C. notes D. magazines

18.A. praise B. agreement C. advice D. advertisement

19.A. awful B. strict C. satisfied D. generous

20.A. friends B. classmates C. parents D. children

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