
    About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me.As she(41)B around the room,she noted that my employees seemed happy.Then,I asked her how she thought I did that."I'm sure you treat them(42)A,"she replied."That's half of it,"I said."Do you know(43)C the other half is?"
    She didn't have the answer.So what's the answer?I(44)D  the unhappy people.People laugh at this point.I wish I were (45)B.I'm not.I have learned that as a manager you cannot make everyone  happy.Good (46)C  requires  training,communicating and patience.
    Don't(47)D me wrong.This doesn't happen a lot.There's no joy in the (48)C  of firing someone.And it's not always the employee's(49)D-there are many bad bosses out there.And not all employees(50)A your company.I don't have a Ph.D.,an MBA,or even an economics degree.What I do have is a (51)C  company.Now I know some people argue that a business is (52)D  making money,and not everyone has to be happy.When you(53)C a company,you have the right to(54)D  yourself with the people you choose.
    I have a good day today.Not(55)B I've got a big order or great (56)D reports.I have wonderful people working for me.They care.They are committed(尽心尽力的).(57)A,they understand the whole customer-staff-company triangle,where all of the aspects (58)A   each other.When you have the right people,business is much (59)B.I know because I have (60)A  it.

分析 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文."我"作为公司老板有自己的管理员工的理念:对待自己的员工要好,开除那些感觉不幸福的员工.

解答 41-45 BACDB  46-50 CDCDA 51-55 CDCDB  56-60 DAABA
41 B.考查固定搭配.A.showed 展示;B.looked 看;C.turned 转;D.came 来.句意:当她环顾房间时,她注意到"我"的员工们看起来很幸福.此处用固定短语look around表示"四处看,环顾".故选B.
42 A.考查副词.A.nicely 好;B.firmly 坚定地;C.strictly 严格地;D.seriously 严重地.句意:因为员工看起来很幸福,所以侄女推测"我"这个老板对待员工很好(nicely).故选A.
43 C.考查连接词.A.which 哪一个;B.that 那;C.what什么;D.who 谁.句意:你知道另一半是什么吗?此处是一个宾语从句,根据语境可知,应用连接词what.故选C.
44 D.考查动词.A.trick捉弄;B.hire 雇佣;C.dislike 不喜欢;D.fire解雇.句意:根据下文中的"There's no joy in the __8__ of firing someone"可知,此处表示"我"解雇不幸福的人.故选D.
45 B.考查动词.A.crying哭;B.joking 嘲笑;C.cheating欺骗;D.regretting 遗憾.句意:人们嘲笑这个观点."我"希望"我"是在开玩笑,(但是)"我"不是.故选B.
46 C.考查名词.A.assessment评定;B.agreement同意;C.management管理;D.employment雇佣.句意:好的管理需要培训、交流和耐心.根据语境可知C项正确.
47 D.考查动词.A.bring 带来;B.think想;C.treat 对待;D.get 使获得,变成.句意:不要误解"我".get sb wrong"误会,误解,曲解(某人的意思)".故选D.
48 C.考查名词.A way"方式,方法";B chance"机会";C act"行为";D form"形式".句意:解雇某人的行为无乐趣可言.故选C.
49 D.考查名词.A.decision决定;B.failure失败;C.fortune运气;D.fault错误.根据破折号后的内容可知,有许多坏老板,故此处表示被解雇并非都是员工的错误.故选D.
50 A.考查动词.A.fit适合;B.believe相信;C.choose选择;D.understand理解.句意:而且并非所有的员工都适合你的公司.根据语境可知,选A项fit"适合".故选A.
51 C.考查形容词.A.funny有趣的;B.busy忙碌的;C.happy快乐地的;D.large大的.此处对应首段中的"happy","我"没有博士学位,没有工商管理学硕士学位,甚至也没有经济学学位."我"有的是一个幸福的公司.故选C.
52 D.考查介词.A.with和…一起;B.beyond超越;C.into 进入;D.about关于句意:现在"我"知道一些人争辩说公司是为了挣钱,并非每个人都得幸福.about"关于".故选D.
53 C.考查动词.A.leave离开;B.join加入;C.own拥有;D.share分享.句意:当你拥有一个公司,你有权力和你选择的人在一起.根据语境可知,选C项own"拥有".
55 D.考查动词.A.relax放松;B.help帮助;C.amaze使吃惊;D.surround围绕.句意:句意:当你拥有一个公司,你有权力和你选择的人在一起.surround yourself with sb是固定短语,表示"和某人在一起",故选D项.
55 B.考查连词.A.until直到…;B.because因为;C.after在…之后;D.that 那.句意:今天"我"过得愉快.不是因为"我"得到了一个大的订单或者很好的财政报告.此处用because来引导句子.故选B.
56 D.考查形容词.A.physical身体的;B.medical医疗的;C.political政治的;D.financial财政的.此处和空格前的a big order并列,结合所给选项可知应选D项.
57 A.考查副词.A.Besides而且;B.However然而;C.Otherwise否则;D.Therefore因此.句意:他们(员工们)关心(公司).他们尽心尽力.除此之外,他们理解整个顾客-员工-公司的三角关系.besides"除此之外,而且".故选A.
58 A.考查动词.A.support支持;B.fight竞争;C.hold抓住;D.hurt伤害.句意:顾客-员工-公司这个三角关系中每个方面都互相支持.故选A.
59 B.考查形容词.A.busier更忙碌的;B.easier更容易的;C.safer 更安全的;D.higher更高的.句意:当你拥有了合适的员工,生意变得更加容易.故选B.
60 A.考查固定搭配.A.made使…;B.forgotten 忘记;C.got得到;D.put放.句意:"我"知道因为"我"已经做到了.make it"获得成功".故选A.

点评 解答此类题目,首先需要通读全文,掌握文章大意;其次分析每一个空格前后的语意和语境,进而根据相关语法选择正确的答案.

2.How we feel about ourselves can influence how we live our lives,(61)FThey're more likely to ask for help and support from friends and family when they need it.People who believe they can accomplish(完成,实现)goals and solve problems are likely to do well in school.Having good self-esteem allows you to accept yourself and live life to the fullest.
If you want to improve your self-esteem,here are some steps:
•View mistakes as learning opportunities.Accept that you will make mistakes because everyone does.Mistakes are part of learning.
•Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.If you're used to focusing on your shortcomings,start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that outweigh(超过)them.(63)G
•Try new things.Experiment with different activities that will help you get in touch with your talents.Then take pride in new skills you develop.
•(64)EIf you realize that you're unhappy with something about yourself that you can change,then start today.If it's something you can't change (like your height),then start to work toward loving yourself the way you are.
•Take pride in your opinions and ideas.Don't be afraid to voice them.
•(65)ATutor a classmate who's having trouble,help clear up your neighborhood,or volunteer your time in some other way.Feeling like you're making a difference and that your help is valued can do wonders to improve self-esteem.
•Self-esteem plays a role in almost everything you do.It takes some work to develop good self-esteem,but once you do it's a skill you'll have for life.

A.Make a contribution.
B.Why is self-esteem important?
C.How can you increase your self-esteem?
D.Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection.
E.Recognize what you can change and what you can't
F.People with good self-esteem have better relationships.
G.Each day,write down three things about yourself that make you happy.
19.Marvin,a friend of mine,was the kind of guy who was always happy and had something positive to say.Being a natural motivator,Marvin was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation whenever he or she was having a bad day.
Several months ago in his restaurant,Margin was held up at gunpoint by four armed robbers.They panicked and shot him.Luckily,Marvin was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local hospital.After 18hours of operation and weeks of intensive care,Marvin was recovered with pieces of the bullets(子弹)still in his body.
It is really a miracle(奇迹)for Marvin's surviving the robbery.When I met Marvin after the terrifying accident,I did ask him what had gone through this mind as the robbery took place.Marvin replied,"as I lay on the floor,I remembered that I had two choices:I could choose to live,or I could choose to die.I declined to choose to die."Marvin continued,"The nurses kept telling me I was going to be fine.But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and from the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses I read,‘He's a dead man.'I knew I needed to take action.""What did you do?"I asked."Well,there was a big nurse shouting questions at me,"said Marvin."She asked if I was allergic to anything.‘Yes'I replied.The doctors and nurse stopped working as they waited for my reply.I took a deep breath and yelled,‘Bullets'.Over their laughter I told them,‘I am choosing to live.Operate on me as if I am alive,not dead.'"
"Each time something bad happens,I can choose to be a victim or to learn from it.I choose to learn from it.Every time someone comes to me complaining,I can choose to accept their complaining or to point out the positive side of life.I choose the positive side of life."Marvin concluded.

21.What happened to Martin several months ago?D
A.He was attacked by terrorists
B.He got shots in a gun battle
C.He met with a car accident
D.He was badly wounded by robbers
22.Why did Marvin think he needed to take action in hospital?C
A.He couldn't bear the rudeness of a big nurse
B.The medical staff was not skilled enough to save him
C.He had to encourage the doctors and nurses for the operation
D.He was in danger and had to follow the nurses'instructions
23.Which of the following would best describe Marvin according to the text?A
A.Humorous and optimistic             B.Unique and unselfish
C.Positive and cautious                 D.Outstanding and ambitious
24.We can infer from the text thatD.
A.the doctors were sure about the operation on Marvin
B.Marvin's survival depends on luck
C.choices mean success
D.attitude is vital in life.
6.When I saw my 10-year-old avoiding the dirty plate in the sink or my 8-year-old feeling uncomfortable about the wet sand in her hands,I'm reminded of a time when I was unwilling to get my hands a little dirty.
    My parents owned a 500-acre farm in Montana to raise animals,such as cows,sheep,horses and so on.It was during the time of new life (a newborn lamb or a calf) that my favorite childhood memory took place.One exceptionally cold day,I was checking on the sheep with my mother when she spied a ewe (母羊) in trouble.The poor thing was trying to deliver her baby lamb and needed our help.My mother calmly held the ewe's head and instructed me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出)legs.
    I hesitated,and must have had quite a look of panic on my young face.The slimy little things were definitely not something I wanted to touch.But I worked up my courage and wrapped my fingers around them.I can still recall the feel of unexpectedly weak legs and their sharp little hooves as if it happened yesterday.
    My heart pounded in fear and excitement as I pulled with all my strength.The lamb was delivered safely,and I'd never seen anything so beautiful.
    I was no stranger to seeing farm animals being born,but to have a hand in it was something I treasured then and will treasure forever.I remember feeling excited with delight to see"my lamb"being licked clean by her mother,and I'm sure everyone got very tired of hearing me tell and retell my heroic story.Looking back,I'm so glad that I didn't refuse to get my hands dirty.If I had,the wonderful moment and the precious memory would have been lost.

24.What impressed the writer most during her childhood?C
A.Her dirty little hands.
B.Her parents'large farm.
C.Helping deliver a baby lamb.
D.Raising animals on the farm.
25.How did the author feel when she was asked to help a ewe deliver her baby?B
A.Some sympathy.
B.Rather frightened.
C.Quite astonished.
D.Highly delighted.
26.What point does the author try to make in the last paragraph?D
A.It is not unusual to see a new life coming into the world.
B.It is not easy to make up and tell a heroic story in daily life.
C.Memories formed during childhood are worth valuing all life long.
D.You need to get your hands dirty to experience something precious.
27.What could be the best title for the passage?A
A.A Valuable Life Lesson           
B.A Tidy and Clean Child
C.A Ewe Delivering her Baby        
D.A Beautiful Newborn Lamb.
If you want to beat the heat,fo11ow these tips to keep your house coo1in summer.
Create cool shade.
Plant trees and large bushes in front of windows to block out the sun.You can find large potted plants at your 1oca1home improvement store.(36)D Fruit trees often have the greatest branches and largest leaves.
Choose suitable fans.
Room fans can be great choices.However,the really effective fans often sound like jet engines.(37)CBecause they make it impossible to carry on conversation or enjoy any television or music.Ceiling(天花板)fans and floor fans are great additions to rooms that suffer from heat.
Limit the use of the stove(炉子).
If you have a gas stove,be carefu1.Make sure that it is set correctly.(38)FAlso,be sure to limit your use of the oven(烤箱).It tends to produce a1ot of heat and wi11quickly turn your kitchen into a furnace(熔炉).
Don?t 1ook down upon the power of a cold shower.If you?ve been running around all day and want to fee1refreshed,try a shower and cool yourself down.
Use air conditioners wisely.
(40)GJust don?t let yourself become dependent on it!Try monitoring your use to a certain part of the day,and never drop the temperature too 1ow.Remember that you?11pay the bi11at the end of the month.

A.Take cold showers in summer.
B.As a result,they make people upset.
C.Avoid industria1fans in common areas.
D.Choose plants that will grow as wide as they grow tall.
E.You?d better not use air conditioners in summer as well.
F.As too much power could lead to too much heat in your house.
G.Your air conditioning system will be your best friend during summer.

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