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How is it going? Hearing that you have trouble make small talk with strangers in China, I¡¯d like to offer you my advices.

Firstly, it is normal to feel a bit of nervous when approaching someone new. Everyone gets little shy first; after all, you don¡¯t know how the person is like. The only way was to get over being shy and approach us. Secondly, Chinese people, especially youngsters, are general friendly, kind and enthusiastic. You can talk about almost everything range from sports, film stars, hot movies to music. Thirdly, there are some sensitive topics such like age, weight and income, which should be avoided.

¡¾´ð°¸¡¿1.µÚ¶þ¾ämake ¡úmaking

2.µÚ¶þ¾äadvices ¡úadvice

3.µÚÈý¾äÈ¥µôa bit ºóµÄof

4.µÚËľäÖÐget ºó¼Óa

5.µÚÎå¾ähow ¡úwhat

6.µÚÁù¾äwas ¡úis

7.µÚÁù¾äus ¡ú them


9.µÚ°Ë¾ärange ¡úranging

10.µÚ¾Å¾älike ¡úas



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On the behalf of our group, I¡¯d like to give a brief summary of our discussion on the topic ¡°Are Recycling Textbooks a Good Suggestion?¡± As we know, when high school students graduated from school, their textbooks are throwing away, which are still in good condition. What a great waste it is!

A suggestion has been put forward we should recycle the textbooks. Some students in my group agree with this suggestion. For one thing, recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources, what are used to make textbooks. And it can also save plenty of family expenses. For another, in western countries, recycling textbook is very popular and it gives you a good example. But some have different opinions about it, for the content of the textbooks is often renewed. What¡¯s more, it is not proper to make notes in the textbooks. In my opinion, this is a wonderfully idea because this will do good to both the government and the families.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Temper tantrums(·¢Å­)range from crying to screaming£¬kicking£¬hitting£¬and breath holding.They're equally common in boys and girls and mostly happen between the ages of one to three.

¡¾1¡¿ £¬and others have them rarely.Tantrums are a normal part of child development.They are the way young children show they're upset or frustrated(¾ÚÉ¥µÄ)£®Tantrums may happen when kids are tired£¬hungry£¬or uncomfortable£»or because they can't get something(for example£¬an object or a parent) to do what they want.¡¾2¡¿.

Tantrums are common during the second year of life£¬a time when language skills are starting to develop.Because young children at this age can't yet say what they want£¬feel£¬or need£¬a frustrating experience may cause a tantrum.¡¾3¡¿.

¡¾4¡¿ ¡ªmore than they may be able to handle.This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks¡°I can do it myself¡± or¡°I want it£¬give it to me¡±£®When kids discover that they can't do it and can't have everything they want£¬they may have a tantrum.

So try to prevent tantrums from happening in the first place£¬whenever possible.Give plenty of positive attention.Get in the habit of catching your child being good.Reward your little one with praise and attention for positive behaviors.Most importantly£¬keep your cool when responding to a tantrum.Don't complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger.¡¾5¡¿.So you need to be calm£¬too.

A£®Some kids may smile all the day

B£®Some kids may have tantrums often

C£®You may wonder how long a tantrum will last

D£®As language skills improve£¬tantrums tend to decrease

E£®Kids want independence and control over their environment

F£®Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children gain over time

G£®Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down

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It is a known fact that gas and mining companies tend to encounter evident risks such as fire and chemical exposure. However, this does not mean that other industries are free of health and safety risks. Even those regarded as safe workplaces such as those in IT and education fields can threaten the health and safety of employees. For example, using a computer for more hours than normal can cause muscle problems, spinal cord £¨¼¹Ë裩issues, and tiredness. On the other hand, the employees in the business sector can face tremendous stress ¡ª¡ªthe modem main cause of several physical and psychological disorders. These facts prove that health and safety dangers exist in any industry. Therefore, it is vital to train the employees in occupational health and safety.

One such course that is designed for the workers of all industries is the NEBOSH IGC in Rawalpindi, Islamabad. Designed by the NEBOSH or National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health, the course has become the UK's criterion for health and safety measures. It is suitable for all professionals who need a fundamental understanding of safety and health concerns. A professional can choose to take this course either via an instructor-led classroom or via online e-Learning modules.

Classroom training is best fbr those who prefer face-to-face interaction fbr learning as well as for getting instant feedback from the instructors. These are the people who learn more effectively in the presence of a teacher.

However, most professionals are choosing the online e-Learning course for gaining the NEBOSH IGC in Islamabad, as it has proved more effective and convenient The biggest benefit of online learning is that it is the most flexible way to learn at any time and from anywhere, something that today's busy professionals can do despite their busy schedules.

Another benefit is that the online course is backed by 24/7 support. This helps you to get the desired assistance as well as feedback from online instructors even late at night or early in the morning. Further, because you can access the modules anytime through the Internet, the training happens at your own pace, which is required for effective learning. If you decide to take advantage of the training online, you can expect to invest around 75-80 hours in learning. There is truly no need to join a class or any institution for taking NEBOSH training courses in Rawalpindi, Islamabad. The online NEBOSH courses help you save time and energy while effectively learning the work-related health and safety basics.



Almost all industries, gas and mining companies in ¡¾1¡¿ , are

subject to health and safety risks. Therefore, it is a(n) ¡¾2¡¿ to get

employees ¡¾3¡¿ in occupational health and safety.

Typical examples

¡ï¡¾4¡¿ to computers for long hours may lead people to suffer from muscle problems and tiredness.

¡ïThose in the business sector feel under great pressure, ¡¾5¡¿ to disorders in their physical and psychological health.

Characteristics of the NEBOSH IGC

The NEBOSH IGC has become a method of ¡¾6¡¿ the health and

safety measures in the UK and suitable for all professionals in need of a basic understanding of safety and health concerns.

¡¾7¡¿ to studying the NEBOSH IGC

¡ïClassroom learning is a perfect choice for learners who like to interact face to face with their instructors and get immediate feedbacks.

¡ï A(n) ¡¾8¡¿ of professionals have a preference for the online e-Learning course thanks to its ¡¾9¡¿ which allows them to learn anytime and anywhere at their own speed!

¡ï The online NEBOSH courses help them learn the work-related health and safely basics ¡¾10¡¿ and effectively.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
