
19.As a stopping point on the famous Silk Road,Loulan is believed         by sandstorms from AD 200to AD 400.(  )
A.to be gradually covered over
B.to gradually cover over
C.to have been gradually covered over
D.to gradually have covered over

分析 考查不定式,句意:作为著名的丝绸之路的一个停靠点,楼兰被认为已经被沙尘暴从公元200年到公元400年逐渐覆盖.

解答 答案:C,不定式的动作cover在句子谓语动词的be believed之前发生,这时不定式常用完成时态to have done,句子主语LouLan和cover之间是被动关系,所以用被动,所以选 C.

点评 不定式不只是to do,还有时态和语态.

4.Mrs.Strickland did not talk much,but she had a pleasant gift for keeping the conversation general; and when there was a pause she threw in just the right remark to set it going once more.
"Why do nice women marry dull men?"
"Because intelligent men won't marry nice women."
Mrs.Strickland had the gift of sympathy.
There was another thing I liked in Mrs.Strickland.She managed her surroundings with elegance(优雅).Her flat was always neat and cheerful with flowers.The meals in the little dining room were pleasant; the table looked nice; the food was well cooked.It was impossible not to see that Mrs.Strickland was an excellent housekeeper.And you felt sure that she was an admirable mother.There were photographs in the drawing room of her son and daughter.The son-his name was Robert-was a boy of sixteen at Rugby.He had his mother's fine eyes.He looked clean,healthy,and normal.
"I don't know that he's very clever,"she said one day,when I was looking at the photograph,"but I know he's good.He has a charming character."
The daughter was fourteen.Her hair,thick and dark like her mother's,fell over her shoulders,and she had the same kindly expression and untroubled eyes.
"They both look like you,"I said.
"Yes,I think they are more like me than their father."
"Why have you never let me meet him?"I asked.
"Would you like to?"she smiled and her smile was really very sweet.
"You know,he's not at all literary,"she said."He has no interest in literature."
"He's on the Stock Exchange(证券交易所),and he's a typical broker(经纪人).I think he'd bore you to death."
"Does he bore you?"I asked.
"You see,I happen to be his wife.I'm very fond of him."She smiled to cover her shyness,and her eyes grew tender.
"He doesn't pretend to be a talent.He doesn't even make much money on the Stock Exchange.But he's awfully good and kind."
"I think I should like him very much."
"I'll ask you to dine with us quietly some time,but mind,you come at your own risk; don't blame me if you have a very dull evening."

72.Which of the following statements is NOT true?D
A.Mrs.Strickland is a very good housekeeper.
B.Her daughter looks more like her than her husband.
C.Her son,clever or not,has a pleasant character.
D.Mrs.Strickland doesn't love her husband because of his dullness.
73.What does the sentence"I think he'd bore you to death"imply(暗示)?B
A.Mrs.Strickland doesn't think her husband is a dull man.
B.It must be boring for the guest to talk with Mr.Strickland because of different interests.
C.Mrs.Strickland fears that her husband will make the guest die.
D.The guest will finally find Mr.Strickland is a humorous host.
74.Which is the closest meaning to the underlined word"awfully"?C
75.What does the author think of Mrs.Strickland in this passage?A
A.Elegant and attractive.
B.Dull and unconfident.
C.Beautiful and unlucky.
D.Bitter and foolish.
8.9 days for only﹩839 (children:half of the price)
Price covers:international airfares,local transportation,hotel expenses,all meals,daily tours and visas for US citizens.
Our address:No.178,Zhongguancun Street,Haidian District,Beijing
Phone number:010-62123855
Day 1-3 Beijing
Our guide will pick you up at Beijing airport and take you to the hotel near Wangfujing (Address:No.72,Wangfujing Road,010-86370248).Your first stop is Tian'anmen Square.From there you will enter the Forbidden City.You will then go to the Temple of Heaven,the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs.We will arrange a delicious meal in a delicate restaurant followed by a lively acrobatic show.You will finish the 3-day tour after having a glimpse at the Bird's Nest.
Day 4-6 Xi'an
In the morning,you will take a flight to Xi'an.A visit to the great Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum will start your 3-day tour.You will visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda,the City Wall and the Great Mosque.Later in the afternoon,you will meet a local family,which will introduce you to the life of the local people.You will relax in the Red Star Hotel for 3 nights (Address:No.165,Wenyi Road,Xi'an,029-5670054).
Day 7-8 Shanghai
Our guide will pick you up at Pudong Airport and take you to the hotel for 2-night stay (Address:No.24,Nanjing Road,021-62458585).Our visit begins at the Shanghai Museum and the beautiful Yuyuan Garden.Afterwards,you will have some free time to walk along the Bund and buy souvenirs on Nanjing Road.
Day 9 Leave for Beijing
After breakfast at the hotel,you will take a taxi to the airport for Beijing flight.Our trip comes to an end at this time.

24.Which of the following is the correct route for the 3-day tour in Beijing?A
A.Tian'anmen Square-the Forbidden City-the Temple of Heaven-the Great Wall
B.the Forbidden City-the Bird's Nest-Tian'anmen Square-the Great Wall
C.Tian'anmen Square-the Temple of Heaven-the Forbidden City-the Great Wall
D.the Bird's Nest-Tian'anmen Square-the Temple of Heaven-the Great Wall
25.If Mr.Wang plans to take the trip with his wife and son,they will have to payB.
26.When you take the trip to Xi'an,you willA .
A.learn many things about the local life and local people
B.visit many surprising royal tombs,such as the Ming Tombs
C.watch lively acrobatic show after a delicious meal
D.have some free time to enjoy the beautiful Bund
27.The passage is useful inD.
A.encouraging Americans to apply for a visa      
B.offering a free ticket booking service to tourists
C.helping foreigners to really understand China    
D.attracting foreigners to go travelling in China.
20.The Winter Olympic has been hosted on three continents by eleven different countries.The Games have been held in the United States four times in France three times and in Austria,Canada,Japan,Italy,Norway,and Switzerland twice.Also,the Games have been held in Germany,Yugoslavia and Russia once.The IOC has selected Pyeongchang,South Korea,to host the 2018 Winter Olympics and Beijing,China,to host the 2022 Winter Olympics.No city in the southern hemisphere(半球)has hosted or even been an applicant to host the Winter Olympics; the major challenge preventing one hosting the games is the dependence on winter weather,and the traditional February timing of the games falls in the middle of the southern hemisphere summer.
Twelve countries----Austria,Canada,Finland,France,Great Britain,Hungary,Italy,Norway,Poland,Sweden,Switzerland and the United States----have sent athletes to every Winter Olympic Games.Six of those----Austria,Canada,Finland,Norway,Sweden and the United States---have earned medals at every Winter Olympic Games,and only one---the United States---has earned gold at each Games.Norway leads in terms of number of gold medals and overall number of medals.Germany and Japan have been banned at times from competing in the Games.
The Winter Games have had only one team boycott when Taiwan decided not to participate in the 1980Winter Olympics held in Lake Placid.Prior to the Games the IOC agreed to allow China to compete in the Olympics for the first time since 1952.Taiwan returned to Olympic competition at the 1984 Winter Games in Sarjevo(徽章)as Chinese Taipei.The agreement remains in place to this day.

27.Why hasn't the Winter Olympics ever been hosted in the southern hemisphere?D
A.Because they didn't make application
B.Because they aren't ready to host it
C.Because of the winter weather in hemisphere
D.Because of the weather and the timing of the games
28.Which of the following is Not true about America's taking part in the Winter Olympics?B
A.America has taken part in every Winter Olympics
B.America comes first in terms of number of gold medals
C.America has earned gold at each Games
D.America has earned medals at every Winter Olympic Games
29.What does the underlined word"boycott"in the last paragraph mean?B
A.participate         B.resist         C.admit      D.allow
30.Which of the following is the passage's writing style?C
A.An official report
B.An announcement
C.An introduction
D.An advertisement.

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